
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Gryffindors and Attack? 7

Harry also added Duro on them, to make them more strong so that they can last long.

As he saw his golems reach no1 and no2 who are determined to flame him and saw the flame approach him, fast he used the first spell that came to his mind to counter it.

"Glacies Tuber," said Harry, using the first ice spell he ever learned from the Slytherin library. Glacies Tuber is an ice spell that dumps blocks of ice on and surrounding the user.

Harry knew using a water spell would work, but he wanted to test how well the ice would work and tried it and it managed to stop the fire from spreading.

Using his magic, he released a strong pulse, escaping the impact of Deprimo and moving out of place. By this point, his golems reached no1 and no2.

Harry watched as his golems got destroyed with a few severing and cutting curses and decided to pull out the big guns.

He banished the remains of his golems towards them and while they were busy making shields or any other transfigurations that can defend them while he walked closer to one of them.

"Hey, where is Potter?" no1 asked no2 as he looked around for Harry. He was too late to notice Harry behind him and turned to try something, only to be caught in one of the strongest spells Harry had.

"Legilimens," Harry said, looking directly into no1's eyes. Immediately Harry felt something different. His enhanced senses gave him feedback.

Much like when Snape tried, he felt sending a hook towards no1 and felt it being stopped by something strong.

While Harry is going through this, no1 was terrified by the eerie green glow Harry's eyes are giving and stuck in place in fear.

Harry felt the terror the man was going through and started searching for 'Harry Potter' in his mind. He found a memory and dived into it.

"Did you say, Harry Potter?" No1 asked a black-cloaked figure.

"Yes. I want the brat dead. If you can't kill him, at least remove a limb or two. That would teach him. Arrogant little punk!" it said again.

Harry can't decide whether the speaker is male or female much like when he talked to the Unspeakables in the Department of Mysteries.

"What's in it for us?" No1 asked standing beside no2.

"Heh, idiot. I'll give you millions of Galleons. Do it and meet me here. Remember, failure is not tolerated." The cloaked figure said and vanished.

Harry just noticed the area they were in was dark and can't see any sign to refer from and can't make heads or tails about it. He is going to go deeper and find more.

"Crucio," Harry heard someone say behind him and immediately jumped back from no1's head. He heard a loud scream of pain and agony a second later.

"Petrificus Totalus," Harry yelled towards no2 who is still torturing no1. The spell hit him and made him immobile.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU CAN'T HARM ME, POTTER," no2 yelled with a deranged smirk.

"I didn't know you were this strong. I would have brought more men with me. No matter, I know I'm going to die. But I won't let you learn anything more!" He said with a victorious smirk.

Harry was about to fire a curse, but the man was fast and shot first.

"Avada Kedavra," he said, pointing his wand to no1 and killing the man instantly. Harry used a Protego on himself, thinking he was going to hit him.

"WHY YOU!" Harry got outraged by this and fired the first unforgivable curse of his life.

"IMPERIO," he said pointing his wand towards no2. But before his spell took effect, no2 used "Interitus," and decayed into dust.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Harry yelled in frustration as he failed to capture them and learn who sent them. A green flash lit beside him.

"Calm down, Harry. Come, let's finish this." Mira said in a soothing tone. Harry's anger subsided for a minute.

Harry buried both of them in the forest and cleaned the area of any signs of fight and remains of blood and golems.

"You went through a lot. Come, climb on me." Mira said soothingly and Harry climbed her without any words.

"As soon as we move past the barriers, remove all the spells you cast on the area." She said and felt Harry nod. As Mira took off into the setting sky, Harry took off all the spells he cast area-wide.

Mira turned invisible and they went off towards the horizon, Mira tried her best to soothe Harry and his frustration.

Harry didn't expect his Christmas holidays would start like this. Though the attack was not also planned, it did give him something to think about.

The dark-robed man in an unknown location stormed off seeing the 2 marks he put on the wall rip off.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you have liked it. Tell me, what do you think of the chapter and story in general.

Don't forget to vote in the Monthly Poll.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.