
Can Marriage really be Perfect

Wiap_Limas · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 Agreement

The first couple bonding activity was to go rock climbing. Here Yo-han was out of his element. He struggled to reach the top which Krystal had already finished.

Dr Go looked like he had conquered the world, standing at the very top.

"Keep up, Yo-han."

"Urgh!" complained Yo-han.

"Kids have birthday parties here."

The next activity was swimming. They joined other couples to form the relay race, but lack of practice showed when they came in last. Dr Go and his counterpart won first place and were being handed coupons of some sort.

Bicycle riding, the final activity, turned the tables around. Yo-han featured as a pro and Krystal, an amateur, who couldn't sit and ride without falling over. Dr Go took pictures all the way.

"Keep up, Krystal. Uh oh..... Look out!"

She crashed into a street light and fell into mud, like a 3 year old. She began sobbing.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're crying like that over mud."

"YES I AM!" she shouted, "We wouldn't be in this mess if not for you. If you had been better, you're parents wouldn't have married me to you to help."

"Excuse me! I never wanted any of this"

"Exactly! We both hated it so at least meet me half way. How could you ask for divorce like that?"

"Huh! You're still not over that."

"OF COURSE NOT!" she continued to cry, "because I'm not old enough. Being a success and running a company is very different from marriage. I'm barely an adult. I don't want to grow but I'm being forced to. I don't want my youth taken away from me just yet. I'm only 20"

She cried some more, then woke up and left. Yo-han couldn't talk.

"At least she expressed herself." Go spoke instead.

"Shut up!"

At home, Krystal came out from the shower.

"Four showers in a day, at this rate the water bill will explode."

Now she is a little jovial, good. Yo-han thought to himself. The mini meltdown was gone now.

"Tomorrow we'll work more on understanding each other."

"Tomorrow," spoke a skeptical Yo-han.

"Sorry, hello." he answered his ringing phone. "Aw... I miss you too. Ok I'll be there now."

"Who did you talk to so fondly like that?"

"My girlfriend. Well, see you tomorrow." out the front door Mr Go went.

Utterly shocked, that was the last straw; the guy was not even married.

"Is it just me or was 'couple bonding' an excuse to do some 'his' favourite activities?" Yo-han asked, "All that yoga and cycle riding."

"Now you realise that," answered Krystal, planting herself into the couch, "there was zero bonding for us, unless you count the sarcastic remarks and body pains. I'd like never to see him again."

"No problem, let's just do something that will keep him away. No more counseling for us."

"If you want to keep him away, I have an idea."

The next morning when Mr Go arrived they caught him and did some disturbing things to him.

"Are you sure it will hold him up."

"Yes. It's duck tape, it holds anything up. Either that or bubblegum."

"It's fine then."

"Mmmfff," groaned Dr Go in a muffled tone.

"You'll be fine," patting him lightly, "Let's get to work."

"By the way I changed the pin to the house."


"It's this." whispering it Krystal's ear.

"That's great, it's good"

Krystal and Yo-han left together, as if they were two old friends.

Later that day, Mr Cha and his wife came to check on their son and their daughter-in-law, but couldn't access the house, meanwhile Yo-han went to pick Krystal.

"Wow, he's handsome." an assistant to Krystal commented.

"What are you doing here?"

"What else? I am picking you up. My father called. He sounded angry. I didn't want to face him by myself."


"Don't start, I don't like to admit it. Just get in."

After getting home, Yo-han entered the pin secretly, which his father didn't take too well on.

"Do you know how long we had to wait?"

"Yes. But I gave it to you when I was a bachelor and for different reasons, not to come in when you want and let strangers in our house."

"Which strangers? I only let Dr Go here," they spoke as they all entered the hall, "Yo-han you have to tell me the pin."


"We have to allow our son and his wife to be alone," Mrs Cha tried to soothe.

"Yes, you can't come in whenever you like."

"I can if you two are going to fight until you kill each other."


"Speaking of which, where is Dr Go and what is that sound?"

Mr and Mrs Cha looked around, then raised their heads. There was Dr. Go, taped to the ceiling, next to the chandelier. His whole body in a straight line, covered in duck tape, staring down at them.

"Ah.... Oh ... my. How did you get him up there? Dr Go, are you alright?" Mrs Cha fussed, clearly shocked.

"What did you do to him! Has he been there all day?"

"He's fine. This is why we didn't tell you the pin. You would have set him free, we don't want him free," Krystal scoffed.

"Get him down NOW!"

"Well, it's one thing to get him there and another to bring him down. There's no way of doing it without hurting him, but you guys can try. Krystal, do you want water?"

"Yes." they left to the kitchen.

"I'm never coming back here again." Dr Go cried, after they managed to get him down, by calling the fire department, "I'm so hungry, they left me in here all alone, all day."

"We are sorry, to make it up, let's take your session tomorrow."

"NO!" and dashed out of the apartment.

Krystal and Yo-han gave each other high fives.

"How could you two do this?" asked Mrs Cha.

"Simple. We agreed that we won't have any sessions."

Mr Cha was impressed.

"You two 'agreed'"


"You seriously 'agreed',"


"Okay," convinced, "you were right, honey. They ought to be left alone," pulling a protesting Mrs Cha out.

"What's with him?"

"I don't know what goes on in my dad's head sometimes."

At night, Krystal played her video games. Yo-han came to drink a glass of juice.

"Why are you still wearing that?" it was the t-shirt with her face on it.

"Because it is one shirt, I am not afraid of dirtying up."

"Since it has my face?"


What Yo-han felt and what he said were two different things. He should've known that Krystal is still young and didn't like the marriage any more than he did but he was being selfish and vain, only thinking of himself. Apologising would sort of, hurt his pride, so he wore the shirt instead. No matter how embarrassing it was.