
First meeting

"I'm not sure I even know how to love...

I mean I have only ever been in one relationship and that was because my friend set it up!"

It all started last year, Angels friend had gotten herself a boyfriend and they seemed like a good match.

After they had been going out a few weeks his best friend complained that he also wanted a girlfriend while looking at the happy couple, and that's how angels friend and her boyfriend got this "amazing" idea.

- Why don't you meet my friend Angel!? she's single.

And all this happen on a short school break so when she finally got back to class she couldn't get her cheesy smile of of her face, and after a while angel finally asked

- Gurl what do u want? you have been starring like crazy!

But Maya couldn't tell her because she couldn't stop laughing. A couple of minutes later she said overjoyed

- you are meeting someone after school.

- I AM WHAT!? Angel asked loudly.

then their teacher stared at them annoyed, and they tried to keep it down.

- Maya what have you done? she asked with abit anger but also with a hint of surprise in her voice.

- Relax, you are just meeting him. she said.

- It's a dude?? Angel asked but she had already figure that out.

Maya often wanted her to get boyfriend but Angel always found a way to get out of it, to talk about something else.

But class continued and it was soon over and Angel was so nervous because she had never been in a relationship before besides she was only 13!

" What am I supposed to do now!? she thought,

" I mean I should meet up with him at least...right?

Angel was very curious of who it was but unsure of how to handle this situation.

Angel was one of the girls who likes being with the guys not thinking of their genders.

She was and still is afraid to ruin a good friendship with her male friends.

I hope you like it... this is my very first published text ever.

So please give me feedback on what you thought of it.

magarethecreators' thoughts