
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Settlement 3

"Shall we move, Harry? We have our hearing in 1 hour," said Ted and with a nod and goodbyes, they both left the Tonks residence.

Tonks extended his hand to Harry, which confused him. "I'm going to apparate us." He said. Harry saw him questioningly. He answered the unasked question.

"I think I'll be leaving, Harry. I don't want to stay anymore. All the best for today's events." Said Mira out of blue and before Harry could respond, she vanished in a rush

'What happened to her?' Thought a confused Harry and heard Ted answer and listened to him.

"It is a means of Magical transport that will take us to our destination. Hold my hand tight," said Ted and Harry did as told. The next thing he felt was his arms twist away from him and tightened his grip

The next thing he knew everything went black, he was pressed very hard from all directions, he could not breathe, iron bands were tightening around his chest; his eyeballs were being forced back into his head; his ear-drums were being pushed deeper into his skull.

The sensation went off as soon as it came and Harry felt being forced through a very tight rubber tube and it was gone. His foot touched the hard ground, only his honed reflexes being Seeker made his legs fall straight not bending an inch.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Asked Ted. He felt nauseous but controlled himself. After a minute of adjusting, he felt ok and nodded to Ted.

"Let's move then." Said Ted and they went to Level 2 to go to the Wizengamot Courtrooms. They were greeted by a clerk at the entrance of all who redirected them to their courtroom.

"It seems we have our hearing in Courtroom-7," said Ted, gesturing to a large number 7 at the entrance of the room. They were escorted to a waiting area as the session had not started.

"So how do we do this, ?" Asked Harry. This was the first time he came to court for a hearing and he was a bit nervous.

"Calm down, Harry. We need to prove you are the actual Harry Potter and the rest is the company's job.

To prove yourself, you need an Heir Ring or Lord Ring or Gringotts vault information by a Goblin and of course, there is a blood test.

If you have Heir or Lord Ring, any above confirmation is not necessary, but the ring will be tested to see if it is authentic or not," explained Ted.

"Ok, then about the terms and conditions? How do we get them as we wanted?" As a curious teenager, he can't help but wonder how all this works and probably learn one day.

"That's easier. Once the company is proven guilty, you can penalise them to a margin or in full the amount they earned. But I suggest you marginalise the penalty, because -"

"Then instead of money, I can ask for shares and gain control over the company and dictate what to do," completed Harry with a wide smile.

"Aha. Well, that's it," concluded Ted and further explained how the session take place. Soon they were called in. Harry entered a large room with spacious chairs and lavish furniture.

The room was square with equal height benches along the walls. It was made of black stone and lit by torches. The room held at least 150 people, including 100 at the far wall which had the rising benches as if to fit more people.

There was also a large bench to the opposite side of Harry which was very large but can only fit 20 or 30 people. Harry saw a familiar person sitting in the middle chair of them.

At least two doors led to the room, one opposite the high benches which led to somewhere, while the one they came from gave entrance to anyone who wishes to enter.

Harry saw what was meant to be a 'visitors' area full of people and he could see them pushing each other to get a good view.

He also heard some gasps when he entered the room and gave the room a once over. Though he didn't know any of them, he knew they all knew him and went with it, smiling and waving at them as he moved.

If public opinion matters in this, why not charm them beforehand and turn them to his side? After all, he is the boy-who-lived and it seems everyone wants his time.

They moved to the middle of the room where there were 2 large benches and 2 seats in their case and 3 seats with the bench on their right were arranged.

Harry and Ted took the seats on the left beach while 2 men and a woman took seats on the bench to their right.

Harry observed how they seemed to be a mixture of wizard robes and muggle clothing while he and Ted were fully in muggle attire.