
A Match Between The Top Teams

Aaron: this is it okay

He opens the Rift and they walk out

They go inside

Sarah: hey Skylar your back

She says from another room

Skylar: yeah I came to get my stuff I'm moving into my Team quarters

Sarah: with your friends

Skylar: not with annie or Carla

Sarah: then who

She comes in

Sarah: ah ah aaron

Skylar: yeah I'm on his team

Sarah: a.a.a.aaron

Aaron: yeah it's nice to meet you

Sarah: Skylar Aaron's really here

Skylar: Sarah it's for real

Sarah: wow but why did he pick you

Aaron: she seemed nice and her power and all

Sarah: wow

Skylar: why are you freaking out for aren't you with Martin cres

Sarah: yeah and I know there rivals but it's Aaron

Aaron: thanks so you know Martin huh

Sarah: yeah I'm actually going out with him today

Aaron: how's he doing I haven't talked to him in a while

Sarah: uh he hates you

Aaron: still

Sarah: apparently

Aaron: it's not like I wanted to humiliate him and his team

Sarah: well he's still holding it against you  

Aaron: ah well

Skylar: wait what happened

Aaron: well I got to S rank in my first week by defeating them in a match it was a 3v2

Skylar: really you and karma beat them

Aaron: yeah but I guess he's still holding a grudge

Sarah: Martin told me karmas gone is that right

Aaron: yeah I'm looking for em

Sarah: well Skylar good job at joining the most powerful team there

Martin: What!!!

Sarah: oh hey Martin

Martin: why the hell are you here Aaron

Aaron: uh helping my Teammate get her


Martin: Skylar joined you

Skylar: uh he asked me

Martin: what's you plan aaron

Aaron: plan? Uh there's not one I just asked her to join

Martin: sure

Skylar: that is what happened

Martin: Sarah what was that about the best team

Sarah: I mean technically his team is listed as the best

Martin: aaron get out

Aaron: okay I'll help get her stuff then...

Martin punches Aaron in the face

Aaron: 💢martin that's not very nice

He didn't react to getting punched

Martin: hmm

He goes for another one

Aaron grabs his fist then twists it behind him

Martin: damn let go

Aaron lets go

Martin: let's settle this in a match tonight

Aaron: fine

Martin: let's go Sarah

Sarah: okay

Martin: later loser

Aaron has a black aura around him

Skylar: uh you okay

Aaron:? Uh yeah

The aura goes away

Skylar: he really hates you huh

Aaron: man he's got a punch how does my face look

Skylar: uh its swelling

Aaron: can you heal this

Skylar: I've never done that before

Aaron: just activate your ordnance like you did before and hold it to my face

Skylar: I'll try

She activates it then holds it to his face

The swelling goes down

Skylar: it worked

Aaron: ah it feels way better

Skylar: how did you know I was a healer

Aaron: just a feeling

Skylar: well my stuff's packed already it's upstairs

Aaron: let's get then

Skylar has 3 bags 2 heavy ones and one medium one

Skylar: damn these are way heavier than this one

Aaron: did you pack all your stuff in there

Skylar: pretty much

Aaron: I'll get these 2

He picks them up super easy

Aaron: that's not to bad

Skylar: I'm I that weak or are you that strong

Aaron: uh I don't know let's go with strong

Skylar: can you open a Rift

Aaron: can you carry one of these

Skylar: no

Aaron: I need one hand free so I guess we're walking home

Back at TQ

Tora: welcome Back

Aaron: hey

Skylar: man it took way longer to get back here

Tora: you didn't use the Rift

Aaron: I had to carry these heavy bags

Tora: what gentleman

Aaron: thank you very much sir

Tora: okay chill out

Aaron: yeah yeah

Skylar: so how are these dorms set up

Aaron: well here's the main room there's a kitchen and down the hall are the 5 room one is the bathroom and the rest are bedrooms

Skylar: which ones free

Aaron: the two back ones on the right and left

Karma chose the front left and he's pretty loud sleeper so I'd recommend the back right

Tora: you definitely don't want to share a wall with karma if he comes back

Skylar: okay then I'll take back right

Tora: wise choice

Aaron: he'll be back probably

Skylar unpacks her stuff she doesn't have anything to important mainly clothes and a picture of her family

She comes into the living room

Were aaron and tora are watching TV

Skylar: any thing on

Aaron: nope

Breaking news

Another armed robbery happen today no suspects again what does this mean for East city this is the 9th robbery since last week not even the elite police of the city have any leads could this be the work off...

Aaron turns off the TV

Aaron: great another robbery oh well we can't do anything thing

Skylar: why not?

Aaron: there's no suspects or leads so us Bounty teams can't go after them

Tora: the elite police should be able to handle this I mean they had to graduate from here at the top of the law units to become one

Aaron: maybe but it said they haven't found out anything

He checks his com it's 7:30

Aaron: 7:30 huh I guess I'll have to beat up Martin tonight

Tora: you saw Martin

Aaron: yeah he's still mad he challenged me to a match tonight

Tora: 1v1

Aaron: with him it's 1v3 I'm sure he'll have his teammates fight to

Tora: Skylar's not going to fight

Skylar: I'm not ready plus his team use to be the best

Tora: but we are now

Skylar: I may be here but I'm not strong enough for this

Tora: your useless

Skylar:💢 can it cat

Tora: who are you calling a cat

Aaron: you

Tora: i may look like one but do you hear me meowing

Skylar: I'm still going to fight I just won't  


Tora: fine

Skylar: you act like your fighting

Tora:💦 uh

Skylar: yeah

Tora: fine it'll be aaron then

Aaron: I wasn't expecting you two to fight

We should head out

Aaron skylar and tora are walking to the training grounds

Then Skylars friends stop them

Annie: hey you guys

Aaron: hello

Skylar: hey

Tora: hey

Carla: oh wow a soul Beast

Tora: ah you noticed

Annie: we heard there was going to be a big fight tonight and we couldn't pass it up

Carla: she insisted we don't even know who's fighting tonight

Annie: I don't care who I just want to watch

Skylar: you'll be in for a good show then it's a match between aaron and Martins team

Annie: woah now way the best teams here are fighting

Tora: who do you think will win

Annie: uh aaron of course

Carla: I have to agree

Skylar: same

Tora: even though it's Aaron vs 3 people on the second best team

Annie: uh yeah you can do it

Aaron: thanks I was planning on ending it fast

Annie: really you sure are confident

Carla: annie remember your talking to Aaron

Annie:💦 uh right sorry

Aaron: I'm just a normal guy your friends of Skylar so that means your my friends too

There shocked when he says that

Annie: woah

Carla: it's kinda crazy

Aaron: well I have to go in there so make sure you watch

They go inside its packed

Crowd: aaron he's here

Skylar: this place is packed so many people showed up

Carla: it's not to surprising I'm mean it's said S vs A Rank

Annie: I thought Martin was S rank

Aaron: he got demoted when he lost to me and karma that's why he hates me I mean he's been here for 6 and half years I've only been here for a year and half

Annie: so you started here like us at 18

Aaron: yeah

Annie: your only 1 year older than us

Aaron: yeah okay I have to go the floor

He leaves

Annie: damn Skylar I'm jealous of you

Skylar: huh

Annie: your on Aaron's team we're about the same age so you have the best chance

Tora: ahahah I like you guys

Skylar: uh

Tora: Ahahahahah Skylar she doesn't have a chance with Aaron

Skylar: what are you trying to say cat

Tora: your not to bad looking but Aaron is pretty different from other guys he's not a pervert so I doubt he'd see you in that way

Annie: he's really like that

Tora: yep

Skylar: tho hearing that makes me feel better about living in the same dorm as him

Annie: what!!!!!!

Skylar: did I not mention that

Carla: nope

Annie: that's pretty big new actually to hide from your friends

Skylar: I wasn't hiding anything

Announcer: okay ladies and gentlemen tonight's match is between

Bounty Team 998 aaron


Bounty Team 619

It's a 1v3


announcer: we all know the rules for these matches each team member can surrender if they can't handle it if the team is knocked out it's a win or a forfeit

Well now that that's out of the way let's get to the fight




Martin: I didn't think you'd show

Aaron: well after your weak punch I figured I'd put you in your place

Martin: Kaleb I'll go first if I get knocked out your in command okay

Kaleb: okay what about kayte

Martin: you can figure it out

Aaron: hey are we fighting or not

Martin: I'll be going against you right now

Aaron: fine

Martin activates his ordnance metal particles form a sword he rushes towards aaron

Aaron doesn't activate his ordnance he just stands there

Martin comes in for slash

Aaron dodges it with ease

Martin he keeps swinging wildly

Aaron keeps dodges

Martin: dammit stand still

Aaron punches Martin he gets sent back

Aaron: I'll give you one more chance 5 seconds come on

Martin rushes at him again he keeps swinging then goes for a final strike From above

Aaron: 0

Aaron grabs Martin ordnance which is impossible to do

And he disperses it

Martin: what how did you

Aaron: can't say secret

Aaron activates his basic ordnance which is just his hand is surrounded be a black aura he punches Martin and he falls down

Martin: Now

Kaleb: uh we surrender

Kayte: yes

Martin: what no

Announcer: wow Aaron scared the rest of Bounty team 619 into surrendering

Aaron. Is the winner some how he grabbed Martins ordnance that's never been done before

Skylar annie Carla and tora go to him

Annie: woah that was awesome

Carla: how could you go up against 3 people by yourself

Annie: he's a badass that's how

Aaron: ah thanks

Martin: kaleb what the hell

Kaleb: I'm sorry I panicked

Martin: well get him

Kayte: we surrendered all ready

Martin: I don't care just get him

Kaleb: but if we attack he could easily defeat us

Kayte: also we surrendered

Martin: just shoot him with your core so we can continue fighting

Kaleb: fine activate core

He has a hand cannon he's aiming at Aaron

Skylar: that was a good match

Tora: yeah

They start walking away aarons first

Then kaleb pulls the trigger as he does Skylar is behind aaron

Aaron senses it he turns around and he pushes Skylar to the side

The soul power bullet hits Aaron in the shoulder it dislocated his shoulder and there's blood gushing out

Skylar: ah aaron

Kaleb: it was set to lethal I thought it was on stun

Aaron pops his shoulder back into place

He's still gushing blood

Crowd: on my god

Tora: aaron

Aaron activates his ordnance he also has a black aura surrounding him he slowly walks to kaleb

Martin: keep shooting

Kaleb: uh okay

He shoots 3 times

His power fades when it gets close to Aaron's aura

Aaron:💢💢💢 trying to shoot me in the back huh I normally wouldn't be so mad but you almost killed my Teammate

Kaleb: I I I I didn't know it was set to lethal

Aaron he swings his black soul blade into kalebs arm it only goes halfway in

Kaleb: ahhhhhhhahahHHHHHHHhHHAhH

Aaron: I thought you guys surrendered but it seems like I have to knocked you out

Kayte: no I surrender I surrender I swear

Aaron activates his codex

Aaron: sleep

Kayte falls to the ground and martin passes out kaleb is in too much pain to be affected

Aarons aura resends

And walks back to his group

Announcer: uh can we get a medical team down there what a pathetic move to attack after they surrendered we'll treat this as self defense

They walk out

Skylar: aaron are you okay

Aaron: yeah just a wound

Annie: damn how could you stand that

Carla: didn't it hurt

Aaron: oh yeah

Tora: that was terrible I mean they surrendered if this was a mission Id  expect this but in an organized match

Skylar: also if you didn't push me out of the way I would have died

Aaron: I know

Annie: I know you got hurt but thanks for saving her

Aaron: I can't have my new teammate die on their first day

Annie: well we should head to our TQ see you later

Skylar and Aaron : bye

Tora: man I thought you lost it Aaron

Aaron: don't worry I kept it in check

Tora: I mean last time that happened you almost killed a guy

Aaron: I'm aware

Skylar: what happened

Tora: uh don't worry about it

Aaron: yeah it's fine

Skylar: okay

Aaron: can you heal my shoulder when we get home

Skylar: I'll try