
Boy who spreads light

Water..... Earth.... Air..... Fire.... These are the four main elements a habitable planet is made up of. But there exists multitude of other elements too. Such as sound, odor, light, wood, metal and so on. Thea is a planet in which humans are born with talents to master any such elements. We call them the elementalists. An impending doom is approaching Thea unknown to all. It is the story of a boy who spreads light in the dark days.

Kyle95 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The world of Thea is a realm of magic and wonder, where all its inhabitants are gifted with the power to control and manipulate the elements through mana. However, each race possesses a unique affinity for certain elements based on their inherent traits and characteristics.

Elves are a serene and nature-loving race, closely connected to the world around them. They are blessed with the ability to control the element of air, which allows them to manipulate wind currents, create gentle breezes, and even soar through the skies. Their affinity for the element of wood enables them to nurture plant life, encourage growth, and commune with the spirits of the forests.

Dwarves are skilled craftsmen, blacksmiths, and miners, known for their strong connection to the earth. They wield the power of fire, enabling them to forge powerful weapons and create intricate metalwork. Their mastery over the element of earth allows them to shape mountains, craft sturdy structures, and harness the minerals and gemstones beneath the surface.

Beast men are fierce warriors, deeply spiritual beings, and have a strong affinity for the elements. They are gifted with the ability to control both earth and space. With earth manipulation, they can trigger earthquakes, create protective barriers, and manipulate the terrain during battles. Their control over space allows them to teleport, bend the fabric of reality, and tap into spiritual energies for guidance.

Humans in Thea are relatively weaker compared to other races in terms of elemental abilities. Unlike elves, dwarves, and beast men who are born with innate talent, human children are not immediately able to handle mana. Their ability to control the elements awakens gradually, and they usually start manifesting their elemental powers around the age of 10. However, humans compensate for their delayed development with their adaptability, resourcefulness, and determination.

The awakening ceremony is a momentous occasion for young humans, marking the age at which they gain the ability to control and manipulate the elements. The ceremony is a grand event conducted in large arenas, with the presence of the king and a vast crowd of witnesses. It takes place once a year in the kingdom's capital, drawing people from all corners of the country. Families, friends, and dignitaries gather in the majestic arena.

In the heart of the arena stands the elemental stone, an ancient relic imbued with the essence of the elements. The stone reacts to the presence of young talents, resonating with their innate elemental affinity. When a child touches the stone, it glows with a vibrant light, revealing their affinity for one or more of the elements.

The elemental stone not only determines the individual's elemental affinity but also assesses their elemental grade. The elemental grade is an indicator of each individual's potential and power within their chosen element. It is measured based on the strength of the resonance between the individual and the elemental stone.

In the Kingdom of Frioria, discrimination is a prevalent issue among humans due to the distinction between core elementalists and ordinary elementalists. Core elementalists are those who possess the ability to control any of the five core elements, namely fire, water, air, earth, and space. While ordinary elementalists are those who possess the ability to control any of the other elements besides the five core elements such as lightning, wood, sound, odor, light and so on.

The discrimination is fueled by the belief that the power of the five core elements is superior to any other elements ordinary elementalists may exhibit. While abilities such as light, sound, odor, and lightning may be impressive, they are overshadowed by the awe-inspiring nature of controlling the core elements that core elementalists possess.

The discrimination is further reinforced by the legacy of the last hero, the Savior of all races, who possessed the extraordinary ability to control and manipulate all five core elements. The hero's mastery of these elements was a symbol of unparalleled power and a force that united all races against a common threat.

Core elementalists in Frioria hold significant social standing and are often granted privileges that ordinary elementalists do not enjoy. They occupy esteemed positions within society, such as leadership roles, prestigious positions in the military or court, and access to advanced magical training.

The ordinary elementalists, on the other hand, face significant challenges and discrimination. They might be seen as weak or lesser than their elemental-wielding counterparts. This discrimination can result in limited opportunities for education, employment, and advancement. They find themselves confined to less influential roles and treated as second-class citizens.

Finally that day has come…..

On the day of awakening, the sun rose over the Kingdom of Frioria, casting a warm glow upon the streets and buildings. It was a special day for Augustine Theodore, who had turned ten years old, eagerly awaiting the ceremony that would determine his elemental affinity. In the Theodore estate, Augustine's caretaker and maid, Ameya, prepared him for the momentous event.

Ameya(smiling warmly ): "Good morning, young master Augustine! Today is a day to remember, isn't it?"

Augustine(excitedly): "Yes, Ameya! I can't believe I'm finally turning ten. I've been looking forward to the awakening ceremony for as long as I can remember!"

Ameya(affectionately): "And a fine young gentleman you've become. Your mother would be so proud of the person you're growing to be."

Augustine(with a touch of melancholy): "I wish she was here to witness this moment. But I know she is watching over me from the heavens."

Ameya(placing a comforting hand on Augustine's shoulder): "Indeed, she is, my dear. Your mother left you in my care, and I promise to support and guide you in every step of your journey."

Augustine(looking up with anticipation): "Ameya, what do you think my elemental affinity will be? I hope I'll have the power of fire like the knights I've read about in stories."

Ameya(encouragingly): "You never know, young master. The magic of the awakening ceremony is that it reveals the element you share a deep connection with. But whatever element it is, it will be unique and special, just like you."

Augustine(nodding): "I suppose you're right. I shouldn't worry too much. I've heard that the last hero could control all five core elements. I wonder what kind of elementalist I'll become."

Ameya(with a soft smile): "That is a wondrous possibility, young master. But even if you don't control all five, being a core elementalist is a great honor. Core elementalists are protectors and champions of our kingdom."

Augustine(reflecting): "Yes, you're right, Ameya. I promise to use my powers for good and protect those who cannot protect themselves."

Ameya(proudly): "That's the spirit, young master. Your heart is as noble as any knight's, and your potential is boundless."

As the conversation continued, Ameya helped Augustine dress in his finest attire, ensuring he looked his best for the ceremony. The estate soon buzzed with excitement, and the family gathered to accompany Augustine to the grand arena. The ceremony would not only determine Augustine's elemental affinity but also mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey for the young elementalist.

As Augustine arrived at the grand arena, his eyes widened in awe at the sight before him. The bustling crowd, adorned in vibrant attire, filled the stands, their eager faces reflecting the anticipation that filled the air. The atmosphere hummed with excitement, and the cheers and chatter created an electric ambiance.

In the midst of it all, Augustine followed the instructions, registering himself as a participant for the awakening ceremony. The officials guided him to a special area reserved for the young "awakeners," those who had reached the age of ten and were eager to discover their elemental affinity.

As he took his place among the other awakeners, Augustine felt a mix of nerves and anticipation. He had dreamt of this moment for years, and now it was finally here. However, he remained calm and composed, drawing strength from Ameya's encouraging words and his own determination to embrace whatever the ceremony would reveal.

The ceremony commenced with a solemn and captivating ritual, invoking the blessings of the divine spirits and paying homage to the heroes of old who had wielded the elemental powers with courage and honor. The arena was filled with an ethereal glow as the elemental stone, the ancient relic at the center of the ceremony, emanated its mystic aura.

As Augustine stood in the special area designated for the awakeners, he observed the impressive crowd in the grand arena. Augustine's heart swelled with pride as he saw his father, Baron Theodore, among the family members gathered to witness this momentous occasion. The presence of the King of Frioria and representatives from the five prestigious academies added an air of importance to the ceremony.

The five prestigious academies provided guidance and nurturing for young budding and talented elementalists and those academies were:

Aurelia Academy of Fire: Located at the foot of the fiery Mount Pyrona, the Aurelia Academy of Fire is renowned for its intense training in the element of fire. Here, aspiring fire elementalists are taught to harness the power of flames with precision and control. Students learn to create and manipulate fire for both offensive and defensive purposes.

Zephyr's Aegis Academy of Air: Nestled amid the windswept cliffs and cloud-kissed towers, the Zephyr's Aegis Academy of Air is dedicated to nurturing the talents of air elementalists. Students at this academy learn to master the element of wind, becoming skilled in controlling air currents, creating gusts, and even harnessing the power of storms.

Terra Nova Academy of Earth: Nestled amidst vast caverns and labyrinthine mines, the Terra Nova Academy of Earth is a bastion of knowledge for earth elementalists. Students here are taught to manipulate and shape the earth itself, creating protective barriers, summoning quakes, and fortifying structures.

Astralis Institute of Space: Perched atop the highest mountain peak, the Astralis Institute of Space is a realm of mystery and cosmic wonder. The institute is dedicated to nurturing the rare space elementalists, who possess the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality itself. Here, students learn to tap into the vast energy of the cosmos, mastering teleportation, bending space, and even glimpsing into distant realms.

Aquarum Academy of Water: Nestled along the tranquil shores of the Crystal Lagoon, the Aquarum Academy of Water specializes in nurturing the talents of water elementalists. Students here learn to control and manipulate the element of water in all its forms. They can create powerful tidal waves, conjure gentle rains, and even freeze water into solid ice.

The middle-aged announcer called out the names of the registered children one by one, and each young awakener stepped forward with a mix of nerves and enthusiasm. Amanda Xavier, the fifth daughter of Viscount Xavier, was the first to approach the elemental stone.

With a sense of wonder, Augustine watched as Amanda placed her hands on the elemental stone. As the stone responded to her touch, it glowed with a fiery brilliance, revealing her superior grade affinity for the element of fire. The crowd erupted in cheers, recognizing her talent and potential as a fire elementalist. Amanda's abilities were further revealed when the elemental stone emitted a gust of wind, signifying her high-grade affinity for the element of air as well.

The excitement among the crowd grew, and the news of Amanda's dual elemental talents spread like wildfire. Since she has both fire and air affinity, representatives from Aurelia Academy of Fire and Zephyr's Aegis Academy of Air , specialized in training fire and air elementalists, began to bid for her exceptional talent. Each academy sought to offer her the finest training and guidance to hone her abilities. Finally she chose Aurelia Academy of Fire because she has a superior grade affinity towards fire elements and only high grade affinity for the element of air.

As the awe-inspiring ceremony continued, the next young awakener to step forward was Victor, the son of a commoner. As he approached the elemental stone, there was a mixture of nervousness and determination in his eyes. Unlike Augustine, Victor did not hail from a noble lineage, but his presence in the awakening ceremony proved that the power of the elements knew no bounds, transcending social barriers.

As Victor placed his hands on the elemental stone, a hushed silence fell over the arena. The stone responded to his touch, emanating a radiant glow that intensified with each passing moment. The crowd held its breath, eagerly anticipating the revelation of Victor's elemental affinity.

To the astonishment of all present, the elemental stone glimmered with a celestial hue, reflecting the enigmatic depths of space itself. The rare and low grade affinity towards the space element marked Victor as an individual destined for greatness.

The representatives from the academies were taken aback, their eyes wide with wonder. An affinity for the space element was exceptionally rare among humans, and it held immense potential for both mystical and practical applications. Victor's unique gift had caught the attention of the representatives, and they recognized the significance of nurturing such a prodigy.

As the crowd erupted in applause, Victor's eyes sparkled with newfound confidence. He might have been a commoner, but in that moment, he realized that his worth extended far beyond his social status. He had been chosen by the elements themselves, and that made him special in his own right.

Since he had affinity towards space elements he naturally chose Astralis Institute of Space specialized in the nurturing of space elementalists.

As the awakening ceremony continued, more young awakeners stepped forward, each revealing their unique elemental affinities. Some were gifted prodigies who awakened one of the core elements - fire, air, water, earth, or space. The cheers of the crowd echoed through the arena as these exceptional children rejoiced in their newfound powers. The clouds above seemed to applaud their achievements, as if nature itself celebrated the emergence of these elemental talents.

Each of these prodigies was approached by the representatives from the five prestigious academies. They were showered with offers to join their respective institutions, tailored to nurture and hone their specific elemental talents. These geniuses felt a sense of validation and purpose as they accepted the invitations, knowing that they were destined for greatness in the world of elementalists.

However, there were also awakeners who exhibited ordinary elements outside the core elements. These were elements, which, though impressive, did not fall under the category of the five core elements. These awakeners, too, possessed remarkable abilities that had the potential to contribute to the kingdom of Frioria in unique ways.

Yet, the academies were primarily focused on training core elementalists. Those who awakened extraordinary abilities outside the core elements were often overlooked or not considered as valuable as their core-element counterparts. This created a sense of disappointment and exclusion among these awakeners, who felt overshadowed by the more celebrated core elementalists.

As the awakening ceremony progressed, the contrast between the excitement of core elementalists and the overlooked ordinary elementalists became evident. The latter felt a pang of discrimination, as if they were deemed less worthy due to their lack of affinity for the core elements.

Amidst the celebration, Augustine observed this disparity with a heavy heart. He knew that the power of the elements, no matter how extraordinary, did not define one's worth. He believed that everyone, whether core elementalists or ordinary elementalists, possessed unique strengths that could contribute to the kingdom's prosperity and unity.

Finally it was Augustine's turn. As Augustine approached the elemental stone, the entire arena held its breath in anticipation. The news of his extraordinary talents had spread like wildfire, making him a renowned figure not only among the people of Frioria but also among neighboring lands. He was a child genius, excelling in arts, philosophy, and martial arts from a young age. His unique martial skills had captivated many, setting him apart as an unparalleled prodigy.

The crowd in the grand arena was abuzz with excitement, eagerly waiting to witness Augustine's awakening. Even the King of Frioria himself was looking forward to this momentous event. The kingdom held great hopes for Augustine, believing that he would be a beacon of greatness and leadership in the world of elementalists.

As Augustine gently placed his hand on the elemental stone, a sense of serene determination shone in his eyes. He knew that this moment would shape his destiny, and he was prepared to embrace whatever the stone revealed about his elemental affinity.

As Augustine made his connection with the elemental stone, a moment of stillness filled the arena. The stone's response seemed to take longer than usual, heightening the anticipation in the crowd. Ameya, his devoted caretaker, felt a mix of pride and concern as she closed her eyes and offered a heartfelt prayer to all the gods she knew of. She wished for the best for Augustine, knowing that this moment would shape his path as an elementalist and, potentially, as a future hero of the kingdom.

As the elemental stone emitted its pure white light, the middle-aged man's voice echoed through the arena, announcing Augustine's result. He had awakened to the rare and exquisite light element with a superior grade affinity. It was a gift that should have been celebrated and admired, as light elements were seen only once in a millennium. It was even rarer than space elements.

However, instead of awe and reverence, the crowd's reaction was one of mockery and ridicule. The atmosphere in the grand arena shifted from anticipation to disdain as laughter erupted from all sides. Even the king himself was displeased. Augustine, standing there with a gentle and composed demeanor, was now at the center of the crowd's derision.

The discrimination against ordinary elementalists reared its ugly head, overshadowing the brilliance of Augustine's gift. In a society that placed a premium on the control of core elements, those without core elemental affinity were often marginalized and scorned, regardless of their other talents or achievements.

As the laughter and mockery filled the air, Baron Theodore's heart sank. He had always placed great importance on strength and power, believing that they were the key to success and respect in Frioria. Augustine awakening light element, an element considered weak in the eyes of the society, deeply conflicted with his father's beliefs.

At that moment, Baron Theodore struggled with his own feelings. He found himself torn between his love for his son and the societal pressures that had conditioned him to value only the core elements. The disappointment in his heart clouded his judgment, and he began to feel resentment towards Augustine for awakening the light element.

As the crowd's laughter and mockery grew louder, Augustine's heart sank, feeling the weight of the disdain from those around him. He exchanged a glance with his father, Baron Theodore, who looked torn and conflicted.

Crowd Member 1: "Hah! Look at that, a rare superior grade light element! What a joke! He is nothing more than a rare superior grade trash. Even the pet lizard I have at my home has an affinity towards fire elements. Unparalleled genius…..Ha…..Ha....ha...ha....."

Crowd Member 2: "Who would've thought Baron Theodore's son would awaken such a weak element? It's embarrassing!"

Crowd Member 3: "Baron Theodore must be so disappointed. His son is nothing more than an ordinary elementalist."

Augustine's expression remained composed, but inside, he felt a mix of hurt and frustration. He knew that his father valued strength and had dreams of him becoming a powerful core elementalist like the heroes of old. The mockery from the crowd stung even more because he feared disappointing his father.

Ameya stepped forward, her voice firm and resolute, trying to defend Augustine "The light element is rare and holds great potential! Augustine's awakening is a testament to his unique gifts. He can bring light to darkness and healing to those in need!"

Crowd Member 5: "Potential? What use is that? In this world, power is what matters! Light is weak and useless!"

Despite Ameya's efforts, the crowd's prejudices seemed unyielding. Augustine took a deep breath, gathering his strength to respond calmly.

Augustine(with a slight anger): "My elemental affinity may be different, but that doesn't define who I am. I believe that true strength lies not just in the elements one controls, but also in the character and compassion one exhibits. I will use my gift to bring hope and understanding to Frioria."

Hearing this the crowd burst out in even more laughter. Even the king himself looked at Baron Theodore mockingly. This blew up his resentment towards Augustine to a new height.

Since he awakened an ordinary element, the admission into any of the five prestigious academy was out of question since they only admitted students with core elements.

Do you know what people love more than the birth of a genius? It is the fall of a genius.

Yes…..Augustine the genius, unparalleled prodigy, has fallen.