
A New Teammate

In the back alleys being chased

Crow: get back here kid

Skylar: no way am I letting scum like you catch me

Crow: damn you brat I'll kill you

She runs around a corner to see a fence blocking her path

Skylar: whaa a fence OK don't fail me please work

Crow: Ahaha finally caught you now give me your money

Skylar: uhh

She tries to activate her ordnance but there's only a light

Crow: oh I see well then activate core

He grabs a round shaped object it transforms into a golden knife

Skylar: uh a core

(I can't beat that why doesn't my ordnance work)

Above them on a fire escape

Tora: hey Aaron that's our target right

And it looks like he's found another victim

Aaron: yeah that's him

Tora: your gonna stop him before he hurts her right

Aaron: of course you idiot but I sensed something from her let's just watch tora

Tora: but

Aaron: come on buddy you know me I'll make a grand entrance

Tora: *sigh*

Skylar: hey wait you just want my money right here take it

She tosses her wallet towards him

Crow: hahahahha what you scared now well it's too late time to die

As he's about slash her

A Rift opens in front of Skylar


Crow: what the hell

And crows blade is blocked by a black blade made of aura

Aaron: wow your such a scumbag don't you know it's not nice to hit a lady

Crow: who the hell are you

Aaron: I'm Aaron and I'm here to bring you in

Crow: I see a Bounty Hunter eh

Well if the law units can't stop me what make you think a Bounty Hunter could

Aaron: oh I just know now let's go peacefully or I could take you in by force your choice

Crow: ha

Crow goes for a swing at Aaron

Aaron easily blocks it then he punches him with his left hand

Crow: ouhh

Tora: ah he's out know

Aaron: yeah that was easy

Tora picks up Skylar's wallet

Tora: here ya go

Skylar: uh thanks

Aaron activates his SRC (soul restricting cuffs)

And puts then on crow

Skylar: man that guy was chasing me for a while

Tora: we were on the fire escape watching

Skylar: (what they were watching) oh well thanks for saving me

Aaron: your welcome

Skylar: I guess if you a Bounty Hunter you go to an Academy

Aaron: yeah black point

Skylar: hmm black point huh

And you names aaron

Aaron: yes

Skylar: oh your on the top S rank team at black point

Tora: you know it

Skylar: I'll be at black point on Monday

Aaron: oh right the new semester right

Skylar: yeah

Tora: aaron let's bring him in already

Aaron: yeah okay

Anyways I guess we might see you around at black point

Then he opens a Rift and walks in with crow and tora


Skylar laying in bed

Skylar: oh man last night

( I was useless I still can't use my ordnance)

She goes down stairs

Sarah: hey sis

Skylar: good morning

Sarah: you got home kinda late last night were you on a date

Skylar: no I got chased by a criminal he almost killed me

Sarah: woah really what happened

Skylar: well

She explains what happened

Sarah: huh that's crazy

Skylar: I know lucky aaron saved me

Sarah: ah aaron he's the coolest

Skylar: wait aren't you with Martin

Sarah: oh I'm hanging out with Martin today

I got to go

Skylar: well good luck

Skylar contacts her friends

Annie: hello

Carla: hello

Skylar: hey guys

Annie: you guys excited to go to black point

Carla: you know it annie

Skylar: yeah

Annie: but you can't use your ordnance yet

Skylar: I know

Annie: are you sure you can do it because I have doubts about you

Carla: annie don't be like that

Skylar: thanks Carla

Carla: we know you working hard you'll get it soon

Skylar: thanks

Carla: well I have to go

Annie: same I got to get ready

Skylar: right we have to move in to the dorms there

OK then I'll see you two tomorrow




Aaron's com device is ringing

Tora: ah who calls someone this early

Aaron: a maniac who is it

Tora: it's the headmaster

Aaron: uh I knew it

Aaron: hello

HM: I need you to come to my office be here at 8:15...

Aaron: why

Uh he hung up damn him

Well I'll head out

Tora: zzzZZ


A Rift opens in the headmasters office

HM: really

Aaron: what do you want HM

Hm: well there's a class I need you to teach

Aaron: what no no no I can't teach I have to keep doing Bounties

HM: I know your searching but you need to take a break so you have to teach the basics

Aaron: the basics

HM: yes you know he actually asked me for this job but since he's missing you'll have to fill in after all you are team leader right

Aaron: fine

HM: also until your class learns the basics you can't do any Bounties

Aaron: what why

HM: you need to be focused and you did 5 Bounties yesterday

Aaron: hey you know I'm also trying to find..

HM: they haven't been up to any activities lately so take a break

Aaron: yeah I suppose your right

Hm: you might even find a new teammate

Aaron: yeah right

Hm: that was a joke calm down

Here's the details now get going it's 8:27

Aaron: wait where is this class

Hm: uh

Aaron: aren't you the headmaster

Hm: shut it now get going you'll be late



Skylar walks into class but there's no teacher

There's 2 other students

Jack: late on your first day

Skylar: I don't know what you mean I don't see a teacher

Mark: ha

Jack: you shouldn't be late

Skylar: yeah yeah this place is hidden

Jack: not if you looked at the map

Skylar: there was a map?

She sits down

Another minuet passes 8:34

A Rift open and Aaron walks out

Skylar: (him again)

Mark: woah it's aaron

Aaron: uh sorry guys it took some time to find this place it's kinda hidden

Jack: but what about the map

Aaron: there's a map?

Jack:*sigh* you to she was also late

Skylar: did you have to say that

Aaron: huh oh I remember you from Saturday what was your name

Skylar: it's Skylar

Aaron: so you were late to oh well still earlier than me okay what about you two



Aaron: alright then OK

Jack: wait what about roll call

Aaron: uh it's just three of you right

Jack: yes

Aaron: we don't need a roll call

Jack: but

Mark: I think we're good

Aaron: okay then also this is the basics you'll only be here for a couple of days

Jack: yeah ok

Skylar: I can already tell how you were in high school

Aaron: I can too

Jack: what.. What does that mean

Aaron: well anyways this is the basics for people who can't use their ordnance yet so the first step to start using your ordnance it to make a....

Jack: a torch it's the start of being able to use your souls power

Aaron: ah yeah so can you make a torch

Jack: nope

Aaron: ah ha

Skylar: I can see

She holds out her hand a white flame appears in her hand

Aaron:(a white torch she has an angle soul) ah so you can already make a torch then so why are you in the basics for

Skylar: I can't use my ordnance

Aaron: hmm well can you explain how to make a torch

Skylar: you just focus on your palm and feel the energy going there

Mark: hmm

He tries its and he makes a dark green torch

Jack also makes a torch it's basic blue

Jack: I can do it does this mean I can go to regular class now

Aaron: yeah If you want but...

Jack: thanks a lot I'll be heading out

He walks out

Aaron: I was going to say I was going to teach about cores and combat so you all can be a couple weeks a head but I guess he'll be fine

Mark: he's always been like that since middle school he was class president

Skylar: it seemed like it

Aaron: oh well so any questions

Mark: what's the differences in soul color

Aaron: the color shows compatibility with spells like a basic red soul is more compatible with fire and less likely to be able to use ice spells it's not impossible but it's really hard

Mark: what about our souls

Aaron: well yours is more environment based like plants so fire spells are not compatible

And Skylar's is white so that means she has an angel soul more uh I don't really know to much about angel spells they have their own requirements to use those spells like you have to have an angel soul

Skylar: what color soul do you have

Aaron: black

Mark and Skylar:????

Mark: isn't that bad

Aaron: don't worry about me

Mark: but I've never seen you use your ordnance in matches

Aaron: yeah

Skylar: also didn't you get to S rank in 1 week

Aaron: yeah

Mark: got any tricks you can teach us

Aaron: not really I've been using my power for years

Mark: how normally people don't learn how to use there soul power till there 18

Aaron: don't know just practice makes perfect

Skylar: Saturday didn't you knock that guy out without using your ordnance

Aaron: yep

Mark: you even make bounties sound  easy huh

Aaron: well I'll be helping you guys out for a couple of days so don't worry

So keep practicing with the torch and I'm sure your ordnance will click with you

Mark: why are you teaching basics for

Aaron: The headmaster thinks I'm overworking myself so he's forcing me to stop Bounties for a couple of days

Mark: how many Bounties have you done in the last week

Aaron: 37

Mark and Skylar: WHAT

skylar: how many did you do on Saturday

Aaron: only 6

Mark: six in one day damn

Aaron: well it's almost lunch time so do whatever till then I have to work on a core for later

1:20 lunch time

Mark got his ordnance up Skylar can already activate it but nothing happens

Skylar sees her friends she sits with them

Annie: hey Skylar can you use your ordnance yet

Skylar: nope

Carla: eh I'm sure the basics aren't the best

Annie: yeah I bet the teacher barely knows anything

Skylar: (ha wouldn't they be surprised)

Annie: I mean they need someone to teach it right it's not like they can get some amazing like

Skylar: aaron

Annie: yeah I bet he doesn't care about teaching

Skylar: you'd be surprised

Carla: wait is he teaching

Skylar: y...

Annie: come on you know he's not

After lunch 1:40 it's 1:45

Mark and Aaron are back in the class

Then Skylar walks in

Mark: man I'm glad jack is not here anymore I can't handle his complaining

Skylar: I know it's not like I want to be late

Aaron: ah it doesn't matter to me as long as your here I won't report you

Skylar: thanks

Aaron: okay I went ahead and made a core weapon let's go to the training grounds I'll show this thing off

Also mark you can test your ordnance out

They go there

Aaron: okay go a head test out your ordnance on me

Mark: are you sure

Aaron: yeah come on

Mark: how do you know it's a ranged ordnance

Aaron: just trust me it's like a bow

Mark: fine

He act like he's pulling a bow and arrow

And when he releases it it shoots a beam of green light

Aaron activates his basic ordnance it's just black aura around his hand he destroys the green beam and there's a green spot on his hand it slowly fades

Aaron: ah did you see that green spot eventually you'll be able to manipulate it

Mark: how

Aaron: you'll have to figure that out

Hey Skylar catch

He tosses a core at her

Skylar: uh what about my ordnance

Aaron: I think I know your ordnance but try that out

Skylar: uh activate core

It transformed into a sniper rifle

Skylar: woah

Mark: damn

Aaron: I just wiped something up really quick

Skylar: why do I have this

Aaron: ah well you need to be able to fight if you want to be here right

Skylar: yeah

Aaron: and with your ordnance it's impossible to fight with

Skylar: what?

Aaron: your a healer

Mark: but healers can't use core tho right

Aaron: yeah a normal healer but she has an angel soul

Skylar: okay so?

Aaron: you don't have a weapon ordnance your ordnance is for healing

Mark: still I never heard of a healer who could use a core

Aaron: me neither so Skylar go for it

He presses a button and a target dummy appears

Aaron: if you can shoot it it means you can use it so go for it

Skylar: okay

She lines up the shot and pulls the trigger

A white bullet made of soul power flys out and goes into the dummy's head dead center

Aaron: nice shot I guess you've shot one before

Skylar: my parents taught me when they were still alive

Mark: woah

Aaron: okay now

He's looking through his notes from HM

Aaron: ah yes I got to show you what a core at full power can do

Mark: then what was hers set to

Aaron: it's modded high but not maxed unlike this activate core

It transformed into a rail gun

Aaron: okay stand back I've never maxed the power on a rail gun before so

They take a step back

10 dummys pop up I'm a row

Aaron: okay

He aims at the first one

He pulls the trigger and a black beam shoots out

It penetrates each target then hits the wall when it does it explodes and now there's hole in the wall

Aaron: uh well let's get out of here

They leave


Mark leaves skylar is walking out and thinks she should thank aaron for the core

Skylar: hey Aaron thanks for the core

Aaron: oh your welcome hey I got a question for you

Skylar: yeah

Aaron: hmm okay can you join my team

Skylar: what

Aaron: is that a no then

Skylar: uh no I mean why me

Aaron: you seem pretty strong and you got that angel soul

Skylar: really but I have no experience

Aaron: it's fine

Skylar: okay sure I'll join

Aaron: thanks

Skylar: but what do I do with classes training and the dorms

Aaron: right your suppose to live in your team dorms well if your a teammate

I guess you'll have to stay in our team dorm

Skylar: okay

Aaron: well I have to go report to HM after that I can show you our team quarters toras there now

Skylar: oh you mean that cat what is he anyways

Aaron: a soul Beast

Skylar: OK I don't know what that is but

Aaron: it's fine well let's swing by HMs office

They walk to his office

He goes in alone Skylar waits outside

Aaron: hey HM

HM: well how was today

Aaron: good I think after tomorrow the 2 that stayed can go to normal classes

HM: good

Aaron: also I have a new teammate

HM: what I was joking earlier

Aaron: I know but she has an angle soul and she can heal

HM: are you sure she can heal

Aaron: it's a guess but I'm pretty sure

HM: well you are team leader so if you want a new team mate then okay

Aaron: thanks

Hm: well take it easy I'll let you know if they make an appearance

Aaron: thanks

HM: also there's a Hole In wall in the training grounds know anything about that

Aaron: uh rats?

Hm: *sigh* get out

He leaves

There outside

Aaron and Skylar are talking then Skylars friends see then

Annie: Carla look it's Skylar and she's with Aaron

Carla: I can see that

Annie: so you see it to then

Carla: let's go over there

Skylar: well I hope I can assist you...

Annie: hey Skylar

Skylar: oh my friends

Annie: your with a.a.a.Aaron

Skylar: yeah

Carla: uh why

Skylar: I'm his new teammate

Annie and Carla look at each other then look at Aaron

Aaron nods

They faint

Aaron: uh are they okay

Skylar: probably let's go

Aaron: uh yeah okay they seem nice

Skylar: *sigh* yeah they're great

Aaron: nice to have friends to depend on

Skylar: that reminds me aren't you on a team with your friend

Aaron: uh he's been missing for 6 months that's why I've been doing so many Bounties

Skylar: hmm so what happened to him

Aaron: well 6 months ago we were on a mission

*Flash Back*

Target: get em

Karma: ha sending your lackeys in while you run

Aaron: of courses he is his men are dispensable

9 guys are charging at Aaron and karma

Karma activates his ordnance 2 blood red blades appear he slashes 4 of them

There out

Aaron: activate core

He activates a rail gun

And shoots the other 5 with 2 shots

Karma: aaron why are you using a core

Aaron: hey I just built it so I wanted to test it out

Karma: ha you never change

Aaron: now give it up

Target: grr activate core

Aaron shoots the core with the rail gun it fractures his arm

Target: dammit

Karma: now come on let's go

Target: I knew Bounty hunters would come but what luck it was you 2

Karma: can it you criminal

Target: ha ha ha karma who's the real criminal

Aaron: what are you on about you've killed so many people , armed robbery, I could go on

Target: ha I'm not the only one of us who's killed here am I

Aaron: we may have killed some targets before but it's not against the law

Target: but one of you have killed an innocent

Karma: shut up

Karma: hey Aaron give me a minute with him

Aaron: fine

Karma gets to whisper position and listen

Target: I know you've killed a girl when you were 9

Karmas eyes go wide

Target: also that girl was your friends sister

Karma: what

Target: also I have a message from reaper he says it's been to long you should meet up with them or your only friend will die

Karma: reaper

Target: I have a note in my pocket read it

Karma gets the note and reads it

Target: now let's go together and if you turn me in to your friend I'll tell him you killed his sister

Karma: fine

He stands up

Aaron: you ready yet

Karma: I I'm sorry

Aaron: what

Karma: I'm sorry okay I..

Aaron: what the hell did you say to him

Target: I told him some info now karma what are you going to do

Karma: I'll do the right thing

Target: good

Karma stabs their target and kills him

Aaron: woah what the hell

Karma: I'm can't go back

He starts walking away

Aaron: hey wait

Karma activates his codex

Karma: blood rain


These red sharp crystals are falling from the sky aaron opens a Rift to block them

Karma: I'm sorry


Aaron: and that's what happened

Skylar: so your target told him something and he left after he killed the target

Aaron: yeah

Skylar: what ever he was told it must have been important

Aaron: anyways you mentioned earlier your parents taught you how to shoot but there not around anymore

Skylar: yeah they were part of

Law unit 319 and well

Aaron: that unit got wiped out in the war 7 years ago

Skylar: yeah

Aaron: I remember they had a in memories list and half of units the 300s got wiped out that was the biggest loss in people but they won in the end

Skylar: yeah I'm proud of them but now it's just me and my sister

What about your family

Aaron stops and takes a deep breath

Skylar: is it a horrible memory

Aaron: yes but you told me about yours so it's my turn I was 8 when my family got executed in front of me it was just me and my sister after that a year or so went by it was tough but I learned to make and mod cores so I was able to protect her but then the same person came back he brought some one with him and told them to kill her and they could be free so I lost my sister then he said the experiment can begin the he took my soul and gave me my demon soul I was alone until I met karma when I was 11

Skylar: oh i'm sorry I asked

Aaron: don't worry it was so long ago I barely remember my parents also my sister was only killed because someone ordered it I can't blame that person I probably would have done the same if it was for my freedom

Skylar: hmm

Aaron: anyways let's move away from this conversation

Skylar: yeah

Aaron: were almost there

In their quarters

Tora: man Aaron's been gone all day what could he be doing hmmm oh I know I'll prank him

Tora fills a cup with water ink and sugar and places it over the door with a spell that stops a small object

Tora: hehehe

Outside the door

Aaron hesitates to open the door

Skylar: you okay

Aaron: I have a bad feeling I'm going to be pranked when I open the door

Skylar: pranked?


He opens the door and when he walks in the liquid falls on him

Tora: Ahahahahah yes

Aaron: tora why

Tora: ah ah I Ahahahahah

Aaron activates his codex

Aaron: dark curse

Tora: wahahahahahahahahah ow why

Aaron: 💢 why

Tora: it's just water ink and sugar

Aaron: mine was just a weak spell

Tora: weak that hurts

Aaron: well it's my weakest spell would you rather I use a stronger one

Tora: *sigh* no oh I remember her

Aaron: she's our new teammate

Tora: really a new teammate

Aaron: yeah I'll be back in 5 mins I got to take a shower

He leaves

Tora: so how have you been since Saturday

Skylar: good I was surprised to see Aaron teaching my class

Tora: what he's teaching

Skylar: yeah I guess the headmaster asked him today

Tora: that's why he was gone today huh

Skylar: yeah I had to learn the basics

Tora: really have you found out what your ordnance is

Skylar: no Aaron said I was a healer

Tora: what you can heal but what about fight

Skylar: I have a core now

Tora: huh I never heard of a healer and a fighter

Skylar: aaron said it's because of my soul he said it's an angel soul

Tora: woah hey can you help me out then

Skylar: with what

Tora: well Aaron had a demon soul so you can really hurt him you know so can you get some payback for me

Skylar: uh no

Tora: come on he has it coming

Aaron: Dark curse

Tora: wahahahahahahahahah  why

Aaron: you had it coming

Skylar: didn't your scarf get wet to

Aaron: don't worry about that it has a spell so it can't get dirty wet or holes although it has been a while since it been recast on it

Tora: that was a special gift from his sister

Aaron: yep

Skylar: I see he told me about his family on the way here

Tora: really he's only told that to karma I've been with him for a while so I know so we're the only ones who about him

Skylar: really

Tora: why did you tell her

Aaron: she told me about her family so

Tora: I guess your parents are gone

Skylar: yeah

Tora: so that's why huh

Aaron: they were in the law unit when the war was going on

Tora: let's see I know half of the units in the 300s were killed they weren't in those unit where they

Skylar: yeah

Tora: man I remember hearing that news  the Radia bomb killed....

Aaron hits tora

Tora: hey

Aaron: tora don't remind her of her family you idiot

Tora: oh sorry I was...

Skylar: it's okay I'm proud of them they died on duty it's sad but they inspired me to join black point to save people

Aaron: so I guess you didn't want to join a Bounty Team

Skylar: nah I was planning to be with my friends on a Bounty team they talked about the money I want to help people but the law units aren't for me

Tora: so why did you join us

Skylar: aaron asked id be pretty stupid to turn it down

Aaron: well she's a teammate now so that means we're friends right

Skylar: of course

Tora: man it's been so lonely since karma left I haven't had a prank buddy

Skylar: I'm not helping you prank aaron

Tora: what

Aaron: yes someone on my side

Tora: your on his side

Skylar: yeah


Skylar: also he zapped you when you prank him

Aaron: please don't help him ever

Skylar: I won't help him with pranks

Tora: okay then your not immune to my pranks then

Skylar: how about I stay neutral when it comes to pranks

Tora: nope my mind's made up your in the same boat as Aaron

Skylar: *sigh*

Tora: are we doing a mission tonight aaron

Aaron: no I'm on break for a couple of days

Tora: good I'm tired yesterday we did 4 Bounties

Aaron: 5

Tora: really I guess I'm tired to but what about Skylar doesn't she need food money

Aaron: yeah your right hmm how does 5000$ sound

Skylar: what

Aaron: your right 10000$

Skylar: that's not what I meant that's a lot of money

Aaron: just some spending money until we go on a Bounty

Skylar: 10000 that's a lot

Tora: lunch on average is 10$ so you should be set for a while

Skylar: thanks

Aaron takes a card and scans it to his com he puts 10000$ on it

Aaron: here

He throws it towards her she catches it

Aaron: you should have an account here just add that to your account so it's safe and you can use your com to do transactions with I'll have a com for you by tomorrow so don't lose that money

Skylar: I won't trust me on that

Aaron: do you have any bags or anything

Skylar: yeah all my stuff is packed up its at my house I have to go get it

Tora: your moving in here

Skylar: yeah

Aaron: well let's go

He opens a Rift

Skylar: what is this

Aaron: it's a Rift if we go through that we're basically in another dimension you can't interact with things but it's faster to travel this way

Skylar: what about doors if we can't interact with them

Aaron: we can just walk through something if it's thin enough

Skylar: huh okay then

They go in and go to Skylars house