
Boy who spreads light

Water..... Earth.... Air..... Fire.... These are the four main elements a habitable planet is made up of. But there exists multitude of other elements too. Such as sound, odor, light, wood, metal and so on. Thea is a planet in which humans are born with talents to master any such elements. We call them the elementalists. An impending doom is approaching Thea unknown to all. It is the story of a boy who spreads light in the dark days.

Kyle95 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A new beginning

Ameya and Sarah, both hailing from a simple and humble background, found a deep connection with one another due to their understanding of the difficulties and fears faced by common folks. Despite their brief acquaintance, they quickly became very good friends, their bond strengthened by empathy and shared experiences.

After Baron Theodore heartlessly abandoned his own son, Augustine, branding him as useless, Ameya felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to help the young boy. She made a brave decision to leave her job as a maid at the mansion and generously welcomed Augustine into her home. Her house was just half an hour away from the mansion, making it convenient for her to continue visiting her family daily while she worked at the mansion.

Ameya's love for Augustine extended beyond mere duty; it was a genuine care for the boy's well-being. With Augustine now a part of her family, Ameya decided to provide him with the love and support he desperately needed, becoming a surrogate mother figure for him.

Their small house, with its hall, two rooms, and a kitchen, may have been modest, but it was filled with warmth and love. The front yard, adorned with a beautiful garden, was a peaceful and serene space where Ameya's 5-year-old daughter could often be found playing joyfully. Accompanying the little girl in the garden was a woman in her forties, who was none other than Ameya's mother, Olivia.

While working in the mansion Ameya fell in love with a soldier of Baron Theodore. This soldier was an orphan who had been supported and raised with the help of the Theodore family, and despite their different backgrounds, love blossomed between Ameya and him. At that time, Sarah, Augustine's mother, was alive and fully aware of their love. To her credit, Sarah supported their relationship and even played a pivotal role in helping them get married.

The couple's love flourished, and five years later, after Sarah's untimely death, Ameya gave birth to a beautiful daughter whom she named after her beloved best friend, Sarah. However, tragedy struck once again when Ameya's husband lost his life on a mission assigned by Baron Theodore. Despite facing immense grief and loss, Ameya remained strong and devoted to Augustine, even though he was not her biological child.

Augustine, being the recipient of a second chance at life, understood the depth of Ameya's sacrifices and the hardships she endured. He was always grateful to her, deeply aware of the profound debt he owed her. But despite the challenges Ameya had faced, she continued to nurture and care for Augustine as her own, providing him with the love and stability he needed.

Augustine knew that no matter what he did, he could never truly repay Ameya for all that she had done for him. The love and support she had given him were immeasurable, and he felt forever indebted to her.

As soon as the 5-year-old girl, Sarah, saw Augustine, she came running towards him with excitement, calling him "Big Brother!"

Ameya, witnessing the scene, gently scolded Sarah, saying, "Now, now, Sarah, How many times I have to tell you? You must address him as 'Young Master' Augustine. Remember, he is the son of Baron Theodore."

But Augustine smiled warmly and knelt down to Sarah's level, saying, "It's okay, Ameya. You don't need to correct her. I am no longer a noble. I consider myself a common folk now, and I want Sarah to feel comfortable around me."

Augustine smiled warmly at the little girl, feeling a rush of affection for her and replied, "Hey there, little Sarah! It's so nice to see you again!"

Sarah beamed with joy, holding Augustine's hand tightly as if they were the best of friends. "I missed you, Big Brother! I always have so much fun when I am with you," she said, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

Indeed, even when Sarah, the daughter of Ameya, visited her mother in the mansion, Augustine always treated her as his own little sister. Their bond grew stronger with each encounter, and Augustine embraced his role as her caring and protective older brother.

Whenever Sarah arrived, a bright smile would light up Augustine's face. He would welcome her with open arms, excited to spend time with his beloved little sister. Together, they would explore the mansion's grounds, play games, and share laughter and joy.

Augustine's love for Sarah was unconditional, and he always made sure she felt safe and loved. He would listen to her stories, patiently answer her questions, and be there to comfort her if she ever felt upset or scared.

Sarah had developed a deep fondness for Augustine as well. She looked up to him with admiration and saw in him the big brother she had always wished for. Augustine, being attuned to her feelings, made sure to be there for her on special occasions, especially on Sarah's birthday.

On Sarah's birthday, Augustine would go above and beyond to make her day extra special. He would carefully select luxurious gifts, hoping to bring a smile to her face and make her feel cherished. His thoughtfulness and genuine care touched Sarah's heart, and she appreciated every gesture he made.

Ameya looked touched by Augustine's response.

"Thank you, Young master," Ameya said softly, a sense of pride and admiration in her eyes. "You are a remarkable young man, and Sarah is lucky to have you as her big brother."

As Sarah and Augustine played happily in the garden, Olivia watched them from a distance with a warm smile. She had met Augustine a few times before during his visits to the mansion, and she had always been impressed by his kind and gentle nature. She couldn't help but wonder why the son of a Baron was with Ameya and in their humble home.

Curiosity got the better of her, and when Ameya took her inside for a serious conversation, Olivia's mind was filled with questions. As they sat down in the small hall, Ameya began to share everything that happened in the Baron's mansion.

With a heavy heart, Ameya began to share the story with Olivia. "Mother," she said, her voice tinged with sadness, "I need to tell you something about Augustine. Baron Theodore disowned him and kicked him out of the mansion."

Olivia's eyes widened with surprise, not expecting such a revelation. "Disowned?" she repeated, her voice filled with concern. "Why would Baron Theodore do such a thing to his own son?"

Ameya took a deep breath before continuing, "As you know mother today was the awakening ceremony and Augustine awakened the Light element, one of the ordinary elements. In Frioria, where strength and power are highly valued, the Light element is considered weak and inferior. Baron Theodore, who valued strength above all else, saw this as a disgrace and weakness in his own son."

Olivia's heart went out to Augustine, understanding the pain he must have endured. "That is incredibly unfair and cruel," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "That Baron is a fool. Augustine is a kind and compassionate young man, and his worth should not be judged solely based on his elemental gift."

Ameya nodded, grateful for her mother's understanding. "You are right, Mother," she said. "Augustine is a remarkable individual with a heart of gold. Despite his difficult past, he has grown to be a loving and caring person. He is like a brother to Sarah, and I consider him family."

Olivia reached out and placed a comforting hand on Ameya's shoulder. "And he is family," she said firmly. "I see the love you both share for him, and I am proud of the kind, compassionate person you have become, Ameya."

Ameya smiled, feeling supported and loved by her mother's words. "Thank you, Mother," she said. "I want Augustine to be happy and feel accepted here. He has faced enough hardships in his life, and I want him to know that he is cherished and valued as part of our family."

Olivia nodded in agreement. "We will welcome Augustine with open arms and offer him the love and acceptance he deserves," she said. "He is a part of our family now, and we will stand by him no matter what."

With Olivia's understanding and support, Ameya felt more confident as she prepared to talk to her daughter, Sarah, about Augustine's permanent presence in their home. She knew in her heart that Sarah adored Augustine and considered him a cherished big brother figure.

As Sarah and Augustine continued to play in the garden, Ameya approached them with a warm smile. "Hey, you two," she said affectionately, "it's time for a little talk."

Sarah looked up at her mother with curiosity, and Augustine smiled warmly, sensing the seriousness of the conversation.

Ameya took Sarah's hand and led her to a quiet corner in the garden. "Sarah, my dear," she began, "I want to talk to you about something very important."

Sarah's eyes lit up with anticipation, always eager to hear what her mother had to say. "What is it, Mom?" she asked, her voice full of excitement.

Ameya took a deep breath, knowing that Sarah's response was likely to be exactly what she hoped for. "You know your big brother....." she asked gently. "You've spent a lot of time with him, and I know how much you love having him around."

Sarah nodded eagerly, her smile growing wider. "Yes, Mom, I love big brother!" she exclaimed. "He's like the big brother I always wanted. He's so kind and fun to be with."

Ameya's heart swelled with joy, knowing that Sarah shared the same sentiments she did about Augustine. "Well, my love," she said, "how would you feel if your big brother lived with us permanently? He would be a part of our family, just like you and Grandma."

Sarah's eyes sparkled with happiness, and she clapped her hands together. "Oh, Mom, that would be amazing!" she exclaimed. "I'd love for my big brother to live with us forever. He's the best big brother anyone could ask for!"

Ameya hugged Sarah tightly, feeling a sense of relief and contentment. "I'm so glad you feel that way," she said, her voice filled with love.

Augustine, who had been standing nearby, listening to their conversation, couldn't help but tear up with emotion. He felt overwhelmed by the love and acceptance he had found with Ameya's family, especially with Sarah.

As the day progressed, Ameya, Olivia, Sarah, and Augustine embraced their new life as a united family. They made sure to make Augustine feel at home in their small house, arranging a room for him with care and love. Though the rooms were modest in size, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and happiness.

That evening, they all sat down for a simple dinner together. Ameya had prepared a delicious meal with love, and the joy of being together as a family made the meal even more special. The conversation flowed easily, and laughter filled the air.

Augustine couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and peace that he had never experienced during his time at the mansion. Despite the luxurious surroundings and grandeur of the Baron's estate, he had always felt like an outsider.

Now, sitting at the dinner table with Ameya, Olivia, and Sarah, he felt a genuine sense of belonging. He was embraced for who he was, without judgment or expectations. The love and acceptance he received from his new family filled his heart with gratitude.

As they finished their meal, Sarah excitedly suggested playing games together. They gathered in the living room, enjoying each other's company, and Augustine couldn't help but smile as he saw Sarah's face light up with happiness. He had become the big brother she had always wanted, and the bond between them was unmistakable.