
CH 3

She looked at the mirror to check herself. The dress fitted her well enough. She did a light make and tried her level best to make herself look unattractive as well.

She was in as state to do anything to call off this proposal. The moment she glanced the mirror, it brought her the memory of her first date.

It was her first date and she didn't wear anything special because her lover didn't want her to catch others attention. She wore a violet coloured T shirt and a white jeans which suited her well.

She was waiting for her Majesty for 2hr for him to pick her up. And at last he arrived in a SUV model of Hyundai.

"Oh my, you look pretty." He wiggled his eyes, flirting. "Thanks." She blushed at his compliment. "So..... Before we go for the date I want you to promise me few things." She looked at his face.

"Promise me no matter what happens you won't tell any of your family members about us. If they come to know about us I don't think I'll see you again. Because you are just 16 and I'm 22. There's a 6 years difference. You are a teenager and I'm an adult. People will torment you about our relationship. So it's better you don't utter anything. I can't see you crying because of what they speak. You are my Queen." He held her hands in his with concern in his eyes.

"I promise you I won't tell this to anyone." She said and pecked his cheek. He gave her that sweet smile again for which she fell.

That was the day when he took her precious first kiss. She was intruded by the knocks on my door. "Are you done Y/n?" Sehun asked from the other side of the door. "I don't want to see that person. Leave me alone Sehun." She whined.

"Hey, open the door." "No, I won't." She stood there stubborn.

"You sure? If so. Then I'm going to knock down the door. I won't a give care of it's repair." He replied.

'Godddd! This person can be annoying sometimes.'

At last she was forced to open the door. "Good girl." He kissed her forehead. "Now, let's go. They are here. And all you have to do is just sit like a statue. And your so called fiancée guy won't have any interest in you." He said while dragging her downstairs.

She heard new voices, but familiar ones. One the way she prayed last time to God, 'Oh God please make that person reject me.'

The siblings reached the entrance.She was pretty shocked to see the person who was talking with dad.

"It's Mr. Kim Yongoo Right?" She asked Luhan who was standing next to her while she gaped at her father's friend.

Her dad works for Mr. Kim. They were childhood friends. Both Kim family are close. Her dad saw uncle Yongoo as his close brother.

"Yup it is." He assured her. Suddenly Mr. Kim took a glance at her. "Hello Anny. How are you? It has been so long. You have grown into a pretty woman." He spoke as he hugged her. She hugged him back.

"I'm fine uncle Yongoo." She said as they parted. He smiled widely. "I remember those days, when you used to run and hug me with those jolly eyes of yours." He became nostalgic.

She smiled at him. He patted her hair. "Come on Yongoo. Let's talk in the drawing room." Her father led the way to the room. "Where are others?" Mom asked as we settled on the seatings.

"Uh well, Chaeyoung left to Daegu with Dasung. Leaving Taehyung with me." He replied making himself comfortable on the sofa.

"Oh, I thought I would be able to meet all of you. I remember the last time I met with only you couple and not your sons at the party. It's been a long time since I have met them." Mom said. "What to do? My wife wanted to see her new grandson." He chuckled. "Grandson?! When did Dasung get married?." She asked.

"Oh no, I didn't mean that it's my son's kid." He refused. "It's like, her nephew's child." He replied.

"Oh god, specify things when you speak. Now you see how I mistook that Dasung was married and had a child." Her mom laughed.

The three youngster plainly sat there listening to their elders' speaking.

"Okay, so where is Taehyung?" Her dad asked putting a hand on Uncle Yongoo's shoulder. "Oh, he had something urgent to do so he left after dropping me here." He answered.

It's been long she have seen Taehyung last, around 5 years. ' He was in college final year when I left Busan for studies and after that accident. He was a flirty man at that time god knows how he is now.' She was snapped out by hearing the door bell. "I'll get it." Luhan said as he got up from the sofa.

"It must be Taehyung." Her uncle assured.

' How will he be looking now? Did he change from the previous time? How will he be now? Would he hate me for going away not letting to know? Will he scold me for not picking his Calls? Why should I be scared? Or should I be? '

Curiosity caught her best and she left room to peek on him. She heard some low voices as she neared the entrance. She saw Luhan holding two bouquets in his hand and a person removing his shoes.

"Oh Anny!" Luhan looked at me surprised. She mentally slapped her forehead for Luhan calling her out loud. The man looked up. "Oh hi, Anny." He said.

"Taehyung?" She questioned not recognising the man well. He nodded.

' Omg! He looks so different. Like a lot. '

Her mouth dropped not believing the sight. He looked really handsome. He has angular face, well built body, a piercing on his left ear, and the same sweet smile he always showered on her since she was little.

She kept gawking at him. And didn't realise that she suddenly came in contact with a hard place. She got up from the trance and felt him hugging her tightly which was a slight shock to her.

"I missed you." He whispered in her ears. She couldn't believe what she heard. It all happened rapidly that it took a while for her to process everything.

' What! Why would you miss me? We never really had the deep relations other than arguments. ' Thoughts rushed to her brain viewing his abrupt and gentle behaviour.

They parted. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. She didn't want any physical contact with him. She wanted to move out of his warmth but her body wasn't pulling away from her. She felt weak in his embrace. These feelings she missed them. But only from Taemin and not from Taehyung. His soft touches were trying to empower her lover's touches.

They seemed to forget the presence of a person in the area. All along Luhan was just looking at the duo. As it got of the hand he felt little awkward and called off the moment so the pair won't go further.

"Uhmmm, I'm still here love birds." Luhan called. "Uh, yea, sorry." Taehyung replied rubbing his nape. After a long time, Anny saw Taehyung being shy, the previous Taehyung do never be shy but a punk.

"And you are blushing." Luhan pointed out Anny. "What?! No I'm not." She scrambled for words.

' Why am I even blushing? Oh goddddd, tell me that this is one of his pranks. ' She thought to herself. "Come on, let's go." Luhan guided them.

Taehyung took her hand and pulled her with him. She wanted to resist the touch but she couldn't. She couldn't get why her body was reacting different. They came in living room.

"Hello." He greeted everyone with smile. Everyone greeted him back. Her mom stood up to kiss his cheek. He smiled at her.

"Here you go my sweet aunt." He said while handing a bouquet of red roses to her mom.

"Oh god, why did you take a trouble to buy a bouquet of red roses? Seeing you is more than enough for me." She said to him lightly slapping his arm. "You are my fourth son at least you have the care to buy bouquet but there are some people who don't even care to buy a flower for me." She pointed out Sehun and Luhan with her eyes. They made a poker face.

He turned to Anny and handed her the other bouquet which was of white roses. "This is for you my love." He said.

She felt like dumbfounded. ' 'My love' seriously. I never loved him. Why is he doing this? ' The words came as sugar from him. But Anny didn't take in them.

Right there anger boiled in her, she felt to throw the bouquet on his face. But didn't respecting his manners.

She heard her brothers and his father cooing. And her parents smiling at them as he pulled her close to his side. Her brain wasn't evaluating anything. She felt her body going numb for that moment.

' No. This can't happen right. The Taehyung whom I knew was a flirt and a playboy. Why would he be so nice to me suddenly? Like how? ' She wanted to know why he was behaving like this.

"Aunt did you prepare dinner?" Taehyung asked letting Anny go and sat next to Sehun. "Yes, I think you are hungry?" She asked. "Yes, plus I miss your flavouring." He said trying to act like a hungry little boy.

"Okay, everyone. Let's have dinner. It's dinner time." Her mom chimed

~~~~~~~~~~~~ At dinning.

They started dinner. All were involved in a conversation except Anny. She do just give same answers when something was asked. The whole time she used to get the feel of Taehyung's gaze on her. She felt uncomfortable with it. Whenever she raised hed head, she found him either acting like he is immersed in the elders' conversation, glancing her and smiling like he didn't do anything. She paced to finish her dinner, once it was done she excused her from them.

She went out to the small garden that they had. At reaching at a particular corner of the garden, there was a grave between the baby breathes. Her family had buried her pet here.

' "Okay, open your eyes when you feel something on your cheeks." Taemin demanded as he tied a blind fold around her eyes. "Please don't scare me. You know that I'm scared of darkness." She said clenching her skirt. It was silent. Taemin quitely took a puppy and actioned him to be quite. As it didnt know what it's master was showing it kept licking his master's hand. He held the puppy close to her cheeks. She felt some thing licking her cheek and whimpering. He took her hand and placed the small being on her hands which kept licking her fingers. He took off the fold. Her eyes adjusted to see the soft and fluffy thing in her hands. Mix of emotions expressed her face. Taemin couldn't stop smiling. It was a husky puppy. It had grey and black patches on it's body. "You like it?" He asked. "I love it." She squealed with happiness as she held the puppy to her chest. "Is it a boy or girl?" She questioned. "It's a boy." He replied ruffling her hair. "What are we going to name him?" She asked as she played with the puppy. "Anything you like my love." He said as he sat next to her. She giggled. "Let's name him umm... Jimmy. I like that name. And I think it suits him well." She looked at him for permission. "Your wish is my command." He gestured like a genie. '

She was in a trance as she called back the memories with her lover. Taehyung came to the garden in search of Anny. He saw her standing at the corner of the yard. He went behind her and placed his hands on her waist. He brought his lips close her neck. She felt some kisses on her neck. She enjoyed it for few seconds.

"It's enough, if anyone sees us we will get in trouble." She said as pushed him slightly. Taehyung slight had his grip on her waist. "It's not a problem anymore Y/n. You are going to be mine soon." He said he nuzzling in the crook of her neck. Anny paused. The voice. It wasn't Taemin's. She turned around only to find Taehyung. He smiled at her. She had all the bad emotions in her.

"You kissed me?" She asked doubtfully. He shyly nodded.

"Noooo! Why are you doing this? You know that I don't love you. Then why are you doing this? Why? Why? Why when I don't want to forget him." She yelled at him as her eyes teared up.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She fell on her knees and cried. She never wanted to get touched by another man. Taehyung felt guilty for what he did. He knew that Anny would never let him have her heart. It pained him. He loved her since his teenage. He showered love over her, but his returns were only hate and disgust from her. Anny looked at him with her teary eyes. He was regretting. She could see his eyes brimming too.

"Because I still love you." Were the last words that she heard from him properly before she got on her heels and ran to her room. As she ran past her family, she left all the others clueless. Her head became heavy and ached very much. The moment she stepped in her room, she slammed the door and dropped on her bed.

She cried a lot. She couldn't take the pain anymore. She just wished her boyfriend to come and win her back.

Meanwhile, in the garden, Taehyung silently teared for the disapproval from the person whom he loved the most. He wanted to take place of Taemin, but he couldn't. He wished to erase away her memories of Taemin.

He walked dully to the house. He wiped his tears before he opened the door. "Dad, I got an urgent call from the office. I have to leave." He aware his father and walked out of the house without an other word. All the members in the house were confused with the behaviour of the 2 kids.

Taehyung drove to a beach shore and got down. The shore was calming and relaxing with none interrupting his private space. He sat on the shore and rewound the incident back at the dinner. Sea waves were auto tune for his thoughts. Tears dwelt his eyes. He wipe them away as they poured. " I am sorry, Anny." he cried out. "I love you so much."

"I tried dating other girls, but none could make my heart race like you." He cried out loud. The memories of his exs' came to him, how he kissed girls, sleep with them, break their hearts and more. He regretted those since the time he felt being rejected by Anny.