
chapter 4 It was you!?

She had just arrived home when she got a text message, it was from Max.

" I waited for you after school... I wanted to give you a hug..."

"Shoot! was that him!? I thought he looked familiar" Angel thought panicked.

" Sorry I will give you a hug tomorrow, I promise."

" Gosh how can a man be so sweet? He barely even knows me yet he waits to give me a hug? she thought smiled.

" Ok" that's was all the wrote...for now.

The next day Angel went round school as usual. Angel always walks in her breaks, together with her friend *****.

But her friend arrives with the school bus so, Angel usually goes one round around the school without her.

Angel had just left her jacket and bag in her locker, and went for a walk.

Shortly after she met Max, Angel felt her cheeks getting warmer.

He looked at her and then said;

'good morning'

Shyly she said it back.

Then she awkwardly went up to him and hugged him, he hugged back.

Then she hurried to continue her walk.

" He's so cute" she thought to herself.

Maya was satisfied that she had successfully gotten her friends to be "together".

Angel and Max were only friends, for now.

Angel was happy that there actually was was a guy who liked her.

Like everyone else she has body complexes, but sometimes she felt down.. like really down.

Angel sometimes felt that she might be suffering from anxiety and stress and perhaps depression but she didn't tell her friends nor family. She knew her parents wouldn't belive that she had any of these and just shot it away with a;

' It's just puberty'

And the only friend who knew this and who she could talk to about was Maya.

But Ang knew Maya wasn't feeling a lot better than herself.