
CH 4


"We are here." Her mom squealed. Anny lazily looked to see that they were in the parking lot of the shopping mall.

"Mom, I don't want to do this. Please try to understand me. I don't want to marry Taehyung." She pleaded to her mom.

Her mom took her hand in hers. "Anny, you have been pleading to reject this marriage for past one month. And let me tell you, Taehyung will be a good and caring husband like your father. Trust me, I know him better than you and brothers know him." She said.

"No, you don't, I know him much better. He never showed his bitchy attitude to anyone other than me. Also he's a good actor." Anny protested.

"You have been arguing about this with your father. And I know both of you are stubborn. And you saw while you were busy arguing with him how he got a minor heart attack. He has given his word to uncle Yongoo about this marriage. Now stop making a mess here, his mom is going to be there. So be good with her." She sighed.

They entered the boutique and were greeted by the staff and his mom; Misuk. His mom saw Anny and pulled her to a warm hug.

"How have you been? It's been so long." She pulled away. " She has became more beautiful." She said to her mom.

While the elder two were busy chatting, the younger looked around to see many wedding dresses hung in the hanger.

"Y/n dear, come sit here." Aunt patted to the seats.

"Yes aunt." She replied.

"So tell me, are you excited to choose your wedding dress?" She asked. Before answering she looked at her mom who motioned her to answer. All Anny could do was nod. "Show us all those dresses that suit her." Aunt Misuk demanded.

FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She was not eating anything with her will. Well, you can probably say that she was on hunger strike. Every one was worried sick. She locked herself in the room. All came knocking and pleading her to show up which included Taehyung too, though he knew it would make no effect on her.

At last her oldest brother Sehun, knocked down the door and found her unconscious with her mom screaming at the sight, both Luhan and Sehun worried. Doctors were brought to her house and IV was stuck in her hand which gave glucose to her body from the glucose bottle.

Since then her room didn't have door. Later she was on verbal strike which is not talking to anyone because her father insulted her lover which caused her to argue with him.

There wasn't a single day that went smoothly. When her dad would reach home and tried to explain things to her, it would end up in heated arguments. In the end Sehun had to always carry her on his shoulder to his room meanwhile Luhan and her mom would calm down dad.

This conyinued for like a week. Another day just like this, Anny was laying lazily on the sofa when her dad came home. Sehun wasn't there. Luhan was in his room doing his work meanwhile their mom was preparing dinner. Her dad entered the hall, he saw her taking a glance at the person who entered home. He came and sat on the couch opposite to her's.

"So what should I hope?" He questioned. She didn't utter a word. "Are you not going to answer me?" He sighed. Still not caring to give any response.

"Listen clearly, Taemin is dead. Dead never come alive. Even if we pray to god to return them, God won't do a favour for us. For our sake, forget Taemin and accept this marriage." He shouted.

She sat there with her mouth zipped.

"Taemin wasn't worth for you. Otherwise why would he give up when he knew you were waiting for him. He never cared about you. He was selfish. He was an arrogant bastard. He just tried to have you like other boys who played with the feelings of girls." He showered insults about him which could no longer was bore by her.

"Enough is enough dad, Oppa cared a lot about me than what Taehyung oppa does. He cared about me. It's you who doesn't care about me and force me to marry that playboy whom you refer as a good guy. Oppa wasn't selfish, if he was then he would never do things for me that he hated to do. It's you who doesn't value me and not Oppa." I snapped at the top of her voice.

Hearing the chaos her mom and Luhan came to see what was going on. As soon as she completed what she had to say, she saw a shocked face of her dad.

Suddenly he clutched his chest and made a painful face. Her mind stopped working. Luhan and her mom ran to her dad as he was about to collapse on the floor. Her mind wasn't processing. She could only see and not hear.

Luhan ran here and there while her mom crying on clutching on to her dad. Her Dad raised one of his arms to her and gestured her to come closer.

Before he could say anything the paramedics people came and took him to the hospital. Anny was dragged by her mom as Luhan took the car and drove to hospital.

They were in front of the ICU waiting for the doctor to respond on his condition. She still couldn't understand what was going around her.

Her mom shook her hard to bring her back to her senses.

"Y/n, for this long I didn't say anything but if anything happens to your father you are going to regret it soon." She said and cried on Luhan. Few minutes later, doctor came out.

"Are you Mr. Hyun's family?" He asked.

All of us stood. "Yes." Luhan said. "How is he doing doctor?" Mom asked

"Was he under any kind of tension?" He asked.

Her mom and Luhan looked at me. She had her head hung low. "Yes, he was going under some stress." Their mom answered.

"Well, it was a minor heart attack. It was caused due to high blood pressure." The doctor poured out.

All of them were shocked. Their mom started to cry on Luhan. Luhan looked at her. She cried because of the pain that she caused to her dad.

He took her to a corner. "See dear, I don't know what is the problem in your family. But I can see that you are the cause for your dad's current condition. All I want to say is that, do whatever to please your father otherwise it will lead to worse his condition." The doctor pat her shoulder and left.

She walked back to her family. Sehun came running to them. "What happened?" He asked trying to catch his breath. "Your dad got a heart attack because of their daily arguement." Mom said as she hung on Luhan.

She was sitting opposite to them with her face buried in her hands.

"Is it true?" He enquired. She nodded and began to cry. "I'm sorry oppa, but I really don't want to marry Taehyung. I'm really sorry for his condition." Sehun hugged her and caressed her hair. He knows that you weren't agreeing to this proposal that you hated it very much. He was helpless I n this situation.

Only he understood that she needed someone's hug. Only he understood that she regreted what I said and did.

Their dad climbed back healthy and she did things the way he wanted. She never protested and he was happy.

END OF FLASH BACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She snapped out as the dresses were presented to her. "This is the brand new design that we have here for today." said the attender. " It's Diamond lace halter straps shoulder wedding dress."

"What's the price of this dress?" Aunt asked.

"654,880 won ma'am." The designer said. "Show us some more." Her mom spoke to which the attender nodded. After 10 mins she came back with 2 more gowns. " This is new wedding dress cotton 3/4 sleeved slim floor length. " She gave the details. " It is 890,500 won."

I just kept gawking at the dresses shown because they were expensive. "Anny, why don't you try that one." Aunt Misuk asked as pointed out to the dress that was on the right hand of the attender.

I simply nod and go in the trial room. The attender helped me in the dress. I walked out and showed both of them. They were amazed to see me. "You look so pretty." she heard her mom say. "As expected it suits her very well." Aunt Misuk clasp her hands.

"We will take this one." Aunt Misuk said as the wedding dress attender made her walk back to trail room and to remove the dress.

The mom and daughter duo waved their goodbyes to Taehyung's mom and go back to the parking lot.

Anny got a sudden thought of this marriage. "Eomma, who made this proposal?" Her mom looked at her, "This proposal was made by uncle Yongoo."

"But why me Eomma? There are other girls in this world too." She complained. "But they wouldn't make a good wife for Taehyung." Her mom added. "What about his brother?" She asked. "Oh, Misuk told me that he was the one who made his dad suggested you."

"What?" She gasped. "Yes, and this is how your marriage is fixed with Taehyung." "Oppaaaaaaa. I can't believe that he is the one to fix this marriage. Why would he do that?" Anny whined. "Because his parent aware him that the brothers will marry on the same day. And so you were his first suggestion." Her mom smiled cheekily. "What ever it is, I know it's going to have a good ending." her mom cheered.

"But mom, why would Oppa would do that to me? I was always good to him. Right?" She questioned.

"Whatever it is I'm happy that you will be with Taehyung. It doesn't matter whether your appearance matches, it matter on heart." her mom said.

"Well, I hope that we will receive get to enjoy your fruits." her mom smiled.

"What do you mean by that?" Anny furrowed.

"Uhhh, you will understand it once you are married off."


' What is she even trying to say? She should be happy that I agreed to marry that jerk. What more is she trying to expect. ' These thoughts ran through her mind.