
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Isa and Leah are already gone by the time I get home. I frown sadly. I thought we were having a sleepover. Oh well. Mom and Dad aren't home and Em isn't either so I guess dinner's on me. I flop onto the bed, thinking about my shift. I reach into my purse and take out the hundred dollar bill.

Tyler left me a hundred dollar tip. I laugh to myself thinking about it. Marisa looked like she was ready to commit murder.

I take a shower and change into my pajamas and pull on my maroon velvety robe.

The door opens just as I finish setting the table.

"Snow," Em calls with a slur, slumping onto me.

"Your so pwetty," she says, tapping my nose and smiling softly.

My nose wrinkles at the stench of alcohol clinging to her.

"Em, are you drunk?" I ask with a frown. She pushes away from me and tries to stand. Key word...tries. She stumbles and I catch her before she falls flat on her face.

"Oscof not mother," she says with a hiccup," I only had two drinks," she continues, holding up 4 fingers.

I sigh and help her up to her room. She passes out on the way there and I struggle to lug her weight up the stairs. I throw her down onto the bed and take off her shoes, tucking her in. She snuggles deeper into the covers, mumbling in her sleep. I go to her bathroom and take the empty bin and a wet washcloth. Sliding down onto the floor beside the bed, I wait for the inevitable.

I hear the telltale gurgling sounds before she jerks to the side, opening her eyes wide. I direct her head to the bin, holding her hair back as she spills her guts. I try not to be too disgusted by the sound and the smell and hold back my own urge to vomit. She clutches both sides of the bin to stabilise herself. I feel a twinge of sympathy for her. She pulls back and I hand her the cloth.

She wipes her mouth with it then folds it, placing it on her forehead. My nose wrinkles once again.

"I'll get you some water okay," I say softly. She grunts in response. I walk quickly down the stairs and grab her a glass of water and some Advil from the first aid kit. I help her sit up and hand her the pills and the water. She sighs removing the cloth and rubbing her forehead.

"Thanks Snow you're the best," she says sleepily, snuggling back into her blankets and cuddling her pillow. I smile softly and kiss her cheek, quietly closing the door behind me as I leave.

"Snow, Mads, we're home!" I hear my mom call. I rush to the door to greet her.

"Hey mom," I throw my arms around her in a hug, pulling away to help with the groceries.

"Where's Mads?" She questions with a frown as we walk to the kitchen.

"She's not feeling too good," I reply cryptically. She eyes me suspiciously.

"I trust you've taken care of her," she says, shrugging and continuing to unpack groceries.

"Of course," I answer with a smile. My dad walks in just as I'm about to ask where he is.

"Daddy!" I exclaim excitedly, abandoning the groceries and wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Hey princess," he greets with a chuckle, kissing my hair.

"With a reception like that, no one would believe you saw him in the morning," my mom muses with a smile on her face, silently watching our interaction. I pout pulling away slightly.

"Don't listen to her princess. I missed you," my daddy says with a soft smile.

"Where's your sister?" He asks, looking around with a frown.

"Is she out with that boy again?" He asks with a scowl, letting go of me. He's never really liked Bennett. I've never understood that. Bennett's nice. My mom laughs lightly.

"No she's asleep," I answer and he visibly relaxes. Turning to my mom he smiles softly and scoops her into his arms.

"I missed you Mrs Murphy," he whispers into her hair, setting her down. I hold back a laugh. Weren't they just together?

"We spent the whole day together Mr Murphy," my mom says with a laugh. He smiles down at her pulling away slightly to cup her cheek.

"Yeah but I couldn't do this," he says briefly before capturing her lips in a soft kiss. To clarify, my mom and dad work together. They are partners. They're also so cute it's nauseating.

"Ok, I'm gonna go to bed now before you scar me for life," I tease playfully and they pull away, laughing.

"Goodnight princess," "Goodnight jellybean," they both say at the same time.

"Goodnight," I reply, kissing both their cheeks and heading up stairs. I hear my mom giggle before she suddenly goes quiet and I run up the rest of the steps, not wanting to know what they're doing.

I settle in my bed and stare up at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, deep in thought. My parents' twentieth anniversary is coming up and yet they still act like teenagers in love. Don't get me wrong....I'm not saying their marriage is perfect, but it's damn near perfect...for lack of a better word. How can they still be so in love after all this time? I used to dream about growing old with Bennett. Maybe it was childish, but I loved the idea of us together.

Too bad he wanted Em....he still does.

I sigh and turn on my side. I doubt that's what is keeping me up. Something feels off. Call me crazy but my twin sense is tingling. I hop off bed and walk straight to Em's room. Opening the door, I'm met with a worrying sight. She's shivering beneath her covers and mumbling in her sleep, her brows furrowed.

I hurriedly get to her bedside, placing my hand on her forehead. She's burning up. I panic and do the first thing that comes to mind. I take the cloth on her bedside and hastily run cold water over it. I wring it out slightly and place it on her forehead again. She sighs in content and stops mumbling, snuggling into the covers even more.

I sigh and settle down beside her. That was oddly terrifying. It's never happened before. I can't go back to my room now. I set an alarm for every two hours before we have to officially wake up so that I can check up on her periodically. This is gonna be a long night.