
CH 2

' There he was. My love. My soulmate. My mood maker. The person with whom I wished to spend my life. 'My boyfriend, Taemin'. He was more than anything that I could ask from God. His smile was more than enough for me to forget my problems. His eyes, they were just perfect as though he could reach my soul and feel my emotions. His touches are so soft and gentle as though I am a delicate being. His voice soothe my ears like music. His laughs were the best which delighted my heart very much.

He promised me that he will love me forever and ever. But it disappeared all of a sudden. I missed my man. So much. My chest hurts, breathes hitch and my body becomes weak when I think of him. '

She woke up crying and cried out loud. Pulling her knees together and burning her face between them. She couldn't stop thinking of him. He was just the perfect guy she had ever reached her hands for.

' Why did have a dream of him? Why? When he is gone. My world was scattered. ' The happiness in her life was replaced with cries and his memories. His memories never haunted her after she came to Seoul.

She lazily walked up to her bathroom and looked at the mirror which gave her an urge to cry more. She pulled herself off her sentimental moment and got ready to meet her family.

She started the car and drove off to her birth place. After a drive of 2 and half hour she stopped.

She stood in front of the door with her hand raised to ring the bell. She was hesitating to press it. But eventually a man opened it with a big smile on his face.

He welcomed her with his arms wide open to hug her. Sehun, her 29 year old elder brother and the only one who supports her decisions mostly.

From behind a woman notices her and hugs. She cups her daughter's face, "You are back my sweety. Oh my did u loose your weight?" She halted as she saw her daughter.

"Mom let her sit. Don't rush with your motherly instincts right now." Sehun says as he pulls her from their mom's grip. "Hey, she is my daughter. I have all the rights to do anything." She replies playfully hitting Sehun's arm.

All three of them head to the living room. Sehun pops on the sofa pulling her with him. "So my dear sis, how were your exams?" He asked while Anny straightened herself. "Yea, well they were good." She replied smiling.

"Well, I heard my dear daughter took 2nd position in top 10 students. Mom's proud of you." She pulled herself to kiss Anny's cheek. "Yes." She answered as she hugged her mom.

Before Sehun could proceed he was cut by his twin brother Luhan who entered the house.

"I'm back. Mom? Where are you?"

They hear him at entrance.

Sehun and Luhan are non-identical twins. Both of them are charming and attractive though Sehun looks like a irascible man.

Their mom went to attend him. Sehun got busy with Anny. "Is Anny here?" He asked. "Yes." Their mom answered. "Did you tell her?" He enquired. "No, I won't tell her let your dad say to her." She replied as low as her voice can be.

He came to the living where Sehun and Anny were sitting with his mom behind. "Hey sis, how you doing?" He asked while sitting next to her. "Hi, I'm doing good." She replied, "How about you?" He ruffled her hair. "I am fine." He beamed his sweet smile. "So what's the reason for you sudden visit?" He asked.

"I don't know. dad said that he has a surprise for me." She shrugged her shoulders. "Mom, I don't want her to grow older. I miss my cute old sis." He fake cried. "Aww my poor baby." Anny hugged him and caressed his chest. "She has finished her college, now she will go to work, then marriage, kids, old age and then watch her kids have a family. It is so much bad." He whined as he held hugged Anny tighter. "Well, it is obvious that we live in a mortal world. So those who are born are said to die as well." Sehun scoffed.

"Sehun, will you stop mocking your brother. He is just telling his opinion." Their mom scolded him. "Yes, after all she is going to get married soon." All three except Anny gasped at the statement. It took a while for Anny to comprehend what her brother stated.

She looked horrid at the three. She got vexed. "Now tell me the reason for this discussion on my marriage. I made it clear for everyone that I have zero intentions in getting married. Then Why?" She yelled upon them.

Their Mom was fiddling with her fingers and as for her brothers they were speechless. "Why is no one answering to me? Huh?" She questioned.

"I'll answer from their behalf." She heard a stern voice. It was her dad. While they were busy no one seemed to notice him coming from his bedroom. "Because as for me you can't stay single any longer. You had your freedom during your college period. You have reached your age to make and look after a family of your own." He replied with stress clear in his voice.

"You can't say that. This is my life I have all the rights to live with the person I want." She stood up for herself controlling her anger.

"Oh, so you are trying to say that you want to go behind a pleasure seeker." He asked sarcastically.

"Dad" She shouted as tears gathered in her eyes. "Enough of this drama Anny. Honey just tell her what she has to do today. And Anny don't make a fuss to disturb me. Also I am doing this for your good." He retorted and walked back to his room.

She fell on her knees crying. Her mom hugged her to sooth away her misery. She supported on to her mom and cried more. The twins couldn't do anything. They had no choice to raise a voice against their father. As this was something that they agreed with their father, it was the best solution for their little sister as far as they knew.

When her cries tuned to sniffles her mom guided her to her previous room. The room which she hasn't visited for 6 years. She laid on the bed as her mom walked out of the room. She stared at the ceiling and shifted to the side, a brown teddy bear caught up her attention which was on the lamp stand. It was moved from its position to her arms. "Why did you leave me?" Her voice painfully whispered. She hugged it close to her chest. "Everyone thinks you left me because you are a playboy. Did you feel that my love wasn't enough." She asked it expecting answers, staring it in her arms as she laid back again. Teddy didn't answer her question and she cried more, eventually leading her to slumber.

Meanwhile in the hall, Luhan was taunted by his mom for revealing the informal news which struck like a thunder on his sister. "Luhan, this is why I say to you think before you speak." His mom sighed with eyes closed. Sehun could only hear the taunt that his mom was giving his brother. "I am not the the only one who is at the fault. It was Sehun who mocked and prompt me to say it." Luhan blamed Sehun like a small kid. "Excuse me?" Gave him a unbelievable look. "I didn't. I was trying to stop you." Sehun crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, I never planned to say it." Luhan refused. "Yes, you did." Sehun trying to prove his innocence. "No I didn't." And so the argument continued. Suddenly they felt a hard smack on their heads. "Shut up you trouble makers." Their mom shouted. "Next time If I find you two arguing. Both of you will get strict punishments." She barked at the them as she pulled their ears. "Ahhhh~~~~Yes mom." Both whined as they tried to get their ears free.


Anny slowly opened her eyes and twinkle them to make her vision clear. She was in her old room and the happenings rush to her. She turned her head and saw Luhan caressing my hand.

"Luhan?" She sleepy voice whispered. He shot up to look at her. His eyes seemed to glow. His lips formed a U shape. "How are you feeling now?" He asked while caressing her forehead. "I'm fine." She replied.

He looked away and wiped his eyes and then looked down at their holding hands. "You are still not over him. Am I right?" He asked sadly. She nodded and tears appeared in her eyes again. "I know it's hard for you as well as for us. After all your boyfriend and I had a very good friendship. He was more like a brother to me just like Sehun. But -" She cut him off. "Please don't say anymore." Holding herself from crying further.

The door was swung by someone. Both of them turn to check who it was. "Mom" She mellowed. She came and sat next to Luhan. "I'm sorry to bother your sibling time. Anny what has happened is happened. Don't think more about it. And I hope that you are fine sweety." She said. Anny nodded. Her mother wiped the tears that trickled down her eyes.

"Luhan, can you give me some space to talk with her?" Luhan nodded and walked out closing the door behind him.

"Sweety, I know what you are going through. It's not that I am blind. Similarly I have gone through the same thing. Before I was married to your father I had a man too whom I loved immensely. But one day I came to know that he suffered from cancer which he hid from me. It was too late for me to do something. He left me. I felt as though my whole world was scattered. He left me all alone in this world. I didn't care about myself anymore." She said while looking down at their clasped hands and her mom caressing her hands.

She let out a smile with sigh. "My parents arranged me to your father who was a caring man. I didn't like the idea of living with him. No matter how hard and harsh I behave or spoke with him he would only be gentle. I couldn't bare my cold treatment to him.

I used to feel that he deserved someone better than me. But I was wrong he gave me ample time to get used to him and I did. Once when your dad came home drunk I refused to have a talk with him. But that night he told me how much he loves me and won't go behind any other women. Because I taught him how to love someone earnestly. Since then till now I love your father remembering my lover's words that I'll find someone who will be like him and treat me as a queen. And yes your father does treat me as his queen." She smiled warmly.

"Then why is dad forcing me to a marriage. Just because I'll have the same fate as yours? Why doesn't he try to get Sehun and Luhan married before me? After all they are elder to me." She sat up and asked.

"Sweety, when you were born, your dad changed. He wasn't the same husband or dad to me or your brothers. He changed because your birth made him realise what it is to be the father of a baby girl. He always saw you as a delicate member of his family. He became more protective to you than he was with Sehun and Luhan. He felt more responsible. He got an urge to make you feel comfortable and protect you from anything." She said worried.

"When you were destroyed by the incident and cried for hours. He was the one who couldn't sleep at all. He was more worried than me. His heart used to ache whenever he saw you crying. Since then till now he decided that he will do what is best for you. When you were at your dorm he told his sons that they can marry anyone. But for you, he wanted you to have the best husband." Her mother tried to make her understand why her father did this.

She didn't know what her mom was talking. She could only hear but not listen.

"My sweet girl, everything happens for a reason. And time always heals us. So don't stop yourself because there are people around who want and need you." Her mom made her aware of her importance.

She got up from her seat and went to the closet. Taking took a royal blue dress from it. "Now wear this and come down. The guests will be coming soon. You know-" She cut off her mom, "That we don't make our guests wait." she chatted nonchalantly. Her mom kissed her forehead and left, leaving her to change.