
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 21

"It seems it's time to leave Wutan City," Xiao Ning thought as he watched Xiao Yu leave.

The time for enrollment at the Jia nan academy had arrived, which meant Xiao Yan was about to leave Wutan City to begin his training.

In the original story, Xiao Yan took a two-year leave of absence after enrolling at Jia nan academy .

'Five thousand kilograms of force is enough' Xiao Ning thought, clenching his fists and feeling the powerful energy surging within his body.

Over the past half month, the medicinal baths with the Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid had greatly enhanced his physical strength, allowing him to exert a force of five thousand kilograms with one arm.

With his current strength and the grass-character sword art, Xiao Ning was confident he could fight against those in the spirit-fighting realm.

The sword technique gave him a long-range attack, and even if he couldn't release his fighting spirit, it was enough to protect himself.

'There is no point in continuing to stay in Wutan City,'he concluded.

With his increased strength, the city could no longer provide any assistance to him.

Even the Mitter Auction House, despite Ya Fei's efforts, had only managed to procure two sets of medicinal materials for the Xuan Blood Spiritual Liquid.

Moreover, as his physical strength exceeded five thousand kilograms, Xiao Ning noticed that the effects of the Xuan Blood Spiritual Liquid were rapidly diminishing.

If he stayed in Wutan City, the liquid would soon lose its efficacy altogether.

'I must go out to find better body-tempering materials,'he decided.

As expected, Xiao Yu informed the senior members of the Xiao family that Xiao Ning was unwilling to go to Jia nan academy.

In the following days, the elders, including the clan leader Xiao Zhan, visited Xiao Ning to persuade him to change his mind.

To them,Jia nan academy was the best place for the younger generation, especially for a genius like Xiao Ning.

The Xiao family could not provide him with the necessary support, but Jia nan academy, with its profound resources, could help him achieve the best development.

The elders did not want to see Xiao Ning waste his potential.

Faced with their earnest pleas, Xiao Ning felt a headache coming on. 'It seems I can only sneak away secretly,' he thought.

On the surface, he pretended to consider their advice, but in his heart, he decided to expedite his plans to leave.

The next day, Xiao Ning visited the back hill of the Xiao family early in the morning.

"Cousin Xiao Ning, do you need something from me?" Xiao Yan asked as he emerged from a cave, his fighting spirit restored after receiving guidance from Yao Lao.

"Cousin Xiao Yan, I need your help again," Xiao Ning said, handing him the medicinal materials that Ya Fei had collected.

After leaving the back hill, Xiao Ning headed straight to the Miter Auction House.


In the auction's VIP room, Ya Fei sat elegantly, her right leg crossed over her left, revealing a seductive glimpse of her white skin beneath her long cheongsam.

She held a long roll of paper in her hand, reading through the materials listed on it.

A look of surprise appeared on her charming face as she glanced at the man in the black robe beside her.

"Brother Xiao Ning, why do you need so many supplies for the wild? Are you planning to go far away?" she asked.

"Yes, I will be leaving Wutan City in the next few days, I may not return for a year or two," Xiao Ning replied with a chuckle, taking a sip of tea.

"A year or two?" Ya Fei repeated in surprise.

"Why so long? What are you planning to do?"

"Haha, I'm an adult now and I want to go out and practice, being trapped in this small city is not what I want," Xiao Ning said with a faint smile.

"With your cultivation talent, it is indeed difficult to become strong if you stay in Wutan City," Ya Fei nodded. "Will Xiao Yan also leave with you?"

During this period, Ya Fei had noticed that Xiao Yan and the mysterious alchemist were different people.

Though initially frustrated with Xiao Ning, she recognized his talent and let go of her dissatisfaction.

From Xiao Ning, she learned that the mysterious alchemist was actually Xiao Yan, which shocked her.

The Xiao family had both Xiao Ning, a genius who could kill the Great Dou Master at sixteen, and Xiao Yan, an alchemist with a senior alchemist backing him.

The Xiao family was destined for greatness.

"Cousin Xiao Yan will leave, but not with me," Xiao Ning mentioned casually.

"Please help me prepare the supplies,deduct the cost from this card, I don't want to owe any more favors before leaving."

He handed Ya Fei a light golden card containing over 400,000 gold coins, the proceeds from the Xuan Blood Spiritual Liquid materials Ya Fei had sent him.

"Alright," Ya Fei said, nodding helplessly.

She handed the card and paper to a maid, instructing her to handle it quickly.

"After I leave, I hope Mitter Auction House can take care of the Xiao family.

If Sister Ya Fei needs help in the future, I won't delay," Xiao Ning said, smiling at the charming woman in front of him.

"Haha, since you call me Sister Ya Fei, how can I refuse? Moreover, with your talent, I must do my best to please you," Ya Fei replied with a joyful smile.

"Thank you, Sister Ya Fei," Xiao Ning said with a smile.

"Brother Xiao Ning, I'm looking forward to seeing the level you will reach when you return to Wutan City," Ya Fei said softly, the charming smile on her face fading slightly.

"I'm looking forward to it too," Xiao Ning replied confidently.

With the inheritance of the Desolate Emperor , he was eager to see how far he could grow in two years.

Half an hour later, Ya Fei personally escorted Xiao Ning to the door of Miter Auction House.

She gently patted his shoulder, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Brother Xiao Ning, take care!" she said.

"Sister Ya Fei, see you later!" Xiao Ning replied.

As his figure disappeared around the corner, Ya Fei's eyes grew complicated. "Little guy, I look forward to the day you come back. You must live well," she murmured to herself.