
Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization

Jiang Fan had transmigrated to a world where everyone could awaken a planet. The larger the planet, the higher the origin energy, and the stronger the civilization. Some people made theirs with qi to create a martial arts civilization. Everyone on the planet was a martial arts practitioner. Some people made theirs with magic power to create a magical civilization. Everyone on the planet was a mage. Some people made their spiritual energy to create an immortal civilization. Everyone on the planet was an immortal cultivator. Everyone was trying their best to construct all sorts of extraordinary planets. Jiang Fan, on the other hand, used his memories from his previous life to create a technological civilization! “Your Star Destroyer directly pierced through the opponent’s planet, and the opponent lowered their head.” “Your two-way foil turned the opponent’s immortal cultivation planet into a piece of paper. You scared them silly!” This is a story that uses technology to break through all sorts of extraordinary civilizations. Sorry, my English is average, so forgive me if there is a mistake. The later chapter will have better quality, This novel and the cover are not created nor is it owned by me. I am only translating it to English. Credit to the Original Author. The cover art is from: ( https://www.desktopbackground.org/download/800x600/2014/06/26/783994_civilization-5-wallpapers-and-images-wallpapers-pictures-photos_1366x768_h.jpg )

Sokdavid · Sci-fi
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"A genius?" Jiang Fan looked at Teddie Lex's bright smile and didn't believe this nonsense.

Inside the room, after days of conversation, Jiang Fan had gained some understanding of Teddie's temperament. What genius could make Teddie so excited? There was only one possibility, and through this realization, he felt a little speechless.

"Of course," Teddie said, afraid that Jiang Fan wouldn't believe him, nodding heavily. "It's very impressive. My Jericho Domain is separated by several other Domains; I've heard of their fame!"

"So exaggerated," Jiang Fan responded cooperatively, but his mind remained unruffled.

When the ship docked beside a life planet, a new group of passengers arrived. Outside the cabin, a series of dense footsteps suddenly approached. A certain voice made Teddie, who was usually eloquent, go quiet all of a sudden. His expression became slightly stunned.

With a hint of ecstasy, he said, "No way, they're actually in the same cabin as us."

He stood up immediately, but then he hesitated and sat down again. His head turned away and his eyes stared straight at someone. Jiang Fan also looked over.

After a moment, several figures appeared at the door. Two young and delicate women in blue clothes caught the eye, walking in. They glanced inside vigilantly, their faces full of indifference. Upon seeing only Jiang Fan, Teddie Lex, and Christel Clara, their expressions relaxed a little. They nodded slightly to the back, then the two women made way for a passage. A tall and gorgeously dressed woman in white stepped in.

Teddie stared blankly, even Jiang Fan took a look. He had to admit, this was by far the most beautiful woman he had seen since crossing into this world. Words could no longer describe her; even Eira Artemis, Shia, and Princess Iris of the Elf Empire, who were considered beautiful women, would pale in comparison to her. The woman deserved to be the epitome of beauty.

Seeing Teddie's expression, since the woman walked in, his eyes never blinked again. He was staring blankly. Observing this, the two women in blue behind the woman in white couldn't help but show him a look of disgust.

Though the woman in white was stunning, Jiang Fan remained unmoved. Upon closer observation, he noticed that behind her, except for the two women in blue, there were a dozen other people. There were men and women, but they were clearly overshadowed by the woman in white.

The woman in white seemed to regard Teddie's reaction as normal. She glanced around, but nothing more. After she glanced at Jiang Fan and Christel Clara, she went straight to a seat by the window and sat down. The dozen people behind her followed suit and occupied spaces in the cabin.

It was only then that Teddie snapped out of his reverie and turned around. Pulling on Jiang Fan's clothes, he whispered excitedly, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. She's sharing a cabin with us."

"Who is she?" Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

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