
Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization

Jiang Fan had transmigrated to a world where everyone could awaken a planet. The larger the planet, the higher the origin energy, and the stronger the civilization. Some people made theirs with qi to create a martial arts civilization. Everyone on the planet was a martial arts practitioner. Some people made theirs with magic power to create a magical civilization. Everyone on the planet was a mage. Some people made their spiritual energy to create an immortal civilization. Everyone on the planet was an immortal cultivator. Everyone was trying their best to construct all sorts of extraordinary planets. Jiang Fan, on the other hand, used his memories from his previous life to create a technological civilization! “Your Star Destroyer directly pierced through the opponent’s planet, and the opponent lowered their head.” “Your two-way foil turned the opponent’s immortal cultivation planet into a piece of paper. You scared them silly!” This is a story that uses technology to break through all sorts of extraordinary civilizations. Sorry, my English is average, so forgive me if there is a mistake. The later chapter will have better quality, This novel and the cover are not created nor is it owned by me. I am only translating it to English. Credit to the Original Author. The cover art is from: ( https://www.desktopbackground.org/download/800x600/2014/06/26/783994_civilization-5-wallpapers-and-images-wallpapers-pictures-photos_1366x768_h.jpg )

Sokdavid · Sci-fi
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466 Chs


"Oh?" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "For this, what else matters?"

"It's not a big deal," Teddie Lex replied with a slight frown. "Inside the Star Rift, nothing is ordinary. Although there are a few terrifying creatures and dangerous areas, due to the unpredictable nature of the Star Rift itself, one misstep could send you hundreds of thousands of miles off course. There's little you can do then. Generally, transportation is necessary."

"Do you require transportation?" Jiang Fan chuckled.

"Of course," Teddie nodded. "There's a specially designed Spaceship for traversing the Star Rift. However, producing such a ship is complex, and only a few factions have the capability. The cost is also exorbitant, so only major forces within the Super Domain can afford it."

"Ah, I see," Jiang Fan mused. "So, it's time for us to utilize the Super Domain's Spaceship?"

"Smart," Teddie affirmed with a nod. "Exactly."

The rest of their time was spent in conversation. Teddie proved to be quite the conversationalist, his words flowing freely. As they chatted, Jiang Fan couldn't help but admire Teddie's breadth of knowledge.

During the journey, Teddie mentioned encountering a peculiar planet, a topic on which he was knowledgeable. Jiang Fan learned that Teddie hailed from the Jericho Domain, a Medium-sized Domain, and was among its foremost figures.

In contrast, Christel Clara, seated behind them, hailed from a Small Domain, rendering her relatively unknown. However, Teddie explained that even the least prominent Small Domains, such as the Endless Star Territory, boasted an impressive number of planet masters. Standing out among billions of geniuses showcased formidable talent, they were not to be underestimated. Undoubtedly, Clara's destination also lay within a Domain featuring a Star Rift.

The journey continued, much as before, with periodic stops and new passengers boarding along the way. Teddie took the opportunity to educate Jiang Fan about the ship.

"The cabins on this Ship..." Teddie paused to take a sip of tea before continuing. "Though they're numerous, they're all identical. There's no distinction between luxury and standard, and..."

He gestured to the tea set before him, a collection of items he had brought along, a precious commodity from his Domain.

"After drinking," Teddie resumed, "The tickets are distributed randomly. Even passengers from the same Domain may find themselves assigned to different cabins. There are no set rules here. Just relax and enjoy the journey to your destination."

Suddenly, Teddie's attention shifted to the window, prompting Jiang Fan to follow suit. Outside, the Endless Void stretched before them, punctuated by faint glimmers of light growing brighter with each passing moment. For Jiang Fan, seasoned from months of travel, the significance was clear, the next stop was imminent. Whether a living or non-living Planet, every stop gleamed brightly.

"Incoming!" Teddie exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

"Is it the Super Domain?" Jiang Fan queried, puzzled by the unexpected arrival.

"No, no," Teddie quickly replied, shaking his head. "We have several stops before reaching the Super Domain. The upcoming stop is the Epsilon Domain."

"Epsilon Domain?" Jiang Fan blinked, perplexed. "Then why the excitement?"

"Oh, you'll see," Teddie's smile widened. "This time, there's a prodigious genius awaiting us in the Epsilon Domain."

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