

Bree looked around the room, it felt like everyone mocked her. She looked at Mr Willis still talking, she wished she could strungle him that very instant. Immediately she felt Jace's hand touch hers and she snapped out of her thoughts.

"I shall not stand here and tolerate you disrespect me and my fiancee" He said as he pulled her up and dragged her out of the house.

"Jace" Mrs Willis called but he didn't stop.

"You better put some sense in your son" Said Mr Willis and then moved to his study.

Jace dragged Bree to the car and drove home. Bree stared at Jace while he climbed the stairs. She felt bad for him, for a moment, she thought she could understand his pain. She felt happy too, she loved the fact that he protected her from his father.

"He has been that un happy for years now" Said Imma standing at the kitchen door with her eyes looking in the direction that Jace took.

"Does she have to be everywhere in this house?" Thought Bree.

"He needs someone to help him forget his pain" Continued Imma.

"Yeah, I guess he does" Said Bree walking towards her room.

"Miss Laines" Imma walked to Bree, held her hand and asked "Can you be that person?"

"I'm just a surrogate"

"I know, but you can be more than that"

"He doesn't need anyone"

"That's what he wants everyone to think. You can help bring back the old Jace" she said and left.

Bree stood thinking of what Imma said. What was she going to do about Jace and how was she goin to do it.

"I think I have work to do" She said with a smile and entered her room.

The next morning Bree opened the door to see Miley and Ernie.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"He made me come" Miley said pointing at Ernie.

"Did I?"Asked Ernie with a frown.

"Really? Are we going to do this now?"

"Enough with you lover birds" Said Bree disgusted "Come in"

Bree and Miley sat in the sitting room while Ernie went to Jace's study.

"How long have they been friends?" asked Bree.

"Long enough"

"And you never bothered to tell me"

"I too just found out"

"So, how was it?" asked Miley after seconds of silence.

"How was what?" Asked Bree pretending not to know what Miley meant. Miley stared at her with raised eyebrows.

"Ok" She finally said with a smile "weird"

"Weird and yet you are smiling"

"I don't know what to say" She said with a bigger smile.

The door opened and a lady in a white dress and blue shoes walked in. She stopped right infront of the two friends and asked "who of you losers is Bree?"

"Who is asking?" asked Miley while she stood up.

"I need to see my fiance" The lady said while looking around the room.

"I think you are lost. Can you please get out"

"Why should I? And can you get your filthy self out of my way"

"Enough" said Jace standing infront of his study.

"Hey Jace" said the lady

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you"

"What for?"

"Can't I check on my future husband?" She said with a smile.

"Gina" He sighed and said "Can you please get out of my house"

"Jace Earl Willis"

"Bree, can you come with me" He said holding her hand and dragged her upstairs to his room.

"Ouch, does it hurt sweetie?" Mocked Miley with a smile as she held Ernie's hand and they walked out.

"I'm sorry that you had to tolerate all that" Said Jace immediately they both entered his room.

"I understand"

"No" He walked to her and put his hands on her shoulders. "I know what you are going through especially after what father said"

"Jace...I mean Mr Willis, I think you should worry more about yourself"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you are not ok. There is alot on your mind. Alot of things are stressing you but you try to hide it" She said looking straight into his eyes.

His face grew thinner, he walked a few steps from her towards the window and looked through it.

"I think you should mind more on things that concern you, Miss Laines. I don't like you to interfere in my business anymore. Just because I let you in last time doesn't mean you can interfere" He said and left the room.

She gave along sigh and sat on the bed.

"How are you supposed to be of help someone who doesn"t need it?" she said to herself. "This is going to be harder than I thought" she thought.

Later that day, Bree sat thinking of how she was going to be of help to the man she now thought she had feelings for when she was disrupted by Imma.

"Do you need anything?" Asked Imma

"No thank you" Answered Bree coldly. She noticed Jace walk in the room.

"Jace" She walked to him "I'm sorry about Earlier, I..."

"It's ok, you should go get some rest" He then walked away.

She felt angry. "Why does he always have to do this?" she thought. She felt pain in her lower belly, it hurt so much that she passed out.

"Babe, what do you think about Jace and Bree?" Asked Miley

"I honestly don't know what to think about those two. Jace is really complicated and Bree seems so innocent"

There was silence for about two seconds before Miley finally said "I met Brian today"

"That guy again?"

"He said he needs me back "

"I can't believe you are still playing these games with me" he said nodding his head.

"I'm serious, I need your say in this"

Ernie said knowing exactly what she needed so he jumped on to the bed, made her lie with him on top of her. He looked into her eyes with his lips almost touching hers and said "I will not hesitate to kill whoever gets between us, you are mine, Miley Butler whether you like it or not" He moved his index finger through her hair and down to her lips. He gently kissed her lips and her neck.