
Boy who spreads light

Water..... Earth.... Air..... Fire.... These are the four main elements a habitable planet is made up of. But there exists multitude of other elements too. Such as sound, odor, light, wood, metal and so on. Thea is a planet in which humans are born with talents to master any such elements. We call them the elementalists. An impending doom is approaching Thea unknown to all. It is the story of a boy who spreads light in the dark days.

Kyle95 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A new home

As Augustine returns to the mansion after the awakening ceremony, Baron Theodore's disappointment and frustration towards him are evident. Being a superior-grade fire elementalist himself, the Baron likely had high expectations for his son to awaken a powerful elemental ability that could carry on the family's legacy and reputation. Unfortunately, Augustine's awakening of the light element, which is considered weak in Thea's society, shatters those expectations.

In the grand hall of the mansion, a hushed silence fell over the assembled guests and servants as Baron Theodore's rage echoed through the room. Augustine stood before his father, trying to maintain composure despite the humiliation he felt.

Baron Theodore(voice booming with anger): " Look at you, Augustine! A disgrace to this family and all its noble history. Look at your stepbrothers, Ryan and Ronalds, both high-grade fire elementalists who secured admission to the prestigious Aurelia Academy of Fire during their awakening. And then there's you, awakening that useless light element. Pathetic!"

Augustine(voice shaking): " Father, please understand, I didn't choose…"

Baron Theodore(interrupting): "Silence! I will not have you make excuses for your incompetence. You were meant to carry on the legacy of our family's prestigious lineage, and you've failed miserably!"

Augustine(pleading): " I'll try harder, Father. I promise, I'll prove myself."

Baron Theodore(disdainfully): "You really think that will change anything? You're delusional! Your pitiful attempts won't change the fact that you're a failure."

After a short pause Baron Theodore continued…

Baron Theodore(coldly): "From this moment on, Augustine, you are no longer my son. You have no right to bear the Theodore family name."

Augustine(teary-eyed): " Father, please don't do this. I beg you, give me another chance."

Baron Theodore(cruelly): "Chance? You've had enough chances! You've embarrassed this family and me for the last time."

Ryan (Augustine's stepbrother)(smirking): " It was bound to happen. He's just not cut out for our family."

Baron Theodore(to the crowd): "Everyone present here witnesses this moment. Augustine Theodore is no longer a part of this family. Remove him from the mansion and take away all his possessions."

The servants hesitated for a moment, but they knew better than to disobey the Baron's orders. Augustine's heart sank as he realized that he was being cast out from the family he once belonged to.

Augustine(fighting back tears): "Father, please, I'll leave if you want me to, but don't forget that I'm still your son."

Baron Theodore(coldly): "Blood doesn't define family. You've proven that you're not one of us. Now, leave and never come back."

As the incident unfolded in the mansion hall, with Baron Theodore scolding Augustine and eventually disowning him, Baroness Elizabeth and her two sons, Ryan and Ronalds, couldn't hide their joy. At the awakening ceremony, Baroness Elizabeth and her two sons, Ryan and Ronalds, were also present. When Augustine awakened the light element, it came as a relief to them because they saw it as a weak and useless power. They were happy that Augustine did not awaken a strong or prestigious element, as it eliminated any competition from him in terms of inheriting Baron Theodore's legacy and becoming the family's successor.

As Augustine Theodore packed his belongings in his room, preparing to leave the mansion, he couldn't shake the sense of betrayal and hurt he felt from his family's rejection. Just as he was about to finish, the door swung open, and Baroness Elizabeth entered the room, flanked by her two sons, Ryan and Ronalds.

Baroness Elizabeth(smirking): "Well, well, if it isn't the "genius" with the useless light element. Packing to leave, I see?"

Augustine(trying to remain composed): "Yes, Mother. Father has made it clear that I'm no longer welcome here."

Ryan(mocking): "Oh, poor Augustine. What will you do now, with your pathetic light powers?"

Ronalds(snickering): "He's nothing but a burden on the family's reputation."

Baroness Elizabeth(with contempt): "You were always a burden, Augustine. Ever since your mother stole Baron away from me, you've been nothing but trouble."

Augustine(defiantly): "My mother loved him, and they were happy together. You can't blame me for that."

Baroness Elizabeth(raising her voice): "Blame you? Oh, I do blame you! If it weren't for you our sons would have been the true heirs of this family. They never needed to compete with you. Do you know how hard my sons worked in order to be noticed by their own father, in order to come out of your shadow?"

Ryan(nodding): You ruined everything for us.

Ronalds(sarcastically): "Thanks to you, we had to share Father's attention and inheritance with an incompetent weakling."

Augustine(voice shaking with emotion): "It's not my fault that I awakened the light element. I didn't choose it."

Baroness Elizabeth(smirking): "Of course, it's never your fault, is it? You were always a disappointment to us."

Ryan(laughing): "Now you're finally getting what you deserve."

Ronalds(taunting): "It's time for you to leave and never come back."

Augustine(holding back tears): "Fine, I'm leaving. But one day, I'll prove that the light element can be powerful too, and I won't be defined by your opinions."

Baroness Elizabeth(mockingly): "Oh, please, spare us your delusions. You'll never be anything more than a failure."

After that Baroness Elizabeth continued

"This is the second happiest day in my life. Do you know what was the first? Of course it was the day your mother died. Ha....ha...ha...ha…..ha...…"

As Augustine walked away from the room, the memories of both his past and present lives weighed heavily on him .The mocking words from Baroness Elizabeth about his birth mother cut deep, reminding him of the pain and abandonment he had endured before. His emotions swirled, a mix of anger, hurt, and frustration at the unfairness of his circumstances.

Outside the room, Augustine leaned against the wall, trying to collect himself. His clenched fist, still dripping with blood from his own nails digging into his palm, reminded him of the turmoil he carried within. He had hoped that this life would be different, that he would find love and acceptance, but it seemed that fate had dealt him another cruel hand.

In his past life, his mother had eloped with someone, and his father had been abusive and a drunkard who abandoned him to death at the first sight of trouble. Now, in this life, his birth mother had passed away, and his stepmother turned out to be heartless and vindictive. His father Baron Theodore even disowned him for actions outside of Augustine's control. Guess he had no luck with his parents after all.

Despite the hurt, Augustine couldn't help but feel conflicted. He had always considered Baroness Elizabeth, Ryan, and Ronalds as his own family, despite being step-relatives. The fact that they treated him with such contempt now shattered the little sense of belonging he had left.

With determination, Augustine wiped the blood from his hand and steadied his resolve. He knew he had to move forward, to prove to himself and others that he was not defined by his past or the circumstances beyond his control.

As Augustine stepped outside the mansion, his heart heavy with emotions, he was surprised and relieved to find Ameya waiting for him. Ameya had been a maid in the mansion, but she had also been a dear friend of Augustine's mother and had known him since he was a child. Her presence brought him a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Ameya(with a tearful smile): " Young master, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from your father's wrath. I wish I could have done more for you."

Augustine(grateful): "Ameya, you've always been there for me. Your presence alone brought me solace in troubled times. It's not your fault."

Ameya(determined): "I can't bear to see you suffer, young master. I've decided to quit my job at the mansion. Please, let me accompany you, at least until you find your feet."

Augustine(hesitant): "Ameya, I can't ask you to do that. You've been like a mother to me, and I can't let you sacrifice your livelihood for my sake."

Ameya(placing a hand on his shoulder): "Young master...my heart aches seeing you in pain. I won't leave you to face this alone. I have a home, and it will be your home too, for as long as you need."

Augustine(touched): "You've done so much for me already, Ameya. I don't want to burden you further."

Ameya(gently): "Young master, you are not a burden. I made this decision because I care about you deeply. Your mother was my dearest friend, and I made her a promise to look after you. But now I am offering my hand not because of that promise young master. After spending ten years with you, watching you grow up, making mistakes and accomplishing impossible things, I have developed a motherly love towards you. Now, You are like a son to me. No mother would wish for her son to suffer when she is alive. Come with me. "

As Augustine's emotions overflowed, he couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He was deeply moved by Ameya's unwavering love and support, and he felt a sense of relief knowing he wouldn't have to face the challenges ahead alone.

Augustine(choking back tears): "Ameya, thank you... Thank you for everything you're doing for me."

Ameya(softly): "Oh, my dear, there's no need to thank me. I care for you deeply, and I'll always be here for you."

Augustine cries loudly releasing all his pent up emotions.

Ameya(embracing him tightly): "Shh, my dear. It's alright. You're not alone anymore. You have me, and together, we'll face whatever comes our way."

As Ameya held Augustine tightly, she reminisced about the heartwarming memory of how she had met his mother, Sarah, and the incredible bond they had formed.

Sarah, pregnant with Augustine, was returning to Baron's castle after visiting her hometown. She traveled in a horse carriage, accompanied by Baron's soldiers through the forest. During their journey, Sarah witnessed a terrifying sight - a girl and her mother being chased by bandits. The bandits had attacked their nearby village, forcing them to flee for their lives.

Without a second thought, Sarah ordered Baron's soldiers to help them. The soldiers, powerful core elementalists, quickly came to their aid. The bandits stood no chance against the skilled soldiers, and with Sarah's intervention, Ameya and her mother were saved.

Grateful for Sarah's compassion, Ameya and her mother were brought to the safety of the castle. Sarah generously helped them settle in the city and took Ameya as her personal maid. Despite having just met, their connection was instantaneous, and they soon became the closest of friends.

Through shared laughter, tears, and dreams, Sarah and Ameya's friendship grew stronger with each passing day. Sarah's kindness and warmth filled Ameya's life with love and hope, and they formed an unbreakable bond that transcended any barriers.

Now she had developed the same bond with her son too.

With Ameya's arms wrapped around him, Augustine felt a sense of comfort he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that no matter what life had in store for him, he had found a true friend and a loving home in Ameya's heart. As they walked towards Ameya's home, hand in hand, Augustine felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. With Ameya by his side, he was ready to face the world and discover the love and acceptance he had always longed for.