
Cade Evans (Harry Potter Fanfiction.)

Trying to be different from regular FF but there's probably a few out there like mine. I'm just trying something I haven't seen before, but who knows it might just end up being another Harry Potter FF. (If you like it read it, if you don't, don't read it.)

Uchiha_lover2 · Movies
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3 Chs


*The prince scores again!!!! The score is now 80-10 to Gryffondor.*

*Yaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!* The crowd goes wild after the goal is scored.

The Quidditch stadium is packed with students from each house, watching with eager anticipation as the heated grudge match between Gryffindor and Slytherin takes place.

Gryffindor are dominating the match something that has become normal for the past few years but even so their matches aren't boring thanks to one man, the captain Cane Evans.

"Did you see that goal! Sirius?" A boy with wild spiky black hair who's wearing glasses with circular lenses asks a boy with long black hair sitting next to him.

"I saw it James." The boy Sirius answers excitedly. "It's like the defenders don't exist in Cane's eyes, with the way he glides past them." Sirius says with awe and respect in his voice, there's even a hint of worship in his eyes as she talks.

"Man I wonder if we'll ever be that good." James is with slight envy.

Sirius turns to James and pats him on the back. "You're very good already James, which is why I don't understand why you're on the bench." Sirius says with frustration on his friends behalf.

A 5th year bench player next to them suddenly speaks up. "It's because this match is going to be really dangerous." He says.

"What do you mean Tom? Quidditch has always been a dangerous sport." James asks confused.

"This is a must win game for both sides, for Gryffindor to keep their unbeaten streak alive and Slytherin to regain some of the pride they've lost over the years. It's also Cane's last year playing Quidditch so if anything dangerous were to happen it's going to happen today thanks to all the humiliation Cane's given them over the years. This is Slytherin's last time to pay him back for everything he's done to them." Tom explains.

"Of course those dirty snakes would do something so underhanded." Sirius spits venomously.

"It's Cane, if anyone can deal with these snakes it's him." James answers confidently, believing in the man he's looked up to since last year.

"I hope you're right." Tom says uneasy, he has a bad feeling about this match.

Up in the stands another person looks at this game with worry, it's the same person that was with Cane in the Hog's Head, Andromeda Black.

She's surrounded by two other girls, both equally as gorgeous as her. The girls have very similar features the only difference being their hair. One has long black curly hair and the other has blonde wavy hair. These are Andromeda's sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black. Bellatrix is a 7th year, while Narcissa is a 3rd year.

"Honestly who does this filthy mudblood think he is!!! He should know his place, instead he constantly harasses his betters. " Bellatrix growls viciously.

Andromeda resists the urge to roll her eyes at her sisters comments. Bellatrix constantly bad mouths Cane because he's always showing up Slytherin, whether it be with his grades or on the Quidditch field he's their better in every way. Which obviously means that all the pureblood purists within Slytherin despise his guts.

"I can't agree with you more sister, he's honestly pathetic." Narcissa says arrogance and disdain clear in her tone.

"Hehehe!!!" Bellatrix cackles. "Don't worry Flint will put him in his place today." Bellatrix says confidently.

This causes Andromeda to look at her sister worry filling her uneasy heart. "What are you talking about sister?" Andromeda asks trying to sound casual but she asks the question with haste and a hint of worry could be found if you listened closely. Luckily for her, her sisters aren't the brightest and didn't pick up on it.

A sinister smile spreads across Bellatrix's lips." Don't worry you'll see." Bellatrix's tone promises something unpleasant will happen to Cane.

"Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!* The stadium erupts.

*What a goalllllll!!!!! Cane tricks the keeper by throwing the quaffle behind his back sending the keeper in the opposite direction.

Andromeda can't help but smile hearing everyone cheer for her boyfriend but the unease from what she heard quickly forces her smile to dissapear. She's really worried about Cane, if something were to happen to him she doesn't know what she'll do but it won't be anything smart.

*Cane intercepts the Quaffle, he's now rushing towards the goal posts. He beats Rosier!!! he beats Malfoy!!! He glides past Mulciber!!! He's one on one with the keeper!!! He lines up his shot!!!! and.... goallllllll!!!!!!! Cane scores again making it 100-10 Gryffindor!!! Is there anyone in the Slytherin team that can stop him, so far the answer is no!!!!*

The stadium is filled with cheers, the crowd in awe of Cane's amazing performances.

*Yeahhhhh big brother!!!!!* An adorable red head screams in the stans. Her name is Lily Evans, she's Cane's little sister.

"Lily your brothers so cool." One of the little girls next to her says barely containing her excitement.

"He's also really cute." Another red head sitting with Lily says enamored as she looks at Cane flying around on the Quidditch pitch.

"Ewww Marlene that's my brother." Lily says disgusted at her friends words.

"And?" Marlene asks unfazed. "I wish he'd sweep me off my feet like all those princes in the fairy tales." Marlene says wistfully.

"That'll never happen." Lily says sternly.

Marlene looks at Lily with narrowed eyes clearly offended by Lily's insinuation.

"Because you're too young, my brother doesn't like little girls." Lily says plainly.

"Hmph!!! I won't be a little girl in a few years, then you'll see." Marlene says confidently.

"Guys let's not fight, let's us just watch the match." Mary Mcdonald the girl who said Cane was cool speaks up not wanting her two friends to start fighting.

"Fine." Lily puffs her cheeks up making her even more adorable. She'd much rather watch her brother then argue with Marlene.

"Alright." Marlene shrugs her shoulders and turns to watch the match, or more specifically to watch Cane.

Cane felt that something was wrong, the Slytherin's weren't using their usual dirty tactics, instead they were playing the game normally which is unusual for them.

Cane had no doubt these morons were planning something sinister, he just wasn't sure what.

Cane hurriedly ducks under a bludger that was aimed at his head when suddenly the bludger does something unusual, it turns around just as it flew past Cane's head. Cane was stunned at this unusual turn of events and wasn't able to react in time as the bouder clubbers him, hitting him in the arm. Cane is sent flying off his broom from the force of the Bludger eliciting Gasps of shock from the crowd. Cane lands on the grass below hard tumbling along the ground eventually coming to a stop.

Ohhh fuck!!! Cane yells internally as he rolls on the floor clutching his right arm.

They must've bewitched the bludger. Cane thinks to himself while still in a world of pain.

Cane takes a few breaths trying to ignore the pain shooing through his right arm.

I think it's dislocated. He rationalizes.

He's right, Cane's arm was dislocated from the blow.

"Cane can you continue." He hears madam Hooch ask.

"I... I'm fine." Cane says gritting his teeth but he quickly gets up and walks towards his goal post. After being hit by a bludger, he has to touch his team's goal post before being able to continue.

Even though Cane's body is dying of the pain that has spread throughout his entire body, he drags himself to the goal post and touches it.

Alright I have to do this. Cane thinks to himself determinedly.

Cane knows he has to pop his shoulder back into the socket before continuing to play.

"Crackkkkkkk!!!!!!" A loud cracking sound echoes through the arena as Cane pops his shoulder back into place. He quickly mounts his broom returning to the air eliciting thunderous cheers from the crowd once again.

*The prince is okay, he once again returns to the field!!!* The announcer announces.

Alright, this just means I have to be extra careful from here on out. Cane takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as he tries get into a deep focused state. When his eyes open, they're filled with determination and have a weird sharpness to them indicating that Cane was done playing around.

The rest of the match was both amazing and hard to watch for most. Cane was putting on a scoring clinic but it came with a price. The bludger had seemed to take a liking to Cane, it was continuously targeting him but Cane seemed to be invincible, he shrugged off each hit like he was being hit by a feather instead of a bludger. He continued playing like a man possessed no matter how much the bludger hit him, he continued on seemingly unfazed.

There were two people in the crowd who could hardly watch the match, turning away each time he got hit.

One was his little sister Lily, the other was his girlfriend Andromeda. Both watched with tears in their eyes horrified by the abuse Cane was suffering.

Even though she wants Cane to stop playing, she knows Cane would never give up, that was one of the things that made her fall for Cane.

However, just because she supports his decision to continue doesn't mean she can bare to watch the consequences.

"Hahahah!!!!!! Serves the mudblood right, he shouldn't have messed with his betters." Bellatrix comments with a smug smirk on her lips.

Andromeda had to use all her will power in order to resist the urge to whip her wand out and hex her rotten sister's smug face. Andromeda couldn't stand her family anymore, before dating Cane she could tolerate all their horrible slander of muggle-borns but after she began dating him, she realized that her family are nothing but arrogant ignorant bigots who had no idea what they were talking about. They made her sick to her stomach.

The match continued and Gryffindor were dominating the game so badly that even capturing the snitch wouldn't help Slytherin win this game. The score was 350-40 with 250 points coming from Cane alone.

*The snitch is caught, Gryffindor win!!!!* The announcer announces causing the stadium to erupt with cheers.

Andromeda didn't care however, instead she quickly left her seat and rushed to the Gryffindor changing room. She saw Cane leaving the field in a hurry, meaning something was wrong. Cane normally celebrates with his teammates after a win but he didn't even look at them, instead he instantly ran to the changing room. Her sister's looked at her strangely as she left but she didn't care who saw her, she just wanted to make sure Cane was okay, nothing else mattered at the moment.

His teammates were still celebrating, most of them hadn't even realized that Cane dissapeared already. Cane's best friend another chaser named Gavin realized and instantly chased after his best friend worried about him.

The teachers seemed to realize it aswell, as McGonagall and Dumbledore were already out of their seats rushing to the Gryffindor changing room with terrified expressions on thier faces. They both realized that Cane was most likely in serious trouble seeing his behavior.

As Cane got into the locker room, the adrenaline that had kept him going dussapeared and the pain that the adrenaline was keeping at bay had now shot throughout his entire body. Cane instantly collapsed to the floor like a puppet that had its strings cut. The pain and exhaustion left him utterly helpless, he couldn't even wiggle his toes if he wanted.

"Cane!!! Cane!!!!" Cane heard the shouts of Tom, James and Sirius but he wasn't able to respond at all.

He felt it, he felt his consciousness slipping, it wouldn't be long before he passed out. Funnily enough his thoughts weren't even concentrated on the pain wrecking his body, instead he found himself thinking about Andromeda, wondering if she was impressed by his performance. What a silly thing to do when you have several broken bones and a concussion but here he was, thinking about the woman he loved.

"We have to take him to madam Pomfrey, grab his legs I'll take grab his shoulders." Tom instructs the two second years.

"That's quite alright gentlemen." A wise and sophisticated voice comes from the entrance of the change room. Afterwards an ancient looking man walks in. He has long white hair with an even longer white beard. He's also wearing half-moon glasses over his sparkling blue eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore." Tom says relieved seeing the professor.

Two men walk in with a stretcher, they walk towards Cane laying the stretcher on the floor before picking him up and placing him on the stretcher.

"We'll make sure young Mr. Evans is properly cared for." Dumbledore says to the three Gryffindor with a warm grandfatherly smile on his face before following the stretcher out the door. The trio follw behind him, wanting to make sure their captain is okay.

While Cane was being carried to the infirmary the group were approached by a worried Andromeda. "Cane!!!! Cane!!!" She yells as she sees his beaten and bloodied body on the stretcher, she tries to get closer but is stopped by the lanky tall body of Dumbledore.

"Ms. Black, I know you are a fan of Mr. Evans but he's badly hurt and needs rest." Dumbledore knows how popular Cane is, no doubt when everyone hears about his injuries most of the student body will swarm the hospital wing.

"I'm not a fan, he's my boyfriend professor I need to know that he's okay." Andromeda says her eyes alight with anxiety and worry.

"Do you have any proo—" Dumbledore starts to say but stops when he hears. "A...Andy." Cane groans reaching out towards Andromeda.

Andromeda quickly rushes forward and grabs Cane's hand. "I'm here my love." She says tears in her eyes seeing how weak he is right now.

Cane barely manages to give her hand a light squeeze as if to say thanks for being with me.

The three quidditch players that followed were stunned by what just happened. Their captain is dating Slytherin royalty, it was unbelievable for them but the proof is there, they cannot deny it.

The three had alot of questions but they knew now was not the time to ask them.

The group with the add on of Andromeda go to the hospital wing, praying Cane was alright.