
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Discussion and Discovery 5

"Yes, sir,"

"Can I see it?" Asked Dumbledore cautiously, his eyes gaining back their twinkle as Patronus charm is all about positive memories. Harry nodded.

"Expecto Patronum," called Harry, pulling his wand out. If it is anyone else, they would have missed Harry's wand as much importance is not given to the wand.

They are important to the user as they help the user to use their magic with control and fluidity. Others don't care about wands other than that.

But to a well experienced and war-hardened person like Dumbledore, a wand means so many things.

A wand can say a lot about its user's characteristics as the wand always chooses the wizard. What he saw surprised him. He knew Harry's Holly wand colour.

It is a grey wand with a small handle, but this wand is similar, yet different. It is a greyish brown with green and black streaks spiralling the entire length.

In all his long life, he saw so many wands, but none of this beauty. It has a certain air around it that demanded power and respect from everyone.

If Dumbledore inspected it more closely, he would have seen small figures of a Phoenix, a Basilisk, a Horned Serpent and a Chimera carved at the end of the wand, near the handle. But he didn't as Harry hid them.

As a person who can feel magic to a better degree, its soothing feeling is like a calming song to his ears. He was so immersed in the wand's beauty, he almost missed the personification of everything positive.

An ethereal white Doe came to life as soon as Harry said the incantation. It searched around, scanning for any threats, finding none, it moved closer to its creator.

Dumbledore can remember a similar Doe walk across the ruined Potter residence, guiding him towards the hiding place where James and Lily hid to survive.

Seeing that same Doe brought back memories to the old headmaster he wished he never had. As they reminded him of the people he lost.

"It's as beautiful as your mother's, Harry. The same Doe. It is more proof that her love saved you from Voldemort. What do you know about the Patronus Charm?"

"How did you get your hands on this complicated Charm and master it in such a short time?" Asked Dumbledore, his mind pondering all possibilities.

"Well, the Patronus charm is the most famous and one of the most powerful defensive charms known to our kind.

It was an immensely complicated and extremely difficult spell that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian.

It was the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there were no other defences.

And there were two types of Patronuses: Corporeal, which meant a Patronus with a particular shape and form, and Incorporeal Patronuses.

Incorporeal Patronuses had no particular shape and can not protect against Dementors the way Corporeal Patronuses did." Said Harry, reciting from the book he read on the charm.

As he doesn't want Dumbledore to get knowledge about his mother's diary, he chose to recite from the book instead of the simple explanation from her diary.

"Yes, that is correct. Do you know, there is something you should know about this guardian spirit?" Asked Dumbledore and Harry gave him a curious look.

"A Corporeal Patronus takes the form of a guardian spirit which the caster feels most safe with. In other words, the Patronus charm takes the form of the guardian spirit to which you feel dearest and most connected.

In your case, Doe. Your mother Lily's Patronus is also a Doe, Harry. It means that even in her death, she is still protecting you.

She is protecting you through the power of love, Harry. It is important that you keep this in mind!" said Dumbledore with passion. Harry nodded, but he is raging inside.

'Hn, says who? The man who didn't honour her last wish and put her only son with her magic hating, muggle sister?

And you are preaching about love and what are you planning for me, a sacrifice?' Raged Harry. What hypocrisy this old man is preaching to him?

If only he could open his mouth and say all this to his face. Alas. That can't happen as he wants to keep things peaceful for now and doesn't want to blow his cover.

'The day will come and I'll wait for it,' thought Harry, finally calming down.

"You must be prepared for everything, my boy. Remember, your mother made a noble sacrifice to save you from Voldemort.

She and your father put all their hopes in you and you need to keep that hope alive and move on, honouring their sacrifice." Said Dumbledore, standing from his seat and putting a gentle on Harry's shoulder.

Harry's immediate reaction would be to scoff at the old man and call out for his hypocrisy, but he controlled and strongly clamped on his anger and nodded with difficulty.

"Look at the time, it is beyond late. I'm sorry to keep you this long, Harry. You can go now. Concentrate on your studies as well. Enjoy the night," said Dumbledore with a wide smile.

"You too, Headmaster. Enjoy the night," said Harry, his teeth almost gritting at the end, he stormed out of the Headmasters office.

As he walked into the corridors of the empty school, he took his invisibility cloak and wore it to avoid someone finding him out of bound. Not that he can't handle it. He is not in the mood for it.

He knew a few corridors that can take him to Ravenclaw tower as quickly as possible as he doesn't need to answer a riddle to enter the common room, he can enter silently.