
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Discussion and Discovery 4

"Can you explain what happened in Gringotts?" He asked, finally coming to the point.

"Oh, that's a disturbing story, Professor." Started Harry with a pained smile.

"I went to them to withdraw some money for my school supplies. They sent me to a goblin called Bloodstain," said Harry, pausing for dramatics.

He is going to enjoy every moment of this. Dumbledore isn't the only one for dramatics after all. Harry saw a look of recognition when he mentioned Bloodstain.

"He asked me about various things and persuaded me to accept the Heir ring. I think it gives him more power on my vault," said Harry, making a sad face.

"Then he went on and read my parents' will. There were so many things I didn't understand, but the greedy goblin asked me to sign on parchment and gave me this ring," said Harry, pointing to the Potter Heir ring that appeared on his left ring finger.

Dumbledore remembered the last time he saw the same ring. It was after James's graduation from Hogwarts during the First Wizarding War.

He saw a messy raven-haired boy with glasses walk in through the same door Harry walked from and asked him to let him join in the Order.

"After that, he gave me some Galleons and sent me. I was out before I can object and bought my supplies and went home," explained Harry in the same sad tone pulling the old headmaster from his recollection.

Though Dumbledore might have found the difference between Harry during the trial and Harry in the story, his prejudice of the boy blinded him from doing that.

As that's what Harry, his golden boy, would do if he was in a similar situation. So he accepted it without any doubt and nodded in acceptance.

"Goblins are greedy, my boy. I'm sorry for your loss," said Dumbledore in a consoling tone. Fawkes trilled again, though in amusement or to lift the mood, is not known.

Harry thought the bird was thrilled by his story while Dumbledore thought the opposite.

"It happens, sometimes, Harry. We must accept them for what they were," said Dumbledore sagely.

Instead of asking or arguing with Harry about losing millions of Galleons, Dumbledore started to console him of his loss and said encouraging words to 'cheer' him up.

If not for his Occlumency shields, Harry would be rolling on the ground, probably die of laughter as his stomach would have burst by the antics of the old man.

'Man, who told fooling this old man is tough? He just fell head over heels as soon as I played the victim card.

He totally forgot about his 2.5 Million Galleons loss and started encouraging me as if I don't know anything,' thought Harry, still laughing in his mind.

"Goblins are greedy creatures, Harry. You must be careful with them. They offer us their services as long as we are respectful and give them gold.

Once we make a mistake, they squeeze everything from us, even our soul if it is worth something. Be careful with them," continued Dumbledore and Harry nodded along.

"We can't change anything now as you were known as Heir Potter through the Wizarding world. You must be more careful now as some unsavoury might get offended by this and try to attack you," said Dumbledore.

Harry raised an eyebrow. 'Why does anyone care if I claim my House Heirship? Is someone plotting to steal it from me? Does he know anything?' Thought Harry.

His mind running through every and all possibilities to assess if there is any mention by Bloodstain or anyone about anything relating to this. Then it struck him.

'You not only saved the Childcare centre, Harry, but it's children and their future. If not for your arrival, I might have taken on the offer of that man," Vali said in worry.

"Who might it be?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's talk about that later," Vali said, trying to divert the topic.'

Harry didn't care about it then, as it didn't seem important to him. But if it has something to do with what Dumbledore is saying, then he is going to investigate that as well.

He is not one to take chances, at least after he changed after his 2nd year and became the Slytherin Lord. 'I'll find what's going on,' determined Harry and continued listening to Dumbledore.

"You must pull yourself together, Harry. You have suffered a lot, but for everyone you love and for the Wizarding world and for the greater good, you need to be strong.

I heard you can perform a Corporeal Patronus, is that true?" Asked Dumbledore, speaking of Harry's Patronus. When he first heard it from Remus, he was surprised.

If a 13 year old performs an Incorporeal Patronus is a far stretch, the same performing a Corporeal Patronus is just insane.

But the proof the DADA Professor presented can't be ignored and so he trusted him. He thought of asking Harry to do it when he got the chance. He got the chance and asked.