
CH 5


One week had passed like an ice cube melting. The most anticipated auspicious day in the life of both the Kims family had arrived.

Anny was in the dressing room with your friends scattered around you, preparing her for the wedding. The main lead in dressing her was Yoona . Yes, the moment Anny told her about the wedding, she came to her house within the next 4 hours.

She was happy for Anny but at the same time sad. She wasn't good with Anny being forced to a marriage. She is one piece of craziness. The night before Anny's wedding she suggested her to elope. And so she prepared everything for Anny's sake. But she didn't, fearing for what her father will face if she do so.

Anny made her understand that this marriage is a fake one. Just after 11 months of marriage she would file divorce petition against him. She won't happen to keep any intimate relation. Be a couple for their parents but fighter cocks when no one's around. So that he would get tired of it and leaves her. This was planned in that wicked brain of hers.😈

Meanwhile at the Kim residence. Both the young sons of Mr.Kim were getting ready for the wedding with ecstasy. After all, their long willing dream is coming true. Both of them couldn't hold themselves from blushing or smiling when their friends passed comments on them. Basically it was the joyful day in their life.

In complete it was a exciting day for the future couple.


The grooms arrived at the venue with their family. Currently they were standing in front of the priest who was preparing things for the wedding oaths.

The brides arrived at different timings. Dasung's fiance arrived first. They were waiting in the waiting room of the church. And later Anny. They went to waiting room and Anny's future sister in law.

Anny smiled to the lady and her family. They introduced each other and lot along quickly. "Wow, you look so pretty. It was a better notion." Anny complimented Jangmi aka Anny's future sister in law. "Thanks" she mumbled out of shyness. "By the way did oppa see it?" Anny eyed her. "No" she chuckles.

"What about you? You are no less."

"Oh thanks."

"Don't give too many compliments to hers. Or else she will fly." Sehun came and spoke.

"Hey, you better watch out." Anny retorted. "What she said is true. I'm a good looking girl." She spoke boasted causing others to laugh.

"Whatever" he waved his hand. "I'll go and check the preparations." He left with that.

"Okay, listen this is your first and last time in your life. Whatever the priest says, reply with yes to him. Don't say no, I know you hate this wedding but sweety if you decline, this will hurt your father and uncle as well their reputation will get ruined in front of the mass in the church. Okay?" Anny's mom shook her shoulders.

"Yes. I get it. Anything for my dad." She heaved.

In real she didn't want to marry. She just want to stay in the dreamworld with my Taemin Oppa. She still doesn't get it where did he disappear. It was as if no person like him existed on this planet. She really misses him. If he was alive then she would have been able to marry him. But he gave that opportunity to Taehyung.

So after what her mom said to her, she could barely respones. It felt as though she under a spell. Nodding to everything that her mom told her.

Her mom turned to Jangmi, "Are you scared dear?" She asked. She glanced at her mom and nodded. "Don't worry. Just go ahead and do it well." Anny's mom smiled.

Anny was seeing all this drama that her mom was causing by telling them about her wedding while Anny whispered to Yoona. "She wasn't even scared, she's just simply making up things. She was cold to dad when they got married." Yoona's eyes popped out. "You are lying right?" She asked. "No, it's the truth." Yoona furrowed her eyes "but they look like they love each other very much?" "That is now. I'm talking about their wedding." Anny replied.

"I heard that." Her mom told her. "So won't you ask anything to me?" Anny twitched her eye.

"You are not happy with this marriage then why would I ask you whether you scare or not." She casually replied.

"Forget it. I'll make things fun for him for marrying me." Anny said giving a smirk.

"You better don't do anything like that." Her mom ordered.

"Jangmi dear, promise me that you won't let her fight with her husband." She pleaded. "I promise it aunt." Jangmi gave an assuring smile to your mom.

"Everything is ready brides." Luhan came and called you all out.

You were nervous for some reason. You and Jangmi came to church hall with their fathers walking down the aisle.