
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

After negotiating with Ya Fei, Xiao Ning did not stay long at the Mitter Auction House.

He left as he prepared to return to the Xiao family.

"Are you Xiao Ning?"

Unexpectedly, a figure blocked Xiao Ning's way.

It was an old man wearing a green robe with a ruddy complexion.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Ning narrowed his eyes at the old man, a cold glint flashing in his eyes.

The killing intent from the old man was clear.

'This old guy wants to kill me'

"Did you kill Liu Xi?"

Ji Taimei looked at Xiao Ning with a sinister look and cold eyes.

He had learned from the Jialie family that his disciple had died at his hands.

He had come to Wutan City to avenge Liu Xi and destroy the Xiao family.

With his status as a third-grade alchemist, he thought it would be easy to bring down a small family like the Xiao family in Wutan City.

The Jialie family had also promised him many benefits.

But upon arrival, he was shocked to learn that the Jialie family had been destroyed and the Xiao family had become the number one family in Wutan City.

Scolding Jia Lebi as a waste, he chose to keep a low profile and secretly inquired about Xiao Ning's whereabouts.

After waiting for over half a month, he learned that Xiao Ning had left the Xiao family today and came to intercept him.

"So, you're here for Liu Xi," Xiao Ning said, understanding the situation. The old man was seeking revenge.

"I asked you, why didn't you say anything?" Ji Taimei's face grew more and more gloomy, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of asking me questions?" Xiao Ning sneered. Since he understood that the old man was an enemy, he felt no need to be polite.

"How dare you!" Ji Taimei, a third-grade alchemist treated as a guest everywhere, was furious at being insulted by a junior. An aura belonging to the realm of a Great Fighting Master swept out from him.

Xiao Ning raised his eyebrows.

This old man was indeed a late-stage Great Fighting Master, stronger than Jia Lebi. When did such a master appear in Wutan City? However, Xiao Ning dismissed the thought of the old man's origin.

With a thought, a rune in the shape of a nine-leaf sword grass appeared in his palm.

Xiao Ning looked at the old man, a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

He had been looking for someone to test the power of the Caozi Sword Technique and decided to use this old man as his test subject.

"Junior, whether you are Xiao Ning or not, your life ends today."

Alchemists could not be insulted, and Xiao Ning's arrogance had completely angered Ji Taimei.

A faint yellow fighting spirit gradually covered his body, forming an illusory wolf head on his face.

Ji Taimei directly used his Xuanjie fighting skills, hoping to kill Xiao Ning with one move.

The ground beneath his feet cracked open as he swooped towards Xiao Ning like an eagle.

The huge wolf head condensed in Ji Taimei's palm shot towards Xiao Ning with a sharp howl.

The smile on Xiao Ning's face faded as the nine-leaf sword grass rune in his palm emitted sharp sword energy.

With a proud look, Xiao Ning focused his cold eyes on the speeding figure.

An extremely sharp sword energy shot out from his fingertips, and the majestic energy of heaven and earth rippled in the air.

Ji Taimei noticed the terrifying aspect of Xiao Ning's sword energy and felt a sense of foreboding.

As he tried to retreat, a terrifying sword intent surged out.


For a moment, Ji Taimei felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his body was suppressed by an unseen force.

The cold sword energy appeared in his sight, and as the sword light dissipated, Ji Taimei's body was split into two and fell to the ground.

The sound of sword energy cutting through flesh and bones was horrifying.

Onlookers attracted by the fight felt a chill seeping into their bones, their faces turning pale.

Buzz! Buzz!

The crisp sound of the sword resounded through the sky.

Xiao Ning calmly took the ring from Ji Taimei's severed hand and glanced at the onlookers. Frowning slightly, he then quickly relaxed.

Today's battle was unexpected, and his strength was now fully exposed.

This might bring him trouble in the future.

But so what? The road to absolute power should be fearless!

As Emperor Huangtian said: "We should not be afraid of difficulties but face them bravely.

The journey of life may not be smooth sailing, but we cannot fear it,only by facing difficulties bravely can we go further!"

A moment after Xiao Ning left, Ya Fei looked at the letter just delivered to her at the Mitter Auction House, shock evident on her beautiful face.

This Xiao Ning actually has the strength to kill a Great Fighting Master? How old is he? Sixteen?

Her breathing became heavier as she read the letter.

He could kill a Great Fighting Master at the age of sixteen.

What kind of genius was he? If she could establish a good relationship with Xiao Ning, her future would change completely!

Suddenly, Ya Fei thought of something, and her pupils narrowed.

Could the demise of the two great families also be related to Xiao Ning? Otherwise, how could the Xiao family be left unharmed?

"It seems I must help Brother Xiao Ning collect the medicinal materials for refining the Mysterions Blood Spirit Liquid no matter what, Ya Fei decided. Even if she used all her privileges, she would do her best to satisfy Xiao Ning.

As the news of Xiao Ning's killing Ji Taimei spread, an uproar immediately started in Wutan City.