
Can Marriage really be Perfect

Wiap_Limas · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 Bickering

Krystal and Yo-han just didn't meet eye to eye. When Yo-han comes home he complains about her not making fresh food, always eating ramen or something store bought. At least unlike his former wives she left food for him to eat. The following morning Krystal complains about Yo-han's bathroom manners, where he leaves the towel on the floor.

Little bickering turned into huge arguments and finally sleeping in separate rooms. Their parents felt a bit bad about it, so they decided to help.

"Please the two of you, sit down." the couple was invited to Mr Cha's house.

"We realise you too are struggling, so we've invited a marriage counselor."

"Seriously. Dad you realise that the majority of your decisions turns out bad."

"Why you..." almost throwing a pen at his son, who held up his hands in defense.

"Good call. Insult the man in his own house."

"Sarcasm noted, Krystal, but I also grew up here."

"Stop. He's coming tomorrow and that's that."

"You always have the final say. No fair."

"I for one think it's okay"

"Of course you do."

Finally a day off, and a Saturday too, where they could sleep in. Trumpet sounds ruined the perfect morning. A sleepy Yo-han and an annoyed Krystal marched into the hall.

"Give me that!" Krystal snatched the trumpet while Yo-han spoke, "Who are you and how did you get in?"

"I am Dr Go. I will be your marriage counselor, Mr Cha gave me the pin to the house."

"What has it got do do with the trumpet blowing?"

"Well, that's the first lesson. Getting up early to spend time with one another. Often times we wake up and it's off to work, but now waking up an hour or two beforehand leads lets you spend some quality time."

"It's our day off." Yo-han started.

"Even better. We have the whole day together."

"We need to change the house pin." Krystal pointed out.


"Now quickly get dressed and we'll start on ways to spend time."

After the couple showered, the counselor got to work.

"Firstly let's start simple. Talking nicely to one another."

The two looked awfully at each other. Now wearing T-shirts with their faces on them, they were forced to give out compliments.

"You're very nice. I'm sorry for being mean." Yo-han started.

"Whatever. You're cool too." They didn't say anything else after.

"Okay... it's a working progress. Let's try something else. Doing activities. We start with one Yo-han likes, after Krystal then what both of you enjoy or something new altogether."

"So Yo-han what do you like to do?" inquired Krystal

"Sleep. I sleep, wake up and sleep some more, well on a day off. What about you?"

"I play video games." The room got awkward, "Would you like to try?"

*. *. *.

"Why do these zombs keep eating me?"

"Because you have the joystick upside down. And it's zombies."

"This is pointless. I'm done. Why do you enjoy this?"

"It's better then doing nothing."

"99% of people will agree with me that a day off is meant for sleeping and relaxing."

"That means 1% don't agree."

"Why you...."

"Okay enough." Mr Go intervened, " Is there anything you too enjoy together."

" As you can see we can't even talk properly so...."

"Then I have some for you. First yoga."

The three now performed the moves. Yo-han couldn't cross his legs, "They won't stay together," he complained.

Krystal and the child's pose(one of the yoga moves) did not mix. Her thighs were a bit thick but she had to put her head down. Both felt pain while doing the hand stands. Dr Go executed the poses perfectly, familiar with exercise.

"Now time for the cat cow pose."

"No more." They lay there, tired. " We want to be the ground."

"Alright. It's enough for today. Shower and we'll get out."

"Get out. For what?"

"Couple bonding."