
Can Marriage really be Perfect

Wiap_Limas · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 Understanding

"When will you allow me to see her," Krystal pressured Yo-han on meeting Hye-jin.

"In due time."

He still wasn't sure about it. Why was Krystal so understanding, even with that maid too? Although he noticed her examine everything, to make sure Aunt didn't steal anything. So that means Krystal is cautious. Wouldn't that mean she might do the same to Hye-jin too?

So much mystery surrounding Krystal. However his heart battled his mind. Aren't you lucky you met someone like her. Many of your ex-wife s didn't take lightly to this matter. She at least wants to help even if you don't know why. Sometimes isn't it just enough to be nice? Being understanding is good.

Faced with the dilemma, he allowed the meeting to happen. Not on the right day though.

In came Krystal but accompanied by Mr and Mrs Cha. He fussed and fidgeted, managing to hide her in time.

"So I noticed you have two names, Mrs Lee and Mrs Cha." said Krystal.

"I use Mrs Lee when I am with my clients, to avoid inconvenience. It's like a writer and his pen name."

"Ah, like a work name since you are a lawyer."

"Yes. Mrs Cha is a family woman. It makes me more united with my husband. I like it."

"That's great." shouted Yo-han as if he knew what they were talking about.

"Why are you so loud?" asked Mr Cha.

"I am happy to see you," rushing over to hug the pair of parents tightly.

"While you three get along, I'm going to put my stuff away."

Going towards the corridor to her room, Krystal stopped abruptly. Behind the couch knelt a woman, wearing an insanely tight dress, long yellow nails and red hair.

Wrathful eyes flashed at Yo-han who signalled not to say anything.

"Tch, I'm speechless," putting her hands on her waist.

"What," asked Mrs Cha.

Showing a rough smile Krystal said nothing.

The four had to endure three hours of dinner in which two of them were very uncomfortable. Krystal was partly delighted, though. The lady spent 3 hours behind the couch, she must be sore, excellent.

Yo-han knew Krystal misunderstood, judging by how she prolonged the conversations, so he adjourned dinner.

"Hey come out." beckoning to the woman. The woman rose in agony.

"Hi." she said solemnly.

"And you! ... What's up with this?"

"That's Hye-jin," Yo-han answered quickly.

"I'm sorry. If I had known Yo-han would bring me here, I'd have dressed decently. I did this because I lost a bet."

That's one way to punish someone, thought Krystal, looking at her heavy makeup, black pantyhose and high heels.

"May I freshen up?"

"Sure." After Hye-jin went, Krystal continued to talk to Yo-han, "Wow, you sure can pick a woman."

"Ha Ha very funny. I've never seen her dressed like that. She could pass for a zombie or heavy metal rockstar."

"So you know."

*. *. *.

"You look better now." In fact, beauty radiated from Hye-jin when she'd cleaned up and wore different clothes."

"Well, actually..."

"Forget that. What are you going to do about you and Yo-han?" asked Krystal.

"I wanted to meet you because of that. Do you think you can help or do something? Like talk to his parents maybe?" sounding really desperate.

"And say what? Yo, in-laws, this is Hye-jin, Yo-han's childhood girlfriend? It's not like we can all go together either. Listen, calm down. Yo-han cares a lot about you. He often speaks about you and wants to protect you all the time. Don't rush into anything. He said he'd handle it."

Hye-jin faced a new situation. Mostly when his wife finds out, they can't wait to tell his parents so that they end up blackmailing Yo-han.

"I wanted to see you because you have to find a way of meeting Yo-han without keeping him away."


"As you experienced, his parents are busybodies coming here frequently. Lately he either leaves too early or comes back really late. If it keeps up, you guys will get caught and honestly Yo-han's reputation can't take anymore. Your secret affair will come out one of these days but not now. I'm not trying to deprive you of your quality time with him, just try to do it in a less suspicious way is all I'm asking."

"Oh, ok I didn't realise that it was so obvious."

"Very! So just like you don't want trouble I don't want him to get in trouble either."


"I hope you haven't gotten the wrong idea. I'm not saying don't meet him at all I'm just saying do it subtly. If you want sometimes you can come here, but don't pick days like today,"

"Of course not, I don't think I liked kneeling down," rubbing her knees.

Hye-jin was becoming like Yo-han. So many questions in her mind, it doesn't make sense. What's Krystal's true intention?

In the end the situation was getting resolved. Yo-han came home frequently, it wasn't suspicious but he still kept in touch with Hye-jin.

*. *. *.

Going to town one day, Krystal almost hit someone with her car but stepped on the brakes in time. Sticking her head out of the window to insult, she saw who it was and went pale. She went home with her visitor and had mixed feelings about him, quite ecstatic yet deeply worried.

It was her brother Kenneth Wong which she had last seen 4 years back.

Offering him something to drink and sitting on the couch, she sadly asked him, "How have you been doing?"

"Me? Fine so far, you know where I have been. Last year I was deported to Korea so I've been looking for you, but couldn't find you. It's just a stroke of luck that you almost hit me."

Tears rolled down Krystal's cheek. The two picked up where they left like magic until finally someone interrupted.

"It might be my husband. I'll introduce you to him."

Mistaken though, it was her husband yes, but accompanied by Miss Wong her mum.

Now Krystal's turn to go into a stage of panic, she hid him behind the couch as well. It didn't take time before Yo-han found out and wondered what was going on but first had to play pretend just like last time.

"So mum the other day I saw Kenneth..."

Before Krystal could even finish, Miss Wong lashed out, "Don't you dare ever mention his name again."

"But he's my brother..."

"He may be your brother but I do not have a son."

"But you don't know the full story..."

"I don't want to know the full story. Don't be in touch with him."

"Krystal has a brother," Yo-han wanted to get in the conversation.

"She doesn't and don't ask about him ever. I hate him... Well I have to leave."

After Miss Wong left, from behind the couch rose a crying Kenneth. He didn't say anything but went straight to the bathroom.

Krystal tried to lighten the mood, "This couch has to be given an award, it works hard for us."

Yo-han put two and two together. She must have been faced with the same dilemma, on the one hand it's her mother on the other, her brother and that is why it was quite easy for her to understand the situation between Hye-jin and him. Why does she always do this, make me doubt her but it turns out differently?

"So that's Kenneth. What happened behind him and mum?"

"It's fine, you don't want to know."

"No no no, I actually do want to know. I'm curious. Besides it is my turn to start understanding you."