
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 20

Warm sunlight streamed through the gaps in the windows, casting tiny spots of light around the neat room.

In the room, Xiao Ning's naked body was submerged in a wooden barrel filled with a red medicinal liquid that gleamed like agate glass in the sunlight.

He sat with his eyes closed, making strange handprints and breathing deeply, accompanied by strong energy fluctuations.

As time passed, the red liquid in the barrel transformed into faint air currents, slowly entering Xiao Ning's body with each breath, he felt a warm sensation spreading through him, and his handsome yet childish face began to emit a jade-like luster.

A satisfied smile appeared on Xiao Ning's lips.

"As expected of a fourth-grade spiritual liquid, the effect is extraordinary," he thought.

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye.

Early that morning, Xiao Ning had obtained the Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid from Xiao Yan, which Yao Lao had refined with an extremely high success rate.

The finished product yielded eight bottles from two sets of medicinal materials.

Xiao Ning immediately began using the spiritual liquid to temper his body.

As he concentrated on the Immortal Sutra, a bright treasure light emanated from his body, madly absorbing the red air currents from the barrel.

The medicinal power stained his skin and seeped into his body, warming his bones and cleansing his veins.

Time passed, and as Xiao Ning was immersed in cultivation, the sky outside dimmed, and the light in the room grew weaker.

With the last ray of red air absorbed into his body, Xiao Ning's eyes opened, a white light flashing within his black pupils, now tinged slightly red.

He jumped out of the barrel, excitement on his face.

This bottle of Xuanxue Spirit Liquid had increased his physical strength by more than a hundred kilograms.

'The first time using the spiritual liquid to temper my body had such an effect,'he thought happily. 'Ordinary medicinal baths no longer work for me, but with the fourth-grade Xuanxue Spirit Liquid, my physical strength, which had stagnated, is increasing again'

Time passed quickly as Xiao Ning continued his practice.


For nearly ten days, the destruction of the two aristocratic families and Xiao Ning's killing of the Great Fighting Master were hot topics in Wutan City.

However, as people grew bored with the old news, their attention shifted to another major event: the enrollment of the Jia nan Academy.

As one of the famous high-end institutions in the Dou Qi Continent, the Jia nan Academy was a holy place for almost all teenagers.

Attending it promised a bright future, and returning home as a successful practitioner was a prestigious achievement sought after by many.

Jia nan Academy was located at the junction of the Jiama Empire and two nearby large empires it had almost become a small country but despite it's neutral stance, the three major empires dared not provoke it due to its significant strength and subtle cooperation with the royal families of these empires.

Over the years it had developed into a renowned institution, feared and respected by all.

In about ten days, it's admissions tutor would arrive in Wutan City.

As a result, all attention in the city was now focused on this event.


In the mountain behind the Xiao family, Xiao Yan was conversing with Yao Lao.

"You mentioned going out for experience,when should we set off?" Xiao Yan asked.

"Just wait another half month," Yao Lao replied with a smile.

"Why wait so long?" Xiao Yan was confused.

"Because in half a month, it will be the enrollment time for Jia nan Academy and you need to sign up," Yao Lao explained.

Rolling his eyes, Xiao Yan smiled bitterly.

"What am I going to do there? I'm not lacking in martial arts and fighting skills,what else can they teach me?"

"It's not about learning something new," Yao Lao said, giving him a blank look.

"You need to go there to find a kind of heavenly flame, I've learned that it's called Falling Heart Flame, which ranks fourteenth on the heavenly flame list, If you can obtain this flame you should be able to take the flame mantra to the next level"

"Falling Heart Flame?" Xiao Yan murmured, his eyes lighting up.


In Xiao Ning's room, Xiao Yu looked at him in disbelief, displeasure evident on her pretty face.

"You don't plan to enter Jia nan Academy ?" she asked.

Already a disciple of the outer courtyard of Jia nan Academy , Xiao Yu was excited when she learned that the instructor coming to Wutan City was her well-known teacher, Ruolin.

She came to share the news with Xiao Ning, expecting him to join Jia nan Academy easily with his current talent.

But Xiao Ning refused, claiming he had no plans to go to Jia nan Academy .

This puzzled Xiao Yu, and she couldn't hide her anger.

"Jia nan Academy is the best college in our northwest continent, you shouldn't throw such an opportunity away ," she insisted.

"Sister, I have my own plan, and it is definitely not based on impulse," Xiao Ning reassured her.

With the inheritance of Emperor Huang Tian, Xiao Ning saw no need to attend Jia nan Academy.

His path was filled with inevitable killing it did not align with the constraints of the academy.

For he believed a chaotic place like the Black Corner region was more suitable for him.