
chapter 3 what to do?

For the rest of the day Angel was thinking about what had just happened.

And the next day wasn't much better, but since he was one class higher than her. She only saw him on a few breaks, but each time she would feel her cheeks heaten and her heart beating faster. Wondering what this unusual feeling was.

Angel and her three best friends were almost always playing table football on their breaks but so did Max and his friends.

Angel and her three besties were siting in the girls dressing room a few minutes later, but their lesson was first starting in 20 minutes.

Pling *

She looked at her phone, " oh its Maya"

'Angel can you come? I have something to tell you about Max.

After some typing Angel decided to go.

She could feel her heart beating faster and her cheeks heating.

Lena (one of the besties) had seen Angels expression turning from A to B and knew something was going on.

- What is it? she asked curiously trying to take the phone.

- Nothing, Angel answered but she couldn't trick Lena.

Lena really wanted to know what this interesting sms was about, but Angel was too shy and started running away. Lena immediately chased after her but since they were usually pretty lazy, they atoped shortly after starting the chasing.

Angel simply told her about it, and as predicted Lena started teasing her because she blushed when she talked about him. A few minutes later she went to see what wanted.

Almost as soon as Angel got inside the schools second cafeteria ( it wasn't owned by the school but they were allowed to be there on some breaks).

Maya started smiling.

- So what was it that you couldn't tell me on the phone? she started asking.

But Maya didn't really get the chance to answer before Neo came running in.

- Guess what Max just said about you. he said.

- I don't know... what did he say? she asked back in surprise.

But then Neo just turned around running in same direction he just came from.

"Am I supposed to follow or...?"

After some thinking she decided to go see what was going on. She didn't even get half ways before she saw Max'es handsome face.

Angel had tried her to not think about it but Max was incredibly handsome, tall and seemed lika a really nice, caring person.

So she just stood there looking shyly at him while he was trying to say something. Then he suddenly said embarrassed.

- I just said that I thought you were cute.

Angel could feel her heart skip a beat and how she started blushing,

no one other than her female friends and her family had ever called her cute.

- Th..thank you, Angel said embarrassed trying to hide that she was very happy.

But since she didn't know what else to say she ran back to the dressing room. Her next lesson was gymnastics after all, and she hadn't changed yet but there were plenty of time. She was just incedibly embarrassed and shy. Just the thought of what he had said made her happy.

The next lesson Angel wasn't very focused, instead she looked out the window when Maya suddenly said ;

- And who might you be thinking about?

She had noticed Angel kinda liked Max. Somehow she knew it before Angel knew it herself.

Angel immediately blushed and denied, but knew that it was true.

The to started arguing about it when Angel finished it of with a ;

- So what if I do,

After she had said it she was completely red.

Maya looked at her with a satisfied/happy look on her face.

- Oooo someone's got a crush, she started teasing.

- Ohh please, Angel smiled.

Time went by and school finally ended, Angel went home as usual but on the way home she saw someone who seemed to be looking at her from the school.

- Who in the bubblegum is that? she asked herself while continuing going home.

Though she felt a little bad about it, she didn't understand why... yet.