
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 22

Three days later, Xiao Ning took a batch of Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid from Xiao Yan. Although the effect of the spiritual liquid was rapidly diminishing, it was still the best body-tempering object available to him at the moment.

After obtaining the spiritual liquid and purchasing the necessary materials for his journey, Xiao Ning was fully prepared for his training.

That night, he packed everything and left his room. Before departing, he quietly placed a gold coin card on Xiao Yu's bedside and then left the Xiao family resolutely.

A moment later, outside Wutan City, Xiao Ning looked back at the city gate.

After a long pause, he sighed a little and then clenched his fists, softly saying to himself, "The world outside will definitely be more exciting..."

Smiling, Xiao Ning shook off some melancholy and stepped forward, quickly disappearing into the night.


The Yunlan Sect, one of the largest forces in the Jiama Empire, was located on a majestic mountain more than ten miles away from the imperial capital.

Due to the presence of the Yunlan Sect, this mountain was also called Yunlan Mountain.

It was steep, with cliffs on three sides, making it a place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack. The entire mountain was patrolled by Yunlan Sect disciples, making it a small fortress.

Only two miles from the foot of Yunlan Mountain, 50,000 imperial cavalry were stationed, ostensibly to guard the capital. However, it was clear that they were there to keep an eye on the powerful sect near the capital.

At the top of Yunlan Mountain, the back mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, resembling a fairyland.

On a protruding black rock at the edge of a cliff, a woman in a moon-white skirt and robe was practicing with her eyes closed, her breathing forming a perfect cycle.

With each breath, a light cyan airflow surrounded her body, which she continuously absorbed and transformed.

When the last ray of green air was absorbed, the woman slowly opened her eyes.

A faint green light flashed in them, and her hair, draped over her shoulders, fluttered slightly.

"Senior Sister Nalan, Mr. Nalan Su has come to Yunlan Sect.

He asked you to meet him," a maid said respectfully as the woman exited her cultivation state.

"Father? What is he doing here?" The woman, Nalan Yanran, frowned slightly and shook her head in confusion.

She stood up gracefully, the oncoming breeze pressing her dress against her delicate body, highlighting her attractive figure.

After a lazy glance at the bottomless cliff, she brushed her dress and left her training spot.


In the spacious and bright hall, a middle-aged man with a slightly gloomy face held a teacup, tapping the table irritably.

Nalan Su was very irritable, having been nearly driven into the Yunlan Sect by his father, Nalan Jie.

He hadn't expected that after leading his troops to the western part of the empire for a year, his daughter would boldly annul the marriage arranged by his father.

This act made Nalan Jie furious, as it would appear that the Nalan family was breaking its word because the Xiao family's power was weakening.

To be honest, Nalan Su hadn't been keen on the marriage between the Nalan family and the Xiao family, as Xiao Yan was considered a waste at the time.

However, recent information showed that Xiao Yan had regained his cultivation prowess, making him an attractive potential son-in-law.

Nalan Yanran's private actions had put the relationship between the families in a cold deadlock, causing Nalan Su embarrassment.

The recent news from Wutan City further troubled him,a sixteen-year-old with the strength to kill a great fighting master.

A monster like that growing up could become a formidable opponent, possibly even a fighting emperor.

Nalan Su feared the idea of such a powerful figure being hostile to the Nalan family.

"That girl is getting more and more courageous..." Nalan Su muttered angrily, slamming his teacup on the table, splashing tea everywhere.

A maid hurriedly replaced the cup.


"Father, why didn't you inform Yan'er when you came to Yunlan Sect?" Nalan Yanran's clear voice echoed in the hall as she walked in, smiling sweetly at Nalan Su.

"Hmph, do you still consider me your father? Since becoming Yun Yun's disciple, it seems you've forgotten about the Nalan family!" Nalan Su's anger subsided slightly at the sight of his daughter.

Seeing his unhappy expression, Nalan Yanran shook her head helplessly and dismissed the maid.

"Father, I haven't seen you in over a year, and you scold me as soon as you arrive, I'll definitely tell mother when I go back!"

"Go back? Do you dare to go back?" Nalan Su's lips curled. "If you dare, your grandfather might break your legs!"

Nalan Yanran pouted, understanding her father's meaning. "You know why I'm here," Nalan Su said gloomily, taking a deep sip of tea.

"Is it about my marriage annulment?" Nalan Yanran played with a strand of her hair, speaking calmly.

Seeing her calm demeanor, Nalan Su grew angrier. He slammed his hand on the table, exclaiming, "Your grandfather agreed to the marriage! Who gave you the right to cancel it?"

"It's my marriage, I'll decide who I marry, not you or grandfather!" Nalan Yanran retorted, her independence showing.

"You just thought Xiao Yan was unworthy, right? But now his potential rivals yours," Nalan Su said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Nalan Yanran asked, confused.

She had focused on her cultivation and was unaware of recent events concerning the Xiao family.

Nalan Su recounted the recent events, including Xiao Yan's restored reputation and cultivation speed.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran was surprised. "I didn't expect he could shed the title of waste,that's surprising."

"Surprising? There's more," Nalan Su said, recounting Xiao Ning's recent achievements in Wutan City.

"What?" Nalan Yanran's eyes widened in disbelief. "Sixteen years old and killed the great fighting master!?"