
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 19

Xiao Ning's killing of Ji Taimei quickly spread through Wutan City, and naturally, it did not escape the notice of the Xiao family which was now the number one family in Wutan city.

"Brother, are the rumors true?"

After hearing the news, Xiao Yu hurried to Xiao Ning's room and asked him in disbelief, "Did you really kill a Great Fighting Master?"

When she first heard the news, it sounded utterly ridiculous.

Although her younger brother had shown great talent and strength recently, it still seemed impossible for him to be able to kill a Great Fighting Master.

Yet, the rumors persisted, and many speculated that the destruction of the two aristocratic families was also linked to Xiao Ning.

This left Xiao Yu restless, prompting her to confront Xiao Ning.

"Yes, I killed him."

Xiao Ning was already prepared for this confrontation.

Facing Xiao Yu's inquiry, he nodded lightly and admitted it directly.

"How did you do that?"

Seeing Xiao Ning admit it so easily, Xiao Yu was confused.

She immediately began to check him for injuries. "That's a Great Fighting Master! How did you manage it?"

Xiao Ning smiled

"It was all done with one sword,don't worry, sister. That old dog didn't even get to touch me."

Once Xiao Yu confirmed that Xiao Ning was unharmed, she felt relieved but looked at him with a complicated expression.

In her eyes, the brother who used to be a crybaby had grown up to be able to kill a Great Fighting Master in such a short span of time.

He had grown so fast that it felt unreal.

After Xiao Yu left, as Xiao Ning expected, some senior members of the family, including his grandfather, the First Elder of the Xiao family, and the clan leader Xiao Zhan, all came to his room to seek verification.

Xiao Ning confessed,

The battle had already been exposed, so there was no need for secrecy.

What pleased Xiao Ning was that after confirming his strength, the senior leaders of the Xiao family did not publicize it.

Instead, they refuted the rumors, claiming that it was someone else from the Xiao family who had killed Ji Taimei.

Although this wasn't completely effective, it did somewhat suppress the uproar caused by Xiao Ning.

The Xiao family understood the saying, "A tall tree catches the wind," and they were wary of drawing too much attention to themselves.

At sixteen, killing a Great Fighting Master was an achievement that excited and unsettled the senior members of the Xiao family.

Knowing this, Xiao Ning felt slightly comforted. Though he didn't care about the outside rumors, the Xiao family's actions showed they appreciated his efforts to alleviate their crisis.


It must be said that after learning about Xiao Ning's true strength, Ya Fei's efficiency in handling matters improved significantly.

Five days later, after being notified by Ya Fei, Xiao Ning returned to the Miter Auction House.

"Brother Xiao Ning, all the medicinal materials for refining the Xuanxue Spiritual Liquid are here.

The time was short, and I could only gather two sets of materials for you."

When they met again, Ya Fei didn't mention Xiao Ning's killing of the Great Fighting Master, but her tone was more cordial, and her attitude more enthusiastic.

Xiao Ning was overjoyed.

Ya Fei had gathered two sets of materials in just five days, which was beyond his expectations.

In Wutan City, it was difficult to find the ingredients for fourth-grade elixirs.

Ya Fei had likely used the resources of the Mitter family, and given her status, she must have paid a heavy price.

"Thank you, Sister Ya Fei, I will certainly repay this favor in the future."

Xiao Ning understood Ya Fei's intentions.

Since he accepted this favor, he made his promise in return.

"Brother Xiao Ning, you don't have to be polite, It's only right for a sister to help her brother."

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Ya Fei's smile became even brighter, knowing her efforts were appreciated.

After leaving the Mitter Auction House, Xiao Ning went straight to the back of the Xiao family grounds.

Yao Lao sensed Xiao Ning's arrival and immediately called Xiao Yan out of the cave.

"Cousin Xiao Yan, are you refining medicine again?"

Smelling the strong scent of medicinal materials on Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning smiled and handed a storage ring to him.

"Here are two sets of materials for refining the Xuanxue Spiritual Liquid, I'm here to help you, Cousin Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan silently took the ring, looking at Xiao Ning with a slightly complicated expression.

He seemed to want to ask something but nodded instead.

"In three days, you can come to get the medicine."


Xiao Ning didn't linger and left immediately.

"It seems the destruction of those two aristocratic families is related to Cousin Xiao Ning," Xiao Yan thought, examining the two sets of materials in the storage ring.

Ever since he learned about Xiao Ning's record of killing the Great Fighting Master, he suspected a connection to the families' destruction.

Now, he was certain.

The Xuanxue Spiritual Liquid was a partial elixir recipe with remarkable body-tempering effects, comparable to an ordinary fifth-grade elixir.

The materials for refining it were extremely expensive, costing nearly 100,000 gold coins per set.

Xiao Ning had not only provided 200,000 gold coins but also supplied two sets of materials simultaneously.

Even Xiao Zhan, the clan leader, couldn't afford such expenses, but Xiao Ning seemed unfazed.

"If it's really him, this kid's character is a bit scary."

Yao Lao appeared behind Xiao Yan, frowning slightly as he watched Xiao Ning leave.

At such a young age, Xiao Ning was capable of ruthless killings, wiping out entire families.

His methods were extremely ruthless.

In Yao Lao's eyes, Xiao Ning would become an extremely dangerous person in the future.

Xiao Yan remained silent.

After learning about Xiao Ning's strength, his feelings were complicated.

"What, are you feeling discouraged again?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's silence, Yao Lao understood his thoughts and said, "There are countless geniuses in the Dou Qi Continent,I've seen many young strong men with abnormal talents,In those ancient families, some have even reached the realm of Fighting Kings or even Fighting Emperors at your age."


"Sixteen-year-old Fighting Kings and Fighting Emperors?"

Yao Lao's words had a huge impact on Xiao Yan. Were such geniuses really out there? For a moment, Xiao Yan felt like a frog in a well.

After regaining his cultivation talent, although he didn't show it, he felt somewhat proud. But hearing Yao Lao's words, he suddenly felt like a joke.

"I'm not telling you this to discourage you."

"I just want you to understand that the path to becoming strong isn't about temporary glory but about final achievements!"

"Many of those geniuses I once admired didn't reach my level in the end," Yao Lao said earnestly.

"Teacher, I understand!"

Under Yao Lao's words, determination gradually appeared in Xiao Yan's eyes.