
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 17

Two days later.

"Cousin Xiao Ning, this is the formula for the fourth-grade Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid," Xiao Yan said, handing a list to Xiao Ning outside his house.

"Fourth Grade Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid!" Xiao Ning felt a surge of happiness as he quickly took the list from Xiao Yan's hand.

However, after glancing at it, he frowned slightly. He wasn't worried about the expensive medicinal materials but doubted whether the Mitter Auction House could supply such high-grade ingredients.

"Don't worry, I'll gather these materials as soon as possible," Xiao Ning assured, knowing that alchemists often required their clients to prepare their own medicinal materials and recipes.

Xiao Ning couldn't help but feel envious of the alchemist profession but quickly dismissed that thought.

Refining medicine was not his path.

In his view, with enough strength, he could simply take what he needed.

If he became invincible, the treasures of the entire continent would be at his disposal.

Moreover, the "Immortal Sutra" recorded several ancient body training recipes left by Emperor Huangtian to temper an unparalleled body. However, these ancient recipes required extraordinary medicinal materials, far beyond Xiao Ning's current capacity to procure.

After obtaining the prescription, Xiao Ning left the Xiao family house and headed to the Miter Auction House.

Since revealing his alchemist identity last time, Ya Fei personally came to greet him upon his arrival.

"Master Xiao Ning, it has been a while since you last visited," Ya Fei said.

"I've been busy practicing lately, so I haven't had much time to go out," Xiao Ning responded casually, handing her the formula for the Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid.

Ya Fei, seated elegantly, took the list from Xiao Ning's hand. As she read it carefully, a hint of surprise crossed her charming face.

She looked up at Xiao Ning and asked, "Master Xiao Ning, what grade of elixir are you planning to refine?"

"Fourth grade Mysterious Blood Spiritual Liquid," Xiao Ning stated bluntly.

Since his alchemist identity was already revealed, there was no need to hide this fourth-grade formula.

Hearing this, Ya Fei took a deep breath and glanced at Xiao Ning with growing interest. A fourth-grade spiritual liquid formula meant there was at least a fourth-grade alchemist behind Xiao Ning. Such a figure was significant in the entire Jia Ma Empire.

Realizing this, Ya Fei's attitude became even more enthusiastic.

Winning over Xiao Ning and the alchemist behind him could change her position within her family. Born with low cultivation talent, her future as a strong cultivator was bleak, and her position in the family was embarrassing.

Despite her peerless beauty, without strength, she risked becoming a plaything for the powerful expert or a tool for family marriage, outcomes she wanted to avoid.

Determined to control her own destiny, Ya Fei aimed to enhance her status within the family by growing the Mitter Auction House.

If she could win over Xiao Ning, she could secure her future.

"Master Xiao Ning, we don't have the materials for the Mysterious Blood Spirit Liquid at the moment," Ya Fei said.

"However, since it's for you, I will make every effort to obtain them."

Ya Fei's eyes curved charmingly as she stared at Xiao Ning, her long eyelashes blinking lightly.

Her seductive voice made Xiao Ning's heart tremble.

This woman was naturally enchanting.

Raising his head, Xiao Ning smiled at the charming woman before him.

"Thank you, Sister Ya Fei," he said.

He understood Ya Fei's thoughts. She was utilitarian but had her own principles.

At the moment, he needed her favor. In the future, with enough strength, he wouldn't mind helping her.

Even if Ya Fei offered herself to him, Xiao Ning wouldn't refuse. He would protect her and give her the life she wanted.

After traveling through time and obtaining the inheritance of Emperor Huang Tian, he felt free to live his life as he pleased.

Holding power and enjoying beauty this was the life of a strong man.

"Haha, since you called me Sister Ya Fei, it is natural for me to help you, brother Xiao Ning," Ya Fei said, her smile becoming more charming.

This indicated that Xiao Ning had accepted her favor.

With a few more interactions, she could successfully bring him into her camp.


**PS:** Most of the harem stories, except for Xiao Xun'er, will be accepted. However, rest assured, the protagonist will never be a submissive follower!