
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 031: Impatient Hun Feng

The Soul clan expert who stepped forward is called Hun Dan, "Hun" refers to the Soul clan's Hun surname, but "Dan" means plain and ordinary.

Another Soul clan expert is called Hun Qiu, "Hun" still refers to the Soul clan's Hun surname, and "Qiu" means the pursuit of something.

Hun Dan and Hun Qiu glanced at each other and quickly shook their heads.

Hun Dan stepped forward and said, "Young Master Feng, I'm sorry, without the clan leader's or Lord Void's permission, we cannot open the formation."

Hun Dan and Hun Qiu didn't forget the instructions of the Hun Tiandi and Void devouring Flame, not to let anyone approach the courtyard.

If Hun Feng and Hun Yu were really let in, they would be in trouble.

After all, both the Hun Tiandi and Void Devouring Flame are the undisputed leaders of the Soul clan. If they can't even handle such a small matter, then they have no reason to exist.

"Hmm?" Hun Feng was ready to enter the courtyard, but he didn't expect to be refused directly.

Who is he, Hun Feng?

He is the son of the Hun Tiandi, one of the candidates for the clan leader's position. Everyone knows that he may become the future clan leader.

How come these two Dou Zuns don't even want to give him a little face? Hun Feng was a little angry.

He asked with a displeased expression, "Hun Dan, do you really know who I am?"

These two Soul clan experts also know him. After all, the southern courtyard is under their jurisdiction, and they are also familiar as the "Cold Palace Guards".

Hun Dan nodded and said, "Of course. Young Master Feng's father is the clan leader."

"Huh?" Hun Feng's mouth curled up when he heard this. "Doesn't everyone know that I'm the clan leader's son? Since you know, why are you stopping us?"

"Today, I, Young Master Feng, will enter this courtyard and see who you are keeping inside."

He thought that these two guys had lost their minds and didn't recognize him, Hun Feng, or his big brother, Hun Yu.

He didn't expect that they would recognize them.

Now that they had all been introduced, it seemed a bit over the top for them to not give young master Feng face like this.

Hun Qiu also spoke up at this point and shook his head, saying, "Young Master Feng, Young Master Yu, you may enter the courtyard if you wish. However, you must first seek the orders of the clan leader or Lord Void. Without their command, no one is permitted to enter the courtyard."

"What?!" Hun Feng exclaimed.

"You're still going against me now, Hun Qiu?"

Upon hearing Hun Qiu's words, Hun Feng was immediately furious. "Father is always in closed-door cultivation, and Lord Void is as elusive as a dragon. You want me to go look for them? Do you two still want to work well in the Soul Clan? You're just two guards. How dare you go against my orders?"

After all, Hun Feng was the future lord of the Soul Clan. Having lost face to two guards, he was extremely angry. Did these people not even see him as the young master?

He and Soul Yu were not just anybody; they were the sons of the Hun Tiandi. Their identities alone meant they were not just anybody.

How dare these two guards disrespect them? It made him furious.

Hun Dan also smiled wryly and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Young Master Feng and Young Master Yu. Without the orders of the clan leader or Lord Void, you cannot enter this courtyard. You may return to where you came from!"

"If we have offended you in any way, please forgive us. We are simply following orders!"


In the small dark room.

One year had passed.

Xiao Xun'er had spent a year in this courtyard. Do you know how she spent this year?

She was alone.

And she was feeling very lonely.

At first, Gu Xun'er would still fantasize that her father, Gu Yuan, would come to her rescue soon.

But day after day passed, and he still did not come.

The days were boring, especially since she was alone in this courtyard.


Gu Xun'er had the ancient tribe's cultivation method, which kept her from getting bored during this year.

Cultivation was the best way to pass the time.

In one year's time, with the help of the heaven and earth Dou Qi in this courtyard, Gu Xun'er successfully condensed her Dou Qi and became a Dou Zhe.

Although she was still very weak, it was already impressive that she could become a Dou Zhe without activating her Dou Di bloodline and without any cultivation resources or medicinal herbs.

Gu Xun'er was not a one-star Dou Zhe, but a nine-star Dou Zhe. She was only one step away from breaking through to become a Dou Shi.

On this day, Gu Xun'er was interrupted while cultivating.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the closed gate, where she could hear some arguing voices that made it impossible for her to focus on her cultivation.

She vaguely heard someone saying, "I am the young master..." or something like that.

Gu Xun'er frowned, stood up, and muttered to herself with some anger, "Who is making so much noise outside? Don't they let people cultivate in peace?"


Gu Xun'er came to the gate and opened it.

When Hun Feng and Hun Yu saw her, they were stunned. They stared at Gu Xun'er without blinking.

They had seen beautiful women among the Soul tribe, but after seeing Gu Xun'er, they realized that the women they had seen before were all mediocre.

How could they even compare the beauty of Gu Xun'er?

Her beauty was beyond description, just one word: beautiful! Two words: very beautiful! Three words: very very beautiful!

When Gu Xun'er opened the gate and saw the two of them, she grumbled, "What are you making so much noise for? Don't you let people cultivate in peace?"

She was already upset that she was being confined to this courtyard, and now she couldn't even cultivate in peace.

"Wow, she's so beautiful!"

"So gorgeous!"

Hun Feng and Hun Yu were both amazed by Gu Xun'er's looks and her change in attitude.

Arrows after arrows, hit the two people's hearts!





Listen carefully, this is the sound of heartbeats.

Hun Feng woke up and looked at Hun Qiu and Hun Dan, saying: "You two guys, hurry up and open the formation for this young master. How dare you lock up such a beautiful girl in a small dark room. I think you don't want to live anymore."

"Hurry up..."

"Quickly open it, this young master can't wait any longer!"


For More Chapters(20+): p@treon_com/gfdsa

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