
Cade Evans (Harry Potter Fanfiction.)

Trying to be different from regular FF but there's probably a few out there like mine. I'm just trying something I haven't seen before, but who knows it might just end up being another Harry Potter FF. (If you like it read it, if you don't, don't read it.)

Uchiha_lover2 · Movies
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3 Chs

Waking up.

Hogwarts Hospital Wing.

The hospital wing was deathly quiet even though there was quite a few people within it.

Cane was in his bed with Andromeda on the right side of the bed and Lily and James on the left.

Andromeda hadn't left Cane's side once since they got to the hospital wing, the only time she was forced to leave was when madam Pomfrey started healing him but after the process was done, Andromeda pulled up a chair and sat by his bedside while holding his hand.

Lily had arrived a few minutes after they got to the hospital wing, James had filled her in on everything that happened and also why a Slytherin student was in the hospital wing with them.

"Are you really dating my brother?" Lily asks her tone indicating that she doesn't believe it. If Cane was dating anybody she would know but he hasn't said anything at all.

Andromeda smiles at Lily. "I am, Lily. He's told me so much about you and your family." Andromeda answers her with a gentle smile.

She's not angry at Lily's uncertainty, she herself still wonders why Cane started dating her, she also knows Lily thinks that she's another one of Cane's many fangirl trying to get close to him.

Before they started dating Andromeda like other girls were intrigued by the darling prince of Gryffindor. She had seen girls prettier then her throw themselves at him all the time and yet he constantly rejected them. That's she was stunned when he approached her asking her out, she couldn't believe Gryffindor's darling prince had actually stooped so low as to ask a despicable Slytherin. She rejected him at the time, even though she was intrigued by him. She knew he knew her love life was not her own, she knew she would be forced to marry whomever her family chose. However he persisted eventually worming his way into her heart with his charming personality and sweet words making her unable to deny her feelings for him. Her life has been a blissful dream since she said yes, it was a dream that she hoped would never end.

"He has, has he." Lily says with suspicion in her tone. "Then what is our sister's name?" Lily asks testing Andromeda.

"Her name is Petunia, your mother's name is Rose and your father's name is Franklin." Andromeda answers smoothly impressing Lily, while James was secretly taking notes preparing for when he eventually dates Lily.

"So you really are dating." Lily admits with a defeated expression. She knows that most of his fangirls don't know or care about the rest of his family, they know about her but they wouldn't know the name of Petunia or their parents besides from what James told him earlier, she already partly believed that she was Cane's girlfriend. Unlike most of Gryffindor Lily doesn't hold any prejudice towards Slytherin's because her best friend is a Slytherin, so surely all Slytherin's have some good within them, atleast that's what she believes.

"How long have you been dating?" Lily asks with intrigue.

Andromeda answers instantly. "We've been dating since the end of third year so just under 3 years."

Lily frowns. "He never said anything for 3 years." She says angered by her brothers silence about his girlfriend.

"Please don't be angry with him, I asked him not to say anything." Andromeda admits guiltily.

Lily now looks at Andromeda confused. "Why?"

Andromeda grimaces in shame but before she can answer James speaks up. "Her family are blood purists, they'd never accept her dating a muggle-born." James says clear disgust in her tone.

Andromeda thought that Lily would get angry but she saw no anger on the little girls face.

Lily looks at Andromeda with a smile. "If you're dating my brother, that must mean you don't share your families beliefs right?" Lily asks.

Andromeda nods her head in agreement.

Lily sighs relieved. "Good, my brother's made a good choice then." Lily smiles at Andromeda.

Andromeda blushes as a warmth spreads through her chest from being acknowledged by his sister. "Thank you Lily." Andromeda smiles back at Lily.

5 days go by and Cane had still not woken up yet. Madam Pomfrey assured Andromeda and Lily that Cane will awaken very, that it was nothing more then exhaustion that kept him asleep. While relieved that didn't stop Lily and Andromeda from coming to visit as often as they could. Of course many students tried to visit Cane but it was kept to family only, since Andromeda was dating Cane and had Lily's approval along with Dumbledore's, Andromeda was allowed to visit aswell. That's why Andromeda is currently sitting on left side of his bed, their fingers intertwined. She had been watching her boyfriend sleeping face for about an hour now and for that entire hour she had been begging for a miracle to happen that he would wake up but so far her pleas had fallen on deaf ears.

Suddenly Cane's body twitched slightly, at first she believed she imagined it but suddenly a groan came from Cane's lips. "Mhmmmm."

"My love." Andromeda says her tone laced with hope.

She notices Cane's eyes twitch as if he's trying to open them.

"Cane!" She calls out again her hope growing.

"Ahhh..." Cane groans again.

To her delight his eyes flutter open. "A...Andy." Cane says tiredly but Andromeda can hear the happiness in his voice as he says her name causing a massive smile to spread across her lips.

Tears of joy fall from her eyes. "Yes it's me Cane." Andromeda assures him.

"Wh...why are... you... crying?" Cane asks lifting his hand trying to wipe her tears away.

Andromeda cups his hand with both of hers and pulls it close to her chest. "You were hurt during the match, you've been asleep for 5 days." Andromeda explains.

Cane's eyes widen in shock. He couldn't believe he was out for that long. Cane sighs tiredly. "5 days huh, sorry my love." Cane apologizes realizing he must of caused her quite abit of worry.

Andromeda can't stop her tears from falling because of how relieved she is. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Don't cry my love, I'm fine now." Cane urges because he hates seeing Andromeda cry, he'd do anything to stop her tears from falling.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy you're awake." Andromeda says through her tears.

"And what a sight I woke up to. For a second I thought I died and went to heaven." Cane says in a flirty tone with a smirk to match.

Andromeda rolls her eyes at her boyfriends flirting. She can't believe he just woke up and the first thing he does is flirt with her, wait actually she isn't that surprised by his behavior considering how naughty he is. "Really? the first thing you do after waking up from serious injuries is flirt with me." Andromeda says awed by her boyfriends shamelessness not that she didn't enjoy his words.

"I was only speaking the truth my love." Cane answers with a cheeky smile. "I should be rewarded for telling the truth instead of chastised." Cane smirks.

Andromeda sighs but can't hold back a sweet smile from forming on her lips. "What sort of reward do you want?" Andromeda asks deciding to play along.

"You know what I want." Cane asks his eyes drifting to her lips. Cane missed the taste of her sweet lips and her even sweeter tongue.

"We...we can't, not here madam Pomfrey might catch us, and you're injured." Andromeda says shyly with a healthy red hue on her cheeks.

Cane looks around checking for signs of other people. "My face isn't sore." Cane smirks. "No one's here love, you better hurry before someone comes." Cane urges seeing her hesitate.

Andromeda seeing his adorable expression can't find it in herself to say no. "Alright, but not for long, and no... groping." Andromeda warns sternly narrowing her eyes at Cane.

"Andy, I can't move my arms." Cane says still pouting pitifully.

Andromeda slowly leans over bringing her lips closer to his, eventually their lips connect in a sweet kiss.

Suddenly someone clears their throat causing Andromeda to jump backwards her heart pounding from being caught.

Madam Pomfrey eyes the two teens with a stern expression.

Andromeda's entire face turns bright red with shame before it changes to anger. She glares down at the person who made her act so shameless.

"Hmph... it's all your fault!" Andromeda scolds.

Cane smiles sheepishly. "Sorry love.

"Need I remind you two, this is a hospital wing not the leaky cauldron." Madam Pomfrey reprimands.

"Sorry Madam Pomfrey." Andromeda apologizes ashamed.

"Why couldn't you wait a few minutes longer Poppy." Cane grumbles.

Madam Pomfrey rolls her eyes at Cane's words, already used to his behavior. "How much times have I told you to call me Madam Pomfrey Mr. Evans." Madam Pomfrey says exasperated.

"I'm not sure, you've probably told me over 1000 times Poppy." Cane answers casually with a cheeky smirk.

Madam Pomfrey sighs exasperated. "Anyway, I need to give you a check-up, Ms. Black could you please leave?"

"Please let her stay Poppy." Cane begs looking at Madam Pomfrey with puppy dog eyes.

Madam Pomfrey like Andromeda finds it hard to resist Cane's adorable expression, even though she'd never admit it. "Alright she can stay." Madam Pomfrey gives in, knowing she's going to give in anyway.

"Thanks Poppy." Cane smiles at Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey shakes her head but a small smile of amusement creeps onto her face.