
Can Marriage really be Perfect

Wiap_Limas · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 Full house

For a while, she got lost in his sincerity. Almost all the time, people are expecting things from her, but now someone actually paid attention to her. Krystal wanted to tell him so he could say everything will be alright, and hug her. Perfect. She stared at Yo-han fondly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come." said Kenneth.

"No, no, it's just a wrong day, we seem to be picking days like this," soothed Krystal.

"What happened?" asked Yo-han.

"I'll tell you in due time." answered Krystal.


Krystal decided not to tell him after all.

Even though, Yo-han didn't know the full story about Kenneth, he was still welcomed in the house. The same goes for Hye-jin.

Since everyone had mutual understanding, the four became quite close. The five, including the maid. An odd assortment of people yet somehow all came together, especially for game nights on Friday. It was weird yet comforting.

"Do you know anything about Kenneth," asked Hye-jin while Krystal, Kenneth and Aunt cleaned up in the kitchen.

"No, she refuses to say anything," replied Yo-han.

"Try to find out. She could be someone used to giving but not asking. We must help."

"You have a point. I'll see what I can find."

After much deliberation, his only solution was to search Krystal's room without her noticing. He might find answers then. So after everyone left, he checked in with Krystal.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just taking a shower. Tonight had me wiped." showing him the towel and brush.


"That I'm tired."

"No, of something else. Have a good shower." he said as he left quickly.

As soon as Yo-han heard the shower go on, he locked her in there, then went straight to her room.

For someone who worked with a tonne of colours at work, she loved only one for her room, purple. Purple lamps, bed sheets, purple head boards, purple carpet and lilac walls. Come to think of it, it was the first time in her room. It wasn't like that before, so Yo-han had no idea when she transformed it.

Opening shelves and looking under the bed, looking under the carpets but finding nothing. He couldn't even find anything on her computer. Sticking out from under her pillow on her bed was a piece of paper. Yo-han jumped on the bed as if his. Disappointed, the paper was only a list of inventory for her company.

Meanwhile he sank into Krystal's bed.

He realised he lay on a water bed, and couldn't get off. His squirming and trying to get up was not doing him any favours, he rather sank further in. To make matters worse, no-one would help him, especially after locking Krystal in the bathroom.

The next morning, someone roughly woke Yo-han up.

"What is it?" he asked sleepily, before remembering where he was. Standing above his head was Krystal and Aunt.


"Why do you do the things you do?" spoke a perplexed Krystal.

"What?" pretending not to know.

"Locking me in the bathroom, sleeping on my bed, what is going on?"


"Do you know how what I went through? I slept on the toilet. Only when aunt came to clean did she open for me. WHY?"

"I got stuck on the bed and..."

"What were you doing here in the first place?"

"I was searching for something that went missing in my room and thought maybe it was here."

"If you don't tell me the truth, we will leave you here."

The idea of being left on this bed scared him so he spoke.

"I wanted to find out anything on Kenneth, so I could help, since you won't speak."

Krystal had no clue what to say. She helped him up, struck once again by how genuine he was.

"Just don't do this. I'll tell you, really, but be patient."

"Right." scratching his head in embarrassment.

The next Friday, Hye-jin asked Yo-han what he had found out,

"Nothing. She asked to be patient."

"Come on, I'll just do it myself."

"Hold on. You sound like you'll tie her her up and interrogate her till you get answers. I think we should just respect her wishes, besides..."

He didn't have time to say anymore. As usual interruptions come only from Mr and Mrs Cha.

"This is getting old."

"Yeah," agreed Krystal, "maybe we should move to a new place altogether."

"Yes maybe, in the meantime, you two have to hide."

"We have to do something about your parents." spoke Krystal, hours after they left.

"Exactly, you guys can't keep scrambling up and down when they come."

"What can we do? Maybe we should stop coming here." suggested Kenneth.

"No, where will you be?" asked Hye-jin.

"The solution is simple, we all live together." said Krystal.

"Huh!" All said simultaneously.

"Yes. This apartment has six rooms, and we live in only two, what are the others lying down for? Better to have people in them. It's going to be a full house."