
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 032: Does Gu Xun’er Have a Conspiracy?


When they heard this, both Hun Dan and Hun Qiu were stunned.

What's going on?   

'Has Young Master Feng taken a liking to the girl inside?'   

'Don't forget that the girl inside is suspected to be the clan chief's...'   

'How could Young Master Feng dare to do that?'   


At this moment, Hun Yu was also taken aback by Hun Feng's words. He recovered slightly and looked at Hun Feng, saying, "Hun Feng, you..."   

There was something strange in his eyes!   

Hun Yu admitted that the woman in the courtyard was beautiful, at least the most beautiful he had ever seen.   

But don't forget their identity here.   

The identity of the woman in the courtyard is still a mystery.   

Being locked up in the little black room in the southern courtyard is enough to show her identity, she must be an important member of the Soul Clan.   


If she was a member of the Soul Clan, why had he never seen her before?   

You should know that there is no Soul Clan male or female of their age that they don't know. But they really don't recognize the woman in front of them.   


When Hun Feng heard this, he also understood that he had lost his composure. He was one of the future candidates for the Soul Clan's little master.   

Just for this?   

Just this little temptation made him lose his composure?   

How is that possible?   

Hun Feng gradually suppressed the excitement in his heart and explained, "Don't misunderstand, I just want to go in and spar with the little sister in the courtyard!"   

"The little sister in the courtyard is obviously an outstanding figure among mortals. I'm itching to fight someone like her."   


Hun Yu nodded slightly when he heard this.   

He muttered to himself, "Is that all? You old rascal, who would believe you?"   

Seeing Hun Yu nod, Hun Feng's mouth curled up, and he looked at Hun Dan and Hun Qiu indifferently, "Did you not hear what this young master said? Hurry up and open the formation for this young master. I want to go in and spar with this little sister!"   

His face darkened slightly. If these two guys really didn't open the door, he would completely turn his face.   

When Hun Dan and Hun Qiu heard this, they still shook their heads, "It's impossible to open the door unless Young Master Feng can get the order of the clan leader or the order of Lord Void."

"Damn it!"

Seeing that both Hun Dan and Hun Qiu were not following his lead, Hun Feng became angry.

Didn't they see that he was really upset?

How difficult was it to try to impress a pretty girl?

These two guys didn't even consider his face.

They didn't even take a second look at him, a candidate for the position of the clan leader.

Hun Feng rolled up his sleeves and was about to settle the score with Hun Dan and Hun Qiu.

After all, he was one of the candidates for the clan leader.

Was it so hard to show off in front of a beautiful girl?

The two guys didn't cooperate with him at all. They didn't even consider him as a candidate for the position of the clan leader.

When Hun Feng was about to go up and deal with Hun Dan and Hun Qiu, Hun Yu saw what was happening and quickly grabbed Hun Feng.

Hun Feng struggled and said, "Hun Yu, let me go and deal with these two dogs!"

Hun Yu replied in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Hun Feng, are you sure you want me to let go? They are both Dou Zuns!"


Hun Feng was stunned when he heard this.


"The other party is a Dou Zun, and I'm just a two-star Dou Zong. Can a two-star Dou Zong fight two Dou Zuns? Even if Hun Dan and Hun Qiu don't want to attack me because of my status, they can just stand there and let me fight them. Can I win?"

"I don't dare to use my full strength. If I do, it will cause too much trouble and attract the elders of the clan. If that happens, I will be the one who suffers. After all, it's not their fault, it's my fault!"

After some thought, Hun Feng quickly came to his own conclusion: he wouldn't fight. Hun Feng broke free from Hun Yu's hand.

Of course,

Hun Yu had deliberately let go.

In Hun Yu's view, he had already explained the dangerous situation to Hun Feng, and Hun Feng should know what to do.

If he insisted on being reckless, Hun Yu would not stop him.

After all, they were brothers, but only half-brothers.

And they were competitors.

After all, there was only one position for the clan leader. The position of the next clan leader had not yet been determined.

Therefore, they both had a chance, but they were still enemies.

Hun Feng broke free from Hun Yu's hand and looked at Hun Dan and Hun Qiu fiercely, "Alright, you two won't even open the formation for this young master. I'll remember this."

The speech was full of helplessness and unwillingness.

Hun Dan and Hun Qiu stood there silently upon hearing Hun Feng's harsh words. After all, Hun Feng was just a child, and who would argue with a child?

Meanwhile, Gu Xun'er, who stood at the door, secretly observed Hun Feng and Hun Yu as she listened to their conversation with the two guards.

The two of them were extraordinary and dressed in luxurious clothes, not like ordinary members of the Soul Clan.

From their previous conversation, Gu Xun'er became even more convinced that these two men were not simple.

"Hey!" Gu Xun'er had an idea and greeted Hun Feng and Hun Yu not far away. "What are your names?"

"Hmm?" Hun Feng was initially angry and helpless, but upon hearing Gu Xun'er's words, he became interested and quickly responded, "I'm Hun Feng!"

Excitedly, he ran towards Gu Xun'er, but Hun Dan and Hun Qiu did not stop him.

They didn't need to since the formation would prevent Hun Feng from getting too close to Gu Xun'er anyway.

In the end, Hun Feng's excited footsteps were still blocked by the formation, and he could only look at Gu Xun'er from a distance.

"This damn barrier!"

Hun Feng cursed in his heart.

From a distance, Hun Feng finally noticed how perfect Gu Xun'er was.

Her delicate skin and exquisite features were like a work of art meticulously crafted by the heavens. If it weren't for the formation, Hun Feng would want to touch her.

Suppressing his thoughts, Hun Feng looked at Gu Xun'er and asked, "I'm Hun Feng, what's your name, little sister?"

At first glance, Hun Feng knew that she couldn't be older than him. It was just a gut feeling.

Gu Xun'er did not hide her name and replied, "I'm Xun'er!"

"Xun'er! What a great name, it sounds so nice!"

Hun Feng murmured in praise upon hearing her name. Hun Yu also memorized the name "Xun'er" after hearing it.

Gu Xun'er's gaze fell on Hun Feng, and in her eyes, he didn't seem to be very smart.

It was just perfect for her to use him.

Gu Xun'er spoke up and said, "Brother Hun Feng, can you let my little sister go? She has been locked up here for over a year. Can you help me?"

Suddenly, his heart softened, his chest sank, and he fell completely into the river of love, patting his chest and promising, "Don't worry, I'll take care of getting you out of the confinement room."

Hun Yu also stepped forward and said, "I'll take part in this matter too!"

In Hun Yu's opinion, the limelight shouldn't all go to Hun Feng alone.


For More Chapters(20+): p@treon_com/gfdsa

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