
Can Marriage really be Perfect

Wiap_Limas · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 Secrets

Since their agreement, Krystal and Yo-han's relationship had improved a lot. They became fast friends, good friends. Although these days Yo-han seemed worried and was becoming quite rare, one could hardly see him at home. Yo-han talked less as well. Of course, Krystal didn't like that, sure, they were not in love but it wasn't an open marriage either.

She wanted to ask him over dinner.



"We need a maid or something. This house is filthy. We are not always in the apartment so... How did you manage as a bachelor?"

"I didn't. Mom may be a lawyer but she usually comes over. Now we have locked her out."


Yo-han became silent again, making Krystal give up on being subtle.

"What has been happening to you?"


"Yes, you! Is there anyone else here?"


"Are you cheating on me?"

"Huh! Ah... no! Well yes in a way, no, no, yes, aish!!"

"Which is it?" asked a confused Krystal.

"Yes and no. No because it's not the way you're thinking and yes because..." he hesitated before speaking, "she's a childhood friend that I started dating awhile back."

"Oh." she said, then continued to eat.

A surprised Yo-han looked back at her,

"Oh, that's it."

"Yes, oh."

Yo-han thought she'd have pummeled him, it wouldn't be so easy to tell her. In fact he had sleepless nights worrying over the issue as she is very temperamental. Maybe she was pretending to be fine.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"I don't understand you"

"If you say it is a person whom you have dated and was a childhood friend to you, then I know letting go of that person is difficult. I just hope you're not lying but I don't think you are, it's ok."

She's being too understanding, thought Yo-han. Maybe there was something more to it, he wasn't sure.

"Oh my gosh, I just realized something! Is this the reason why you were divorcing all your wives?"

"Are you crazy? No. We had different issues. If that were the case, you are the best wife so far. Divorcing you won't be so simple. What do I have to do to get rid of you?" joked Yo-han.

"Seriously?'' she spoke laughing, "but you can't keep running off to go meet her, not while your parents are becoming private investigators, wanting to know every single detail about our lives, you'll get caught."

"Just give me time to sort it out."

"What is the story behind you and her?"

"A lot of things happened. Circumstances always separated us. She has a lot of secrets, in fact I'm the only one who knows about her life. You know how our country is, the rich only look at the background before anything else. Every time I wanted to marry her something always comes up. This time because she wanted to be worthy of my parents, she went to get masters degree in neuroscience, in Japan but when she came back, I had married you."

That explains why he was so unhappy about this whole thing in the first place, Krystal thought to herself.

"Her name is Hye-jin and I'm always trying to protect her from this cruel world."

"Ok, let me see her sometime."

"You want to see her,"

"Yes, is that a problem, is she the jealous type?"

"But, wouldn't it be awkward?"

"She's your girlfriend and I'm your friend what's the problem?"

"You're also my wife!" Yo-han pointed out.

"It's up to us to decide how awkward it would be."

Why was Krystal being so nice?

"Are you not going to work?"

"No, I'm going to interview people for the position of the maid, I send out flyers and many have answered."

"So why did you ask me last night if you have done the work yourself?"

"I needed a way to start the conversation."

"Ok, have fun."

But the day was not fun.

"So you have worked for 5 years prior." Krystal asked a 30 year old woman whom she interviewed.

"Yes and I'm also very good at taking care of children too."

"That's good. I'll call you later to see if you have qualified, in the meantime the interview is over. Thank you"

"Thank you." she then went out.

Krystal noticed she had forgotten her keys, so chased her, but instead ended up overhearing her conversation on the phone.

"That Krystal is not even beautiful. You just wait and see what is going to happen, I'm sure there's no one with the experience that I have. I'll make sure that I get the job and then I'll seduce Yo-han, that guy is so hot, he doesn't need such a girl, afterwards everything will be mine and that Krystal will be kicked out to the curb."

Once she was done, she turned around to see Krystal leaning on the door frame with her arms folded. The woman gave a 'you heard that' kind of smile.

"Yeah, here are your keys, NEXT!"

Another lady was being interviewed and she asked for a glass of water. Krystal went to fetch the glass of water and came back to her, only to find several items missing from their places. This one turned out to be a thief.

"Put whatever you took from this house and get out."

"I don't understand."

"Should I call the police then?" threatened Krystal.

The lady emptied her purse.

It continued for the rest of the day until Yo-han came back. However it seems Yo-han brought a bit of luck because the last lady was the only sincere person.

"May I call you aunt, you are 50 years old."


"So why don't you have the qualification papers?"

"Because I defended someone and got sent to jail, most of my qualifications became useless because of being a criminal therefore this is the only job that I wanted to do."

For a while Krystal was lost in her thoughts because she had a similar experience.

"You can start tomorrow."

The woman was overjoyed and couldn't stop thanking her.

Krystal only hoped that she was telling the truth, that's all.

"May I ask whom you were defending when you got sent to jail?"

"It's personal, a secret"

"No problem then, see you tomorrow."

"Still interviewing people I see." spoke Yo-han.

"Don't get me started. I'm never going to hand out flyers again. The ladies were either interested in the house or in you"

"Well we had record spending on our wedding."

"It doesn't mean that they have to talk about stealing you in front of me."

"They did what?"

"You don't want to know."

Be it Yo-han or the maids, everyone seemed to have a secret or different intentions. Well Krystal too, had secrets.