
chapter 2 What now?

Shorty after school had ended Angel walked slowly out of the classroom to go her stuff

- Should I just go home? she whispered to herself. Then she laughed at herself for being so serious about just meeting him.

- oh my god, she sighted

-You can wait for me outside, I will be right back. Don't go anywhere. Maya said strictly but smiling

- yea sure, Angel answered.

Slowly walking out of the building to actually wait outside.

" Am I really doing this, what should I do!? Angel thought.

Angel is the shy type of person, but also pretty brave. She loves riding carousels and climbing and skiing.

One thing nobody knew was that Angel was afraid of love, or rather being in a serious relationship with somebody.

After standing outside for what felt like years, she started moving towards her home.

When she had gone almost 1/3 of the way, she heard Maya yelling


then she saw her running towards her.

Angel quietly let out a

- ohh sh*t.

Then started running around with Maya chasing her like crazy.

Shortly after they both had to stop.

- ahh I really gotta train my stamina, Angel said while holding around her ribbs, Maya didn't waste this chance. She almost threw herself at Angel and hugged while making sure she wouldn't go anywhere.

- OK you got me, Angel laughed

Then she saw a tall boy looking right at them and beside him Leo stood. So she figured that he was the one they wanted her to meet.

After Maya finally released Angel from her iron grep she went to help Leo getting the boy over to Angel, they were pushing and dragging him.

" Are you sure he wanted to meet me? she said while considering running away.

Maya had the same thought as Angel, so she hurried to make sure she wouldn't run away.

- Dang it, Angel said smiling.

Leo and the other male were walking back and forth before Leo finally got the boy over to the girls, he looked really shy and it didn't seem like he wanted to be there at all.

Maya proudly said ;

This is Max, Max this is Angel.

- Sup, Angel said it while trying not to sound shy or weird or anything

- Hello Angel, he said back.

The 4 of them were smiling, but none of

them were saying anything so it got pretty awkward, then suddenly Max walked very fast the opposite direction away from her, so she was like " Wat!?" then she tried going home...again.

Maya let her go and Angel had just started walking homewards then suddenly the guys came back and Maya and Leo wanted the 2 of them to hug, but neither Angel or Max was brave enough to that...yet.

The couple (Leo & Maya) had decided, their best friends WAS going to hug and they hoped that they would even become a couple too.

Angel had already knew how stubborn her friend, besides she didn't think she was allowed to go home before she had give Max a hug. Therfore she nervously went up to him and hugged him the after a few seconds she hurried home. Not letting anyone to stop her this time.

While walking home her cheeks were heating up and her face was completely red.

" why did I do that!?"

" What if he doesn't like me or...."

And this continued all the way home.