

"Hey, will you let me help you with that?" Said Miley.

"It's fine, I can manage" Answered Bree with a smile.

"Miss Laines, talk her out of it if you still need to have your grandchild" Said Miley reluctantly.

"She is right, you shouldn't stress yourself that much, it's not good for the baby"

"Mom, you guys shouldn't worry so much"

"They are right" Said Jace as he walked towards Bree, kissed her cheeck and then handed her a bunch of flowers.

"You came" Said Bree with a smile as she smelt the flowers.

"Why do I feel like you guys need some alone time" Said Miley noticing how Bree and Jace stared at eachother endlessly.

"Oh..um..I just came to remind you of your appointment with the doctor" Said Jace to Bree.

"I won't miss it for anything" She replied.

"Wow, I love wherever this is going" Whispered Miley immediately Jace left the room.

"Babe, I was thinking that maybe we can go out sometime" Said Jace as he pulled Bree by her waist.

"I would love to"

"How about this weekend?"

"It's a good idea" She kissed him.

The door opened.

"Son, I..."

Jace and Bree quickly let go of themselves.

"Mom, you are here" Said Jace while he rubbed his lips with his eyes fixed on Bree.

"I will be downstairs" Mrs Willis said as she walked out.

"where were we?" Asked Jace as he pulled Bree and kissed her.

"Go talk to your mom, we can do this later" She said as she tried to pull away but he held her tight and kissed her neck with his right index finger playing with her nipples. She sighed heavily. He carried her up with her legs around his waist and his head in between her shirtless breasts and put her against the wall. He kissed her lips, to her neck and down to her breasts and sucked her nipples. She gave little moans when he finally made his way through her.

"Why is he taking so long?" Asked Mrs Willis while she looked up the stairs.

"Why don't you take some of this as you wait" Said Imma holding a cup of coffee.

"Thank you"

"You might have to wait for a long time, Mrs Willis"

She sighed and asked "Is it always like this?"

"For some time now"Imma replied with a smile

"I'm glad he's finally moved on"

Imma smiled.

"Oh mom, I'm sorry I took long" Jace said as he leaned forward and hugged her.

"You are ok, son?" She asked

"Mom" He said placing her head in his chest "you shouldn't worry about me"

She sighed and held him tight. Bree stood up the stairs watching. She loved the new Jace, she never wanted any of this to end but she felt as though the end was close.

"Bree" She heard his voice and snapped out of her thoughts.

"Are you coming?"

"Yeah, sure" They walked Mrs Willis out of the house.

"Bree, please take care of my son and grandchild" Said Mrs Willis

"I will, don't worry"

Immediately Mrs Willis left, Bree rushed to her room and sat on her bed thinking.

"Hey, your ok?" Asked Jace standing at the door.

"mmmh, yeah" She smiled.

He moved closer, knelt i front of her and put her hand in his.

"You can tell me" He said looking into her eyes.

"It's really nothing"


"I kinda have a bad feeling about all this" She finally said trying to hold her tears.

He stood up and embrased her.

"aagh" She touched her belly

"Are you ok?"

"I think it kicked" She said with a smile

"Can I feel it" He said as he knelt and placed his head on her belly.

"We need to go and see a doctor" He said

She looked at him and saw how happy he was, this made her happy too.

The next morning, Bree was forced to wake up by a hand that caressed her belly.

"Hey" She said with her eyes half closed "What are you doing?"

"Oh you are awake" Said Jace as he bent forward and kissed her forehead.

"It's early, what are you doing here?"

"I made an appointment with the doctor"


"We only have twenty minutes left"

"What?" She said finally getting rid of her sleep.

"Sorry but you need to get ready"

"aaaagh" She got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"I just spoke with Bree" Whispered Miley with joy written all over her face.

"Ok...?" Wondered Mrs Laines not knowing where she was going to.

"Two babies..."She said pointing at her tummy.

"Jace and Bree"

"You mean twins?"


"I need to see her" She dragged Miley to the car and they drove off.

Jace and Bree drove all the from the hospital quiet but with smiles on each of their faces. They arrived at the house only to hear loud sounds from the living room. Jace rushed towards the door, he pushed it open and his face immediately turned red.

"What are you here and what's all this about?"

"Long time no see, bro" Said the man who stood infront of him.

"Oh son, I can't believe you ruined my suprise" Said Mrs Willis as she moved towards him.

"But Mom...and why is he here?" Asked Jace pointing at the man.

"You shouldn't be so cold. Your brother only wanted to congragulate you"

"I'm not interested, get out of my house" He said and went upstairs.

"You must be the one who is got my brother's heart" Said the man immediately he noticed Bree walk in.

"Bree" She shook his hand.


"I'm sorry I...."

"It's ok, I know my brother"

"I think I should go talk to him"

She went to his room but couldn't find him there.

"Where could he be?" She thought.

She heard voices from the next room and she decided to go and see if he could be there. She opened the door and what she saw almost made her collapse.

"Jace" She said with tears in her eyes. She stood speechless, she couldn't believe it.