
Breaking Free: A Journey to Love and Self-Discovery

This is my own imagination I hope no one disrespect and it's my first time writing a novel I hope u all support me and motivate me Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where the cars honk and the people jostle, there is a girl named Zonish. Her heart beats to the rhythm of her dreams, but her feet are rooted in fear. Born into a strict family, Zonish is accustomed to suppressing her desires, keeping her head down, and living a life of conformity. Yet, her heart yearns for something more, something that will give her wings to fly. One day, fate smiles upon her, and she meets someone who understands her, someone who can see beyond the walls that society has erected around her. With his support and encouragement, Zonish sets out to pursue her dreams, but she soon realizes that the path to success is not an easy one. She faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but she refuses to give up. As she continues on her journey, Zonish's family starts to soften towards her, recognizing her determination and perseverance. With their support, Zonish becomes unstoppable, and her dreams start to become a reality. This is a story of courage, hope, and determination, of a girl who refuses to let fear hold her back and who finds the strength to chase her dreams. It is a tale of a journey towards self-discovery and finding true love and support.

Ange_bella · Urban
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11 Chs

8: uncovering feelings

When I woke up the next day, the soft morning light streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on my bedroom walls. As I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I reached for my phone and noticed a series of missed calls from Irhaa. A mix of curiosity and excitement coursed through me as I dialled her number, eager to hear the news she had to share.

"Zoni, we did it!" Irhaa exclaimed with delight as soon as she answered. "We both got accepted into FI University!"

A surge of excitement washed over me, and I couldn't help but let out a joyful gasp. It was the moment we had been waiting for, the opportunity to pursue our dreams of higher education together. However, as the elation settled, a sudden thought of my father's aspirations clouded my mind. What would he say about my decision to pursue my dreams instead of following in his footsteps?

With a mix of hope and trepidation, I asked Irhaa, "And what about my medical results? Did they come out too?"

Irhaa paused for a moment, her voice filled with understanding and compassion. She chose her words carefully before responding, "Zoni, which dream would you choose - your own or your father's?"

Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, I confessed to Irhaa that I was uncertain. The weight of familial expectations and my desire to make my father proud warred within me. Recalling Rayan's advice to keep the news to ourselves until the guests had departed, I suggested waiting until later to discuss it with Dad.

After our conversation, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the day ahead. As I descended the stairs, the sound of laughter reached my ears, echoing through the hallway. Intrigued, I followed the sound and found Rayan and Shanawer engaged in an animated conversation, their faces adorned with tears of mirth.

Curiosity piqued, I approached them and asked, "What's so amusing, guys?"

Rayan wiped the tears from his eyes and managed to regain his composure enough to respond, "Oh, we were just reminiscing about our college escapades."

Shanawer chimed in, unable to contain her amusement, "Yeah, we were sharing stories of how we used to sneak into the girls' hostel and hilariously pilfer their laundry."

I was taken aback by their confession, realizing the potential consequences of their mischievous acts. Concern laced my voice as I voiced my worry, saying, "That's not something to joke about, guys. You could have landed yourselves in serious trouble."

Rayan smirked mischievously, his eyes twinkling with mischief, and assured me, "Oh, don't worry, Zoni. We were stealthy enough to avoid detection."

Shanawer playfully added, "Besides, our intentions were pure - we were simply attempting to impress the girls with our extraordinary laundry-folding skills."

As laughter erupted from our collective mirth, I couldn't help but appreciate the presence of my vibrant and supportive brother, Rayan, and the unwavering love from Shanawer, who held a special place in my heart. At that moment, I realized how lucky I was to have them by my side, adding joy and a touch of adventure to my journey.

With the echoes of laughter still resonating in the air, we made our way to the dining room, where the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a sumptuous breakfast filled the air. Greeting everyone with a smile, I cheerfully said, "Good morning, everyone."

Mom called out to me from her seat, her voice filled with motherly concern, "Sweety, come and have breakfast. It's important to nourish yourself, especially after such an eventful day."

A mix of excitement and anxiety still lingered within me, dampening my appetite. I understood the importance of taking care of myself, but at that moment, a comforting cup of milk tea seemed more appealing. I explained to Mom, "I understand, Mom, but I think I'll pass on breakfast for now. A soothing cup of milk tea is all I crave at the moment."

Understanding my feelings, Mom sighed softly and responded, "Alright, my dear. I just want you to take care of yourself."

Turning to Aunt Martha, the kind-hearted maid who had become like family, I politely asked, "Aunt Martha, could you please prepare a soothing cup of milk tea for me?"

With a warm smile, she nodded and replied, "Of course, my child. I'll have it ready for you in no time."

Grateful for her understanding, I expressed my appreciation, saying, "Thank you, Aunt Martha. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to me."

As I waited for my milk tea to be prepared, I noticed Shanawer finishing his breakfast and taking a seat beside me on the cosy sofa. He had a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, and a mischievous grin played on his lips. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist asking, "What's got you so amused, Shan?"

He leaned closer, his voice filled with playful excitement, "Well, while you were upstairs, I thought of something fun. Can I ask for your phone number?"

His request caught me off guard, and I couldn't resist teasing him a little. Flashing a sly smile, I replied, "Oh, so now you want to exchange phone numbers, huh? Even though I'm pretty sure you already have my number. Where did you get it from, Mr. Smooth Talker?" I added with a smirk. "I know you're planning to flood my inbox with cheesy messages, Mr. Smooth Talker."

Shanawer chuckled, his eyes dancing with mirth, and retorted, "Cheesy messages? Nah, I was thinking more along the lines of intriguing conversations and memorable adventures."

Just as our playful banter continued, Rayan, who had been observing our interaction, couldn't resist but join in. He playfully came and sat between me and Shan, wearing a mock protective expression on his face. "She is my sister, stay away from her, Shan," he said with a baby face, causing me to burst into laughter.

Shanawer, seizing the moment, quickly captured the lighthearted atmosphere by snapping a candid picture of me. My initial protest turned into a genuine smile as I realized the joy and laughter that radiated from the image, forever freezing that beautiful moment in time.

Feeling a rush of affection and camaraderie, I playfully exclaimed, "Hey, no pictures! But since it captured a perfect moment, I'll let it slide this time."

Rayan, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, teased me further, "Aha! Blushing cheeks and laughter were caught on camera. Looks like someone has a secret admirer."

Blushing and trying to conceal my embarrassment, I replied hesitantly, "Oh, come on, Rayan. You know there's no secret admirer." Their playful banter continued as they watched my flustered face, making me laugh along with them.

Rayan quickly reassured me, "I know, I'm just joking." I let out a soft sigh of relief, grateful that it was all in good fun.

Unable to resist the infectious laughter, we all joined in, the atmosphere filled with shared merriment and genuine affection. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of family, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the bonds we had formed.

As the laughter subsided, I playfully declared, "Alright, it's my turn now. Give me your phone. I want to capture a picture of you guys, freezing this moment of sibling love and friendship."

Rayan and Shanawer enthusiastically struck playful poses, their bond and friendship shining through every snapshot. I made sure to capture their infectious smiles and the light in their eyes, preserving these precious memories forever.

In the background, the air was infused with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the clinking of cutlery filled the room as our family members continued to enjoy their breakfast. Conversations flowed freely, creating a lively atmosphere of love and togetherness.

As I focused on capturing the perfect shot of Rayan and Shanawer, their infectious laughter and carefree expressions, I couldn't help but reflect on the deep bond we shared. They were not just close to me, but they had become my confidants, my partners in mischief, and my pillars of support.

After capturing a series of memorable pictures, we gathered around the sofa, examining the images we had created together. Amidst the joyous atmosphere, Mom and Aunt Qureshi joined us, their eyes filled with pride and love for their children.

Aunt Qureshi gently placed her hand on my shoulder and spoke with a heartfelt tone, "You three have always brought so much happiness into our lives. I am truly grateful for the love and bond you share. These pictures will serve as cherished memories, reminding us of the beautiful journey we have had together."

Touched by her words, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the people I had been blessed with. We may have our quirks and occasional disagreements, but the love that flowed between us was undeniable.

As the morning sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow on our faces, we revelled in the beauty of these fleeting moments, knowing that they would forever be etched in our hearts as cherished memories.

In the backdrop of love and laughter, amidst the joyful chaos of family, Shanawer and I nurtured our hidden feelings, weaving them into the fabric of our lives. As we exchanged stolen glances and secret smiles, we knew that this connection was something special, something worth protecting until the time was right to unveil it to the world.

The future held both uncertainty and promise and as we sat there, surrounded by love and support, we couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited us in the days to come. But for now, we were content to bask in the warmth of family, appreciating the bonds that had brought us to this point and eagerly awaiting the chapters yet to unfold.


It was nearly lunchtime, and Shanawer's parents started packing their bags to return to Toronto. The scent of freshly made sandwiches filled the air, reminding me that it was time to eat. I observed Shanawer's parents bustling around the living room, folding clothes and zipping up suitcases. At first, I thought that Shanawer was going to leave with them, but then his mother,  Aunt Elish, pulled me aside, her face filled with concern.

"Zoni, Shan has been feeling unwell with a stomach ache. Please take care of him for the next two days, sweetie," she whispered, hugging me tightly. Her embrace was warm and comforting, but I couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. My mother was also here, so why did Aunt Elish specifically request my help? Sensing my bewilderment, Elish glanced at my face and understood my unspoken question.

"My dear, Shan and I have a unique bond that goes beyond the typical mother-son relationship. We are best friends too, and I know exactly what he needs. His choice is not solely his own but mine as well. I would love for you to be my daughter and address me as 'Moma' instead of 'Aunt,'" she explained her hand gently brushing through my hair. A blush tinged my cheeks as I nodded in agreement, and with a smile, I softly uttered, "Moma."

Assured by my response, Moma Elish expressed her gratitude, and I reassured her once more, saying, "Don't worry, Moma. I will take care of him."

Later that afternoon, my brother Rayan and my parents accompanied Shanawer's parents to the airport to see them off. As I stood at the doorstep, waving goodbye, a sense of longing washed over me, knowing that their warm presence would be missed in our home. Meanwhile, Shanawer was sitting in his room, pretending to have a stomach ache, but I had a feeling he was up to something mischievous.

Curiosity tugging at me, I made my way to Shanawer's room and found him lying in bed, a mischievous grin adorning his face. I couldn't help but playfully roll my eyes at him.

"You're such a drama king," I remarked, a playful tone in my voice.

Shanawer chuckled and sat up, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Yes, only for you, my sweetheart," he admitted, his words causing a flutter in my chest.

His use of the endearing term caught me off guard, and my eyes widened in surprise. A faint pink hue coloured my cheeks, betraying my reaction. Shanawer couldn't help but notice, and a radiant smile spread across his face, revealing his adorable dimples.

"I just wanted to spend these two days with you because, after that, I have to return to Toronto and continue my job," he confessed with a touch of sadness in his voice.

Realizing that there was still much I didn't know about Shanawer, despite our long-standing friendship, I decided to inquire further.

"Hey Shan, what kind of job do you do?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

He seemed taken aback by my question. "You don't know, Zoni?" he asked in surprise.

Shaking my head, I replied honestly, "No, I don't."

A smile of genuine warmth graced his lips as he answered, "I'm a software engineer, just like your brother Rayan. I'll tell you everything about myself slowly."

His words filled me with a sense of anticipation, eager to learn more about the person I thought I knew so well but still had much to discover. The days ahead, spent with Shanawer, promised a deeper connection and understanding as we embarked on a journey of shared experiences and stories.

Then he grabbed my hand, and I started feeling nervous, causing my hand to sweat. I jerked my hand away and said, "I have to go, Shan. I need to check my medical entrance exam results. They were announced today, and before I proceed, I have some good news to share. I got admission to F.I University. Rayan knew I applied secretly, but he doesn't know about the result," I said hurriedly, still feeling uneasy from Shan's touch.

He called me "Zoni" and again grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. As he caressed my hands, Shan said, "I already know. Rayan told me."

A spark flowed through my veins, and I shuddered. "Oh, okay. I'll see you later," I replied, pulling my hand away. However, Shan held my hand firmly.

"Hey, Zoni, didn't I say I want to spend my full two days with you?" He pulled me towards him, and I lost my grip, ending up sitting on his lap. Our eyes met, and my arms were around his neck. Our noses touched, and he asked, "Tell me, Zoni," with a gentle voice.

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The intensity of the moment had my heart racing, and I struggled to find the right words.

He said in a husky voice, "Speak, Zoni."

His warm breath, with a minty rosy scent, touched my face, leaving me momentarily stunned. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart.

"Yes, you did say that," I responded as I encountered his cherry-blossom face.

"So, my lovely lady, don't you want to spend your time with me?" he asked in a husky tone, his words sending shivers down my spine. His warm breath caressed my skin, making me lose my self-control.

As I stammered, "That's not to say I don't want to spend time with you, Shan. You know I said we would start with friendship, and I'm already worried about my dad's reaction and the medical entrance exam," I saw him innocently pulling away from his lap.

Shan slowly put his arm around my waist and hugged me gently. He said, "Zoni, no matter what, I will support you, and I will talk to your dad too, don't worry. Me, Rayan, my parents, and Irha, all are with you. We will convince Uncle Baloch," he said reassuringly.

His words and warm hug comforted me, making me feel light. Suddenly, I heard a soft "puchk" sound, and he kissed me on my shoulder, his lips delicately touching my skin. Then he released his hug, but his hands remained on my waist.

He said, "Just keep in mind that you're mine, and I'm yours. I know you need some time to understand your feelings for me, but I'm saying I don't want anyone to steal you from me. Go check the result," he said, his voice filled with passion, and then he released me from his embrace.

My brain froze because of his kiss, and I felt numb for a while. I pinched myself to check if I was dreaming. I blushed, and my ears and cheeks started burning as if someone had thrown me into a fire - yes, Shan threw me into the love fire. Without saying anything, I ran to my room.

As I contemplated his words, I realized the depth of my feelings for Shan. His unwavering love and support made me feel cherished and valued. It was clear that he cared for me deeply, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence in my life.

As I lay on my bed lost in reverie, my mind drifted to our brief embrace earlier. The way his arms enveloped me in warmth and comfort made me feel complete as if I had finally found the missing piece of my puzzle that I wasn't even aware was missing.

Despite knowing that there was still much to figure out regarding my education and career path, with Shan by my side, I felt invincible. It was as if he was my anchor, keeping me grounded and focused, even during the most trying times.

The room was filled with a soft, soothing fragrance, a mix of vanilla and lavender. The delicate scent wrapped around me like a comforting blanket, heightening my emotions and adding to the enchanting atmosphere. The dim light filtering through the curtains created a cosy ambience, amplifying the intimacy of the moment.

As I closed my eyes, I whispered to myself, "I reciprocate your feelings, Shan. I pledge to take things one step at a time, but I know that come what may, I want you to be by my side." With those words, I drifted off to sleep, feeling content and optimistic about the future. Abruptly, I was snapped out of my reverie by the realization that I had yet to check my medical entrance exam result.
