
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Gryffindors and Attack? 6

Roger Davies was waiting for his chance to play and prove everyone wrong as a substitute. But he didn't get the chance. This is not what he wanted.

He planned it perfectly. He would join the Ravenclaw team, become their captain and be more famous and can enjoy 'more'. But none of it came true.

Everything he dreamed of started to disappear. He is a popular student in Ravenclaw - smart and outgoing. For what it is worth, he was the de facto leader for the first 4 years till now. Till Harry Potter came to his house.

Harry came and took everything from him. He was a Chaser till now, he adjusted if Cho took that spot as she is pretty, but Harry took the spot he wanted as Seeker.

As if to rub salt on injury, he became the Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team while he, Roger Davies became the extra/ substitute player of the team. He tried to defame the Potter in the past.

Somehow everything he spread was not believed in his own House let alone other Houses. But this time he can't bear it anymore.

Even now, they are celebrating, not including him. He is going to get his revenge and take everything Harry took from him soon.

'I'll see your end, Harry Potter. I'll teach you a good lesson and get everything I always wanted!' Davies vowed and stormed to his dorm.

"Harry, why is Davies not listening to my calls?" Jason asked as he saw Davies storm off to somewhere.

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to celebrate this with his friends." Harry said as others chanted his name.

'He is outraged, huh. Let's see what you can do, Davies. I'll deal with you once and for all. I can't have you defaming me,' Harry thought.

He was observing Davies every match and the more time the match passed, the more he gets frustrated and angry. He knew what it feels to be left alone.

But he saw something more in Davies' eyes. Desire, hunger, greed and lust for recognition. Harry knew something was wrong with him.

He started closely observing Davies after that and as the days passed, his frustration grew without bounds. Harry didn't deal with him when he spread rumours.

He shrugged it off as Davies attempted to one-up him. But today showed Harry how deeply Davies hates him and Harry knew something is going to happen soon. He is going to be prepared for that.

Harry went to the Great Hall to eat and his team celebrated there as well. After a happy dinner, the happy vibes continued in the common room as well.

Everyone settled to happily talk about the match and gossip about the Weasley twins as a rumour of the twins seeing the Giant squid started spreading.

Harry happily talked with his friends and when he was about to sleep, Cho came and gave him a match-winning kiss and he slept with a wide smile.

He planned on how to ace his exams and counter Davies but decided to deal with the greedy fool when he tries something. Harry slept talking to Mira about his Quidditch match.

Scene Break

A Few Days Later

Harry was on his way towards the Hogwarts express. He aced his exams and is confident he will be top of his class. Cho showed the same confidence as well.

He just gave a send-off to Cho as her parents came to pick her up at the Hogwarts entrance gate and they promised to keep in touch.

He was going in a Thestral carriage alone when he heard an explosion and turned back to see 2 people fighting outside Hogwarts.

Harry knew about that. As most can't use magic outside Hogwarts, they generally settle any of their disputes before holidays like this.

Though only Upper years from Year 5 and above do this as they often have some dispute about one thing or the other. Though this is not forbidden by the Headmaster, it was not punishment free as well.

Harry heard someone hit his carriage and opened the curtains to see 2 people shooting at him.

"Dobby," Harry called and the excited elf appeared in a pop.

"What can Dobby do for Master Harry?"

"Take these to Tonks house. I'll come soon." He said and Dobby obeyed and vanished with Harry's luggage.

He chose to go alone to feel the adventure. By the looks of it, someone got the tip and is waiting for him to attack.

'Who are these guys? Did uncle Tommy send his men? Or is this what Davies planned?' Harry thought as he jumped off his carriage.

As soon as he touched the ground, the carriage exploded as someone sent a powerful spell at it and Harry saw the Thestral run away in fear.

"Who sent you?" Harry asked. Seeing one of them sending a cutting curse at him, Harry sent a rock at it with his hand, neutralising it.

"I asked who sent you!" Harry yelled and this time the effect of his shout was felt for a few hundred feet as his magic amplified his shout and unknown to him, a pressure fell on the 2 people attacking Harry.

"Muffliato," Harry said under his breath and with a wave of his hand, all the area within a few hundred feet was covered by the charm. Now he can talk freely with them and they can't be heard by anyone and he is going to shield them with a powerful anti detection barrier as well.

These idiots are going to face his wrath. Whoever the fool hired them is going to know messing with Harry Potter is not a good thing. Harry decided to name them no1 and no2 as they are not talking but attacking him mindlessly. He is going to restrict the area of the fight and then attack.

"Protego Totalum," Harry said, protecting the area and restricting his attackers to a small area so that they can't escape into Hogsmead and take hostage.

"Bombardo," Harry said, creating an explosion near one of them and sending them skidding.

"Expelliarmus," Harry said trying to disarm no1 and it worked.

"Furnunculus," Harry heard the other say and jumped back when no1 takes his wand back with a summoning charm and saw them regroup.

"Confringo," no1 said. Pointing toward the wooden piece Harry was standing on.

"Deprimo", no2 said, trying to create a downward pressure to restrict Harry.

"Piertotum Locomotor," said Harry, pointing to the immediate ground around him, animating some golems with them. His golems charged towards no1 and no2 to divert their concentration.