
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 030: Hun Feng and Hun Yu Goes to the Little Black House

Gu Yuan left.

Void Devouring Flame took the Four Demon Saints back to the Soul World.

After confirming that Gu Yuan had completely left, one of the Four Demon Saints, Hun Si, spoke up, "Lord Void, should we send someone to look for Gu Yuan's missing daughter?"

Hun Si was quite envious of the Tuoshe Ancient god's Jade in Gu Yuan's hands. Not only him, but the entire Soul Clan was extremely envious.

If the Tuoshe Ancient god's Jade of the Gu clan were in their hands, it would be much easier to obtain the Tuoshe Ancient god's Jade of other ancient races.

After all, not all ancient races were like the Gu clan, with a nine-star peak Dou Sheng as their clan leader.

With the current strength of the Soul Clan, they could easily say, "All ancient races, except the Gu clan, are garbage. Of course, the Gu clan is also garbage, just a little more troublesome garbage."

Void Devouring Flame looked at Hun Si indifferently, "Don't worry about this. Wait for the Emperor to come out of seclusion, he will have his own arrangements."

"Besides, it's his Gu clan's shame, why should my Soul Clan help find her?"


Since Void had spoken, Hun Si naturally didn't say anything more.

The entire Soul Clan knew that both Hun Tiandi and Void were always decisive in their actions.


Soul City.

The central city of the Soul World, where most of the Soul Clan's strong reside.

North of Soul City.

In a large courtyard.

This courtyard was very large, comparable to the entire Wutan City, which showed the strength of the Soul Clan.

Just the courtyard alone made people feel...terrified!

In the center of the courtyard, on a martial arts stage, two boys who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old were sparring.

The sound of explosions could be faintly heard in the air.

The void trembles at their presence.

Both of them have formidable strength, able to float just one foot above the ground.

To tread upon the void, one must reach the rank of Dou Zong.

Yet these two young boys, only about ten years old, have accomplished this feat, revealing their shocking talents.

If the top ten experts of the Jia Ma Empire saw two young boys accomplishing what only Dou Zong-ranked individuals could, they would be astonished and question their own existence.

What they have achieved in a lifetime, these two young boys have done so in their youth.


The two boys fought for a hundred rounds in the sparring field, evenly matched.

Their afterimages were dizzying, moving back and forth in the arena. After a long time, they stopped.

Both boys wore black robes and had handsome features, standing tall and straight like great leaders.

One of them said with a faint smile, "Hun Yu, you've grown weaker."

The speaker was named Hun Feng.

He was the son of Hun Tiandi, a candidate for the next Soul Clan leader, and had extraordinary talent.

He had an amazing bloodline, rumored to be of divine quality.

As for the Hun Yu mentioned by Hun Feng?

He was also the son of Hun Tiandi, a candidate for the next Soul Clan leader, and rumored to have a divine bloodline. His talent was also quite extraordinary.

If nothing unexpected happened, the next leader of the Soul Clan would be chosen from either Hun Feng or Hun Yu.

Of course.

To become the leader of the Soul Clan, Hun Tiandi had to step down.

Until the day Hun Tiandi stepped down, he would remain the leader of the Soul Clan, and neither Hun Feng nor Hun Yu would have any qualifications to become the leader!

Hun Yu sneered, "So what if you've reached the second rank of Dou Zong before me? What's there to be proud of? It won't be long before I catch up and reach the second rank of Dou Zong as well."

Hun Feng said, "By the time you Hun Yu reach the second-star Dou Zong level, I'll already have reached the third-star Dou Zong level."

"Little brother will always be little brother. If you want to not be suppressed by me, you still have to work hard," he continued.

"Hmph..." Hun Yu coldly snorted disdainfully.


From their conversation, it seemed like breaking through to the second-star Dou Zong level or even the third-star Dou Zong level was child's play.

If this conversation were to be spread, it would make the geniuses of the entire Fighting Continent, even the entire world, feel ashamed and embarrassed.

Especially some of the older generation would feel inferior.

They had worked hard their entire lives to reach the level of a Dou Zong, but in the mouths of two ten-year-old children, reaching the level of a Dou Zong, second-star Dou Zong, or third-star Dou Zong was as easy as playing a game.

What is a genius?

This is.

What is a monster?

This is.


At this time, Hun Feng came to Hun Yu's side and patted his shoulder, saying, "Hun Yu, I heard that there's a new person in the small black room in the South Yard. Are you interested in taking a look?"

"New person?" Hun Yu was quite curious. "Did the young member of the Soul Clan who didn't listen to the elders and was sent in there?"

The South Yard was a rather desolate place with many courtyards. Only the young members of the Soul Clan who didn't listen and made mistakes, as well as the geniuses, would be sent there to reflect on their mistakes.

In the eyes of many young members of the Soul Clan, the South Yard was like a cold palace, a small black room.

Hun Yu had just come out of seclusion and had just broken through to the Dou Zong level, so he didn't know who had been sent to the small black room in the South Yard.

Hun Feng shook his head and said, "As far as I know, it's not one of the young members of the Soul Clan."

"Not a member of the Soul Clan?" Hun Yu was slightly stunned. "Then who could it be?"

Hun Yu was curious.

Hun Feng embraced Hun Yu's shoulder and said, "Hun Yu, I don't know who was locked up in the small black room, so I asked if you want to go see it together."

"If you don't go, then I will go alone?"

Hun Feng was ready to leave.

As for who was locked up in the small black room, Hun Feng was also unclear, but since there was time to go and he wants to see who it was.

"Wait for me!"

Seeing this, Hun Yu hurriedly followed.


South courtyard.

Outside the small black room.

"Lord Yu!"

"Lord Feng!"

When the two Dou Zun powerhouses saw Hun Feng and Hun Yu, they immediately respectfully bowed.

Although the strength of Hun Feng and Hun Yu was only at the Dou Zong level here, don't forget that their identity was also here.

These two were the future masters of the Soul Clan. Even if they were not masters, they would become elders of the Soul Clan in the future.

They were not people that these guards could afford to offend.

Hun Feng nodded slightly and looked at the two guards. "You two, remove the formation. My brother and I want to go in and see who was locked up in the small black room."

The small black room was shrouded in a formation, and the person inside couldn't get out, and the person outside couldn't get in.

After all.

Not everyone can ignore formations like Hun Tiandi and Void Swallowing Flame.

Hun Feng and Hun Yu may reach the level of Hun Tiandi in the future, but they are far from it now.

If they want to enter the small black room, they can only let the two Soul Clan powerhouses remove the formation.


The two Soul Clan powerhouses were at a loss when they heard Hun Feng's words, and looked at each other.

Then they both shook their heads.

One of the Soul Clan powerhouses stepped forward.


For More Chapters(15+): p@treon.com_gfdsa

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