

"It's beautiful" Bree thought while she looked around the mansion.

"You are welcome Miss laines" Said the lady who had helped her take her luggage to one of the guest rooms.

"Meet Imma, my house help" Said Jace to Bree.

"Nice to meet you, Imma" said Bree.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am"

"You can call me Bree"

"Is there anything I can do for you" asked Imma.

"No thank you"

Imma then left for the kitchen leaving Bree and Jace in the sitting room.

"I believe your tired, you should go get some rest" said Jace holding her hand.

She just walked away. He turned to walk away when he noticed Imma at the kitchen door.

"She just needs some time. She will get used to it" She said.

"You take good care of my child,Imma"

"I will"

Jace sat in his office staring at the photo frame on his desk when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, you should put the past behind you" said the tall figure standing besides him.

"Ohh Ernie, it's been long. When did you get back."

"Not so long"

"How have you been, friend?"

"What do you think?"

"Miserable" said Ernie looking at Jace with pity. "I heard your new surrogate is pregnant" he paused for about two seconds and continued "I think you should be concentrating on that right now"

"I want to and I've tried to but I just can't forget that day"

"I know and I really feel bad for you but you have to let go"

Immediately, a lady walked in.

"The famous Jace Willis" she said looking at Jace.

"Who are you?" He asked

"Your wife to be" she said with a smirk.

"Not interested, get out of my office" he said putting down the photo frame and opening a file on his desk.

"Ok" she said putting her card on his desk and then walked out.

"You didn't tell me you were getting married" said Ernie suprised.

"I'm not" Replied Jace coldly.


"Don't you have work to do?" asked Jace knowing exactly what Ernie planned to say next.


"I'm busy, get out"

Bree finally woke up after hours of sleep to find Imma standing next to her with a tray of fruits.

"How long have you been there?" she asked while rubbing her eyes.

"About five minutes. Here, have some fruits. They are good for the baby"


Afew minutes later, she decided to go out for a walk. On her way out, she met with Jace. She stopped expecting him to say something but he just passed by her without a word and climbed up tbe stairs straight to his room.

He felt tired, he couldn't figure out what his father's intentions were, he hated everything that was happening around him. He needed a strong bath so he took off his cloths and sat in the bath tab with water flowing all over his body.

"He is not ok" Bree thought.

"He will be fine" said Imma with a smile.

"How long have you been in this house?" Bree asked wondering why she seemed to be everywhere.

"twenty years" she said handing Bree a glass of fresh juice.


"He is probably having issues, may be you should go talk to him."

"What? no, he probably wants to be alone right now."

Imma smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

"Why would I talk to him? I'm only carrying his child, I ain't his girlfriend or his mama" she thought as she sipped the juice.

Jace walked down the stairs, asked Imma for his coffee and then went to his study. While he sat in his study with his eyes on his computer, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" he said raising his eyes towards the door. His face immediately changed.

"Who asked you to get me coffee?" he asked

"Imma was kinda busy so i decided to bring you the coffee myself." She put the cup of coffee on the desk and noticed a photo of a lady and a child.

"Is that your wife and child?" she asked.

"It's non of your business" he said with his eyes still fixed on his computer.

She picked up the frame and looked at it closely.

"Put it back"

"I'm just looking"

"I said put it back" he yelled angrily.

Bree got scared and angry at the same time so she put down the photo frame and ran out. s

She entered her room and slammed the door. She lay on her bed with her back and looked at ceiling, immediately she had a knock on the door.

Jace walked in and sat next to her.

"I'm sorry , I shouldn't have yelled like that" he said looking at the door.

But she said nothing.

"That"s my late family. She was called Ally and he was Eric." He said with tears rolling down his cheecks.

"What happened to them?" she asked while she sat and looked at him.

"They were shot to death" He said while he leaned forward and put his head between his hands.

"I'm sorry" she said while she pulled him and hugged him. He later withdrew himself from the hug.

"Don't feel pity for me" He said and left the room.

The next day when Bree sat in the sitting room going through her phone, she noticed Jace walk into the room with a couple of shopping bags. He walked to her and handed her the bags.

"What are these for?" she asked

"We are going to meet my parents"

She got confused, she didn't expect it to be so soon, what was she to do? she thought of Miley and immediately dialed her number and called.

"What would you do if Ernie asked you to meet his parents?"

"What? Is everything ok with you?" asked Miley wondering why her best friend asked such a question.

"Jace asked me to meet his parents"


"Really?" asked Bree angry at Miley's pretence.

"Go slow, babe. When do you leave?"


"That's crazy. Has he told you why?"


Before Miley could say a word, Jace arrived.

"Why are you not dressed yet?" he asked.

"He looks so handsome" she said as she stared at him in a white suit and his angry but cute face.

"Miss Laines" she then snapped out of her thoughts and walked to her room.

Jace and Bree arrive at Willis mansion and the first person they landed their eyes on was Mr Mark Willis.

"Will this day ever get worse?" Thought Jace while he looked at Bree who was trembling already. He moved closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't be scared, I will take care of everything" He said and then held her hand tight and they walked into the building.

"Hi dad, mom"

"Who is this young lady carrying my grand child?" asked Mr Mark ignoring his son.

"Bree Laines" answered Bree with a shaky voice.

"Make yourselves comfortable" said Mrs Willis noticing the scary look that her husband gave her would be daughter in law.

"What is your relatinship with my son? asked Mr Willis


"She is my fiancee" Jace interupted. She looked at him suprised.

"And who are your parents?" he asked again.


"Are they business people, politicians?" he asked still ignoring his son.


While she still struggled, Mr willis added

"My research tells me that you are a nobody with trouble following every where you go"

"Dad, would you please stop" yelled Jace.

"But I will let this pass just because you carry my grandchild. But after you give birth, you will leave both my son and grandchild for good. And Jace, you will marry Georgina Olives"