
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Christmas Gifts 4

As muggle raised, both of them decided to go using Muggle transport which Harry liked a lot compared to the Knight Bus and Tonks shared the sentiment.

Though Harry can then use his Flight, he didn't think he can carry her and travel that long easily and chose to not bring up that topic. As he also doesn't want anyone to know about his special capabilities for now.

They found the bus and sat in it for the 3-hour long journey while each of them was in their worlds, unknowingly thinking of others in different ways.

Scene Break

Unknown Location

"What do you mean by 'you want to take care of that Childcare centre' Father? I didn't think you were interested in the Potters that much." A female said to an older man.

"It is not that simple, dear. There are reasons I want that. But that woman didn't agree with my offer. Let's talk about something else for a second. Didn't you say the Potter boy changed?" He asked and his daughter gave him a nod with a steel look.

"Do share your observations. I want to assess how much you have grown." He asked with the same steel look.

"Hn. I can see his ploy easily. He is different in not only his behaviour but also his thinking, attitude and most of all, magic. I can see the difference as clear as day. It doesn't happen that easily. Though Malfoy being the dumb fool he is tried to get a rise out of Potter, I can see how well he tackled it and sent that prick with his tail between his legs.

Though he is in Ravenclaw, I'm sure he will do great in Slytherin. He has every characteristic of a Noble Slytherin and sometimes I wonder if being a Ravenclaw is also his play. A way to bypass the prejudice and fear the Slytherin name has." She explained and saw the proud glint in her father's eyes.

"Yes, dear. I heard some things as well. Looks like the new Harry Potter is not the Goldenboy of Dumbledore anymore. He is different and the ruthlessness he showed is not possible to a meek boy." He explained and she gave him a questioning look.

"Looks like Harry sued Dumbledore and from what I hear, he got 2.5 Million Galleons as a penalty from the old headmaster." At the figure, her eyes widened though she covered the slip up easily.

"I didn't expect that. So he should be the one to look out for. I didn't expect Potter to change that much in just 3 months. Even in his year-end speech, he sounded well. I didn't expect this much change, father. What do you want me to do?"

"Elaborate on that."

"He got the award for special services and said he won't be the same boy any longer and thanked Snape, especially for that. He also topped that exam and continued his streak this year.

Speaking of Snape, he is acting differently. Previously, he would just deduct points from any house just for being in front of him. But looks like something changed, as he is now deducting points of Slytherins and only Slytherins. Even if he tried to deduct any other houses, his words change and end up deducting from Slytherin."

"Hmm, definitely some kind of curse. But whatever. Who cares about him? He is not on our side and we want balance." He said and started thinking.

"Just observe Potter. I want to know what else he does. I'll try to get in touch with him and have a 'chat'." He said and his daughter nodded and left the room.


Harry and Tonks had reached Birmingham and were on their way to the Childcare centre.

"So how did you know about this?" Tonks asked curiously.

"I was going through my parents' belongings and came across it."

"Oh? What else do they have?"

"Their belongings? They have some money, dairies and uh, some family jewellery I guess." He said with a shrug.

"You did meet your accounts manager, right?" Tonks asked and Harry rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just curious to know how happy he was. Ours was so happy he removed all restrictions on our account."

"Bloodstain was always happy to do business with me."

"Of course, he would be. Who won't? He would get thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Galleons as fees after all. Even I would be happy with that."

"Aren't you happy now?"

"Happy? For what?"

"Accompanying me."

"Yeah, that's a great honour I forgot." She said sarcastically.

"Don't you have any boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends? Nah. I'm not interested in anyone I'm working with and everyone I know is way older than me to date."

"Hmm, what a sad situation you are in," Harry said with pity, patting her head in a soothing gesture.

"Wait a minute! Why are you patting me as if I am missing something? Do you have a girlfriend or something?" She asked doubtfully. Harry nodded simply.

"What! How the hell does a brat like you have a girlfriend? I want to see her this instant! How can girls fall for you?" She asked with a huff.

"Hello, Ms Tonks. I have a good following I'm telling you. Even now I can date some random woman and they will date me without a second thought." Harry argued.

"As if. I bet you can't date a muggle girl as they won't know about your Heroic life." Tonks said with a hungry glint. She won't accept that this brat has a girlfriend while she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Though it may seem childish, it's what her brain is currently stuck to and she is going to see the end of it. She also forgot about Harry's books being published in the muggle world.

"Ok. By today evening, I'll take a girl on a date!" Harry said in a challenge.

"Bet?" Tonks asked and Harry nodded.

He got an evil glint in his eyes and as they turned a corner, he kneeled in the middle of the street.

"Will you go on a date with me, Dora?" He asked, with a rose coming out of nowhere and flowers falling on them from above which made all the passersby stop, noticing the young teen asking his girlfriend for a date.

Much to Tonks's dismay, the street they stopped was one of the busiest streets in Birmingham and she had hundreds of eyes on her, waiting for her response.

Tonks' mind went blank at that. She slowly took in the situation she was in. People are looking at them in interest, everyone waiting for her reaction.

Harry's eyes held such honesty, she almost agreed when her Auror side kicked in and shut her activity. Her mind went into overdrive to think about what to do.