
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Settlement 2

As they talked, time passed quickly and they could soon see a large city. It took them 3 hours to reach there and Mira turned them invisible as they reached London to avoid detection and made their way to Ted's home, enjoying the beauty of London happily.

"Do you want me to come?" Asked Mira.

"Why not? You are smart and can help to suggest good measures," said Harry, though invisible, Mira can see his grin as they are visible to each other.

"Well, in that case, I'm going to be around your left arm. Though I don't sense any danger, be careful, Harry," said Mira, as she landed in front of a muggle villa and Harry cast a Notice me not to right his dress and hair as they went into disarray because of the speed they came here.

He silently went to the entrance door and knocked on it. An unexpected person welcomed Harry in.

"Hey, watc-" started a certain pink-haired which Harry knew well, but stopped after seeing Harry.

"You! What are you doing here?" She asked, pointing an accusing finger.

"Dora, who is it?" Asked Andromeda as she walked in to see a funny sight. Her daughter accusing Harry of something.

"Oh, Harry. I just thought of coming to Hogwarts to checkup," said Andromeda and 'Dora' turned to her in shock.

"Are you telling me he is your client?" She asked incredulously.

"Ms Tonks, will you please allow me in?" Asked Mira, mimicking Harry's voice. Harry turned to her invisible spot with a betrayed look. She opened the door wide to welcome him in and Harry walked in silently.

"Everything is prepared, Harry. Why don't you make yourself home here in the meantime?" Andromeda asked and walked him into the same office he last saw.

"This was good, Harry. I didn't think you're enjoying yourself with all these people," said Mira. Harry can imagine the pout on his lips clearly.

'Doing this is fun. But we'll find whether it is worth it or not today,' said Harry through their mental connection.

"Thanks, Andromeda. How are you doing and you as well, pinky?" Asked Harry as he saw Tonks walk in with her mother. Harry heard something fall but didn't give it much attention.

"What did you call me?" She asked in an angry tone, her hair changing colours. Harry was amazed by this. He didn't see anyone change their hair colours this fastly.

At most, he saw someone change 2 colours, but cycling through colours like how Tonks is doing is a first for him.

"Harry, look at her. She could be your best example for shape-shifting training. Though I can't use it like that myself, I think you can use it," said Mira in an uncertain tone.

Her shapeshifting abilities goes only as far as sizing and resizing herself into different sizes. Not like how the girl in front of her is showing.

"Wow, Tonks, your hair is amazing," said Harry as he moved in to see her colour cycle closely.

It was red, brown, green, purple and when he spoke, it changed to her signature pink but a shade darker and it returned to its pale pink again.

"Hn. I'm Metamorphagus, after all," said Tonks in a smug tone.

"Oh, Dora. It's good to see you making a new friend," said Ted, walking into the office.

"Friend? This short st-" 'Dora' was cut off as she observed Harry's height difference from the last time she saw.

"Hey, that's cheating. How did you grow this much from the last time I saw you?" She called in outrage. Harry was 5'3, just a few inches shorter than Tonks.

"That's called growth, pinky. I don't think you know about it," said Harry in a condescending tone. Tonks got angry again and her hair cycled through various colours.

Harry observed the cycle in much more interest with his magic, he was trying to get a good feel of what was happening, but he couldn't.

"Don't worry that you're not getting a grasp of her magic, Harry. As you saw, it's just a matter of practice. If you couldn't get it on your own, you can ask her next time you meet.

Didn't you tell me you will be working with Ted for some time now?" Mira asked and Harry relaxed a bit. He is trying his best to get a grasp on how she is doing it, but he couldn't.

He gave in as Mira suggested, he can always ask her. Although she acts like she has no clue, Harry understood her nature and intelligence.

If not, how could she be an Auror working under a Senior Auror like Mad 'Eye' Moody? When he saw Moody, Harry researched the crazed man.

What he found surprised him a bit. Moody was a Senior Auror and the best known Dark Wizard catcher. And is known to send so many dark wizards to Azkaban.