
Breaking free in Marvel

This is a self insert and a wish fulfilment fanfic. Zach was tired. Day after day he worked and tried his best. He had lived a good life. A loving father, committed husband and all around a decent person. Well he hopes he was decent. After a long life he was ready to pass on and see where death takes him. Lucky for him, or unlucky some might think, death was just the beginning. I do not own marvel nor is this fanfic connected to marvel in any way. The only thing I own Is the OC.

Zachary_Brown · Movies
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Chapter 5

I sighed and called work and let them know that something came up so I wouldn't be coming in today.

"Ok. Let's go." I turn my phone off and we leave.

Nat calls a cab for us to get into and we head off to I don't know where.

"So Nat, where we goin?"

"You'll see when we get there."

"Ah. Ok. Sounds good I guess."

"Sigh. Listen Zach I can't tell you until we get there... there are things about me that are, well, they are secret. Right now, in a taxi, is not the time to talk about them."

"It's all good Nat. I really don't have a problem with it. Honestly I'm excited to get out further than I have in a while."

She took my words well and we quickly settled into a comfortable silence. I sat back and watched the buildings slowly turn into trees. We had been traveling for at least 45 minutes now and I had no idea where we were. The only Idea I had was that we were north.

At around the hour minute mark we stopped at an official looking office building in the middle of nowhere. Nat got out and thanked the driver, however she didn't pay him. I pulled out $100 and went to hand it to him but he drove off before I could.

"Why did he leave? He didn't even get paid."

"Well Zach he works for the same people I work for. Just undercover."

"So you could have talked about what you do then."

"Yup. I just didn't want to." She stuck out her tongue.

"Well ok then. Not very nice but it's good to see you being so playful. Really lightens the mood."

"Yea I try." She gets out through chuckles. "I already texted my boss. He is excited to meet you actually."

"Thats good." Shit. Nick fury. He was always so intimidating in the movies. I mean sure he took care of the people in his corner as if they were his own children but still... "If he is so excited then let's got Nat."

She takes me in through the front doors and into an elevator then presses a button that starts taking us down. The ride was about 3 minutes so I can only think that we are deep underground. The elevator stops and we step out into a plain hallway. No windows just 4 doors and one of them is at the very end.

Nat takes the lead and walks down the hall with me following just behind her, no I am not checking her out. I know there are a bunch of cameras here so I will behave.

We reach the door at the end, she opens it and walks inside and so do I. At a nice wooden desk is everyone's favorite cyclops. Nick Fury in the flesh.

"Mr. Fury this is Zach Brown. Zach Nick Fury."

He stands up and comes over to shake my hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. Brown."

"Please call me Zach and it's nice to meet you too Mr. Fury."

"If I call you Zach then you call me Nick."


"So we have some things to talk about I hear."

"Yup, I guess we do."

Nat takes a seat in a chair off to the side completely relaxed. This earns a raised eyebrow from Nick.

"Really Nat?"

"What? I trust him. After all he's done for us he deserves this much at least."


I'm confused. "What have I done for you again?"

Nick starts laughing. "He doesn't know?" Nat just shakes her head. "Ok well you know Christine right?"

"Yea. My neighbor."

"Right well she is our field medic. She has just been furthering her education for the moment so she can provide better medical support on missions."

"Wait field medic and missions, what are we talking about here? Like some secret agency?" Gotta play dumb here.

"Yup." He points at me. "Nailed it in one. We are a secret government agency that protects the world from thing that those above us want to be kept a secret from the public eye."

"Ok. So where do I fit in?"

"You my friend are a mutant with a special ability that has never been seen before. We know the X-Gene manifests in many different ways, but you? Yea you are what is called Omega potential. From what Nat said you have no limits right?"

"Yea that's what it seems like."

"Ok well that makes you dangerous. So now we need to see what we are gonna do with you. In any other scenario I would off you and be done with it."

I visibly tense up. I knew it was a possibility, just hoped it wouldn't happen. I mean I am ok with death, died once after all. Doesn't mean I would like to die though.

Nat chimes in. "Oh stop it Nick! He doesn't need a speech."

"Alright alright. Well because you saved Christine twice I am much more inclined to offer you a deal."

"I like deals! Is this like 2 for one Dr. Pepper deal or do what I say and you don't die deal?"

Nat snorts. Yup a full on snort and promptly blushes in embarrassment. 

Nick raises an eyebrow again at her. "Well, I would say the former but I feel like you might be a handful now... ah fuck it. Yes, the former. See the way I look at it we could use you. Unlimited potential is very attractive in our line of work." He pauses.

"Please go on. I like this so far."

"Well, you would quit the library and work for us. Helping out by going on missions after we train you up. Now I know you have been training with Phil, yes he is an operative, and you are doing well with him but that isn't enough. I would have you train with Nat here to get to her level or higher. Then there is your ability to increase your "stats". Nat told me you have to defeat "evil" people which is simple for us. We don't go after innocents. Getting you strong enough to be the new super soldier would be perfect. You will stay living where you are and we will come up with a cover story for you if needed. Oh, the last and most important is that I will personally see to information about you becoming so classified that no one will be able to find out about you."

"Ok, ok that sounds good and all, but what about compensation. I do need to be able to take pretty ladies out to dinner." I look dead into Nat's eyes as I say this. She blushes and turns away.

Nick doesn't seem to notice this though, or he just doesn't care. "Of course you will get paid! The fuck man! You think I would every have anyone work for the government without pay? Hell no!"

"Ok I get it. So what's the deets then?"

"20k a month with bonuses for missions?"

"I love that. Now benefits?"

"Oh full coverage of course. You will also get the highest classification I can give and will be a permanent partner to Nat here once you are trained up. Might do missions on your own, but I feel her having a partner will be indispensable in the future."

"With a sales pitch like that where the hell do I sign?"

"Perfect! Follow me!"

He leads us out and back to the elevator. "So why so far down?" I ask.

Nick looks at me with a deadpan look. "It was in case you were more of a threat than we knew you are. Easier to hide a body."

I swallowed slowly and say nothing. Makes sense but still... so cold.

We get in and head up to the ground floor and then to floor one.

"Here we are! Processing. This is where you will sign all the NDA's and other paperwork."

I can tell Nick is getting some sick joy from all this. Oh well. I just gotta get it done since this sets me up to be in the perfect position.

5 hours. Yes 5 hours is how long it took to finish all that paperwork and get a retinal and fingerprint scan. I ca tell I am not the only one irritated. Nick had left before they even handed me paperwork which left just me and Nat. Nat however had a look that promised she would stab the next person that brought out another sheet of paper.

She takes me to a garage that is hidden under ground. That taxi is waiting and we hop in and go back to my place. Once back in my apartment I turn to Nat.

"Hey so I should have said so earlier but, due to my having super, well superish healing, I think I should up my body training."

"Huh? Why?" Her head cocks to the side.

"Well you get stronger by tearing muscle and all that right?" She nods. "And that works for all of your body besides your mind right?" Again she nods but I can see she's already worked it out.

"So you will heal faster and get stronger faster because of that. Is that what your saying?"

"Yup. I mean It will only work so far but I should be able to train to the point that I could be a real powerhouse in a couple months."

"How in a couple months?"

"I heal 8 times faster than a normal human right now. One month for me would be 8 for you."

"Oh shit. Oh SHIT! I need to call Fury. Hold on."

"Yea sure... Like I'm gonna go anywhere in my own house."

"Oh shut up." She chides me with her phone on her ear."

Well now I don't need to worry about money. I'm still going to buy stocks in Stark. You can never have too much money.

After a quick explanation to Fury we are sitting on my couch with eating pizza from Pizza Dreams and Nat is having an existential crisis.

"How have I never had this before?" She takes another bite. "Itsh shooo goood!"

"You know most people would say it's rude to talk with your mouthful, but not only do I understand I feel like you are doing the pizza justice."

We finish off the extra large pepperoni and mushroom.

"So what's the plan Nat?"

"Well. First thing is to test the growth of your stats with your regeneration rate. Then we set a schedule that is going to be grueling. I will train you to be the best."

"Ok. I like it."

"Seriously though Zach. I need a good partner. I... I have a past. A past that likes to come back and haunt me. I have too much red on my ledger which makes everything I do very dangerous."

"Well I look forward to being someone you can count on."

"Thanks Zach..."

She then tells me about the Red Room and everything else. It was obviously very difficult for her to open up and I could tell that she only did so because we will be working together, but I still really appreciated it.

"You know Nat, none if it was your fault. Shit you even admitted that they were controlling you."

"I know! But I still see the faces every day. People walking by, my daydreams and even when I sleep. I can't get away from it!"

"Then don't get away from it."


"Yea. I mean I'm no expert but running and looking for salvation won't work. Maybe the solution is to forgive yourself." I say and pull her towards me. I hold her gently as she cries. I can feel the wracking sobs that quake through her body as she lets it all out.

I know that Black Widow is supposed to be some badass assassin but she is still a person. I can't imagine how she has held herself together for so long. It almost breaks me to see her like this.


The system pulls up in my eyes.

New Quest!

Destroy the Red Room!

Reward 500,000 exp.

Done. I will wipe the Red Room out.

She cried for a half an hour on my shoulder and the sun had long since set. I go to move and noticed that she fell asleep. I pick her up and gently put her in my bed and go lay down on the couch.

I am changing up the dialogue. The past chapters just seemed so robotic to me. Let me know what you think. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Zachary_Browncreators' thoughts