
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

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Chapter Continues-

After coming up with the perfect idea, she leaned in, catching the rose and taking it from Harry's hands. "Yes! That's how you propose to a girl. I'm proud of you, my student!" Tonks used her mother's patented bone-crushing hug and crushed Harry under her might.

Harry felt his ribs screech in pain but withheld everything, managing to give a strained smile to the onlookers. They also clapped for his stunt and went on their way.

"Do you think you are good at pranks? I'm better." Tonks whispered into his ears, giving Harry shivers.

"Come on, my proposal is genuine," Harry said as she started walking.

"Oh really? Do you want a repeat?" She asked with a sweet smile and Harry shuddered at that.

"That's good."

"Um, Tonks," Harry called after they walked for a few minutes.


"We kinda lost," Harry said tentatively.

"What! How? Why? When?" She asked, looking around.

"I followed you after you started walking and it looks like we are lost now," Harry said and Tonks sighed.

They stood on the side streets of Birmingham, looking around for any clue of their direction and Tonks saw something that interested her.

"Harry, are you still up with that bet?" She asked and he looked up at her and nodded.

"Then try her." She said pointing towards a blonde-haired girl walking towards them.

"Her? She looks like a young girl." Harry said after seeing the girl Tonks was pointing towards.

"Yes. That's the whole reason for this." She said smugly.

"They will book me for child abuse if I take her. She doesn't look older than 6." Harry said and Tonks faltered in her confidence and slumped.

"How should I prove you are wrong then?" She asked in a depressed voice.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I admit defeat. I can't woe any girl you point at," Harry admitted, sitting beside and trying to comfort her only for the Metamorphmagus to laugh her heart out.

"Hahahahshahshshshs," she laughed, making Harry look around in worry. He is worried about her health now. Normally this is not how Tonks behaves and he went through every and all possibilities of disease.

While he was going through a medical directory, Tonks was in another dilemma in her mind. 'That was close.' She thought, again and again.

'For a moment, I thought he was proposing to me.' She tried her best to slow her heart rate and calm down. It's been long since anyone asked her out on a date much to propose to her.

As a child, she was scorned for her ability to change her hair and body into others. Many didn't like it as she was an oddity and her Professors didn't help much.

Even after she repeatedly explained how the ability is automatic and she doesn't have control over it, they ignored her. She was accustomed to the life of a loner after that.

She is concerned with boys or having a boyfriend in general. All she ever wanted was a friend. A friend with whom she can share everything. As time passed, this happy go lucky girl came to light, shrugging off everything with a goofy smile and blaming all her mistakes on clumsiness.

When Harry proposed to her, she had to shut her emotional side to think of a quick way out. She knew she is too old for Harry and doesn't want the Potter heir to take her out even as a prank.

She wants him to have a better future just not because she is his bodyguard. But from her parents' words, they are related. Maybe a long one, but related. That's enough for her to pray for the well being of the Potter Heir.

She didn't expect him to take interest in her ability. It felt like being in heaven when he was with her, sharing all his insights and ways to improve her control.

That's the reason why she wanted to learn more about this Harry Potter. She knew the Harry she came to know through the news is different from the Harry in front of her.

While the Harry in the news is a noble, charming and calculated Heir to a Noble House, this Harry is a sneaky, smart and caring teen who wants to protect everything he likes.

That, she concluded from his words. Every time she talked about Sirius or the childcare centre, he was so passionate and the love he held for them can be seen in his unique green eyes.

She also knew how angry and outrageous he can get when he explained to her about the Dementor attack. That terrified her. Not only because of the Dementors but by the will of the teen who took them head-on without flinching or faltering and came victorious.

As an Auror, she can imagine his magical strength and capabilities from her experience, but what she expected and what she got were so different that any parallels can't be drawn between them.

Now the same teen is worried? About something and looking around for some help. Tonks was sent back to reality hard and she had to steady herself to stabilise and not fall.

"Are you okay? I didn't expect my small prank to push you into insanity." He said in a shameful tone and started tugging her as if to get her attention.

Her orbs got the light back and her hair started to change instantly after his words were processed. "What!?" She asked, bewildered.

"Dora?" Harry asked tentatively as if testing the words.

"What, Potter?" Came the snarky response.

"Ah, you are ok. Great. Now let's move. I found the address." Harry said, dragging the embarrassed woman holding her hand as if she would get lost if he left her.

"Leave me, I can walk." She argued.

"No can do. We already lost once and I don't want to take chances." Harry replied and with a huff, she followed him to the Henry and Lollanthe Potter Childcare centre.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.