
Last day of basics

In the tq

Aaron takes his shirt off

Aaron: so how bad is it

Tora: that's a big hole

Skylar: I I don't know what to say

I'll try to heal it

She activates her ordnance and holds her hands up to Aaron's shoulder

After a couple of minutes the wound closes and the pain goes away

Aaron moves his shoulder

Aaron: ah good as new thanks

Skylar: I'm glad I could help

Tora: woah she really does have healing powers

Aaron checks his com

Aaron: that's not good

Tora: what

Aaron: Martins team is getting roasted for the stunt they pulled

Tora: at least only the people there saw it

Skylar: but there was cameras

Tora: there were

Skylar: yeah

Aaron: yeah I see the match listed here

Tora: oh let's see

They watch it

Aaron: wow look at that they had an amazing camera angle when Kaleb shoot

Tora: damn you got em good with your ordnance

Then it's over

Skylar: wow just seeing that bullet hit you and your shoulder God that looked painful

Tora: im sure there'll be a slow motion replay by tomorrow

Aaron: wow it's 11:00

Skylar: man today was an exciting day

Aaron: well I'm going to sleep....

Aaron's COM rings

Aaron: really it's HM

HM: Hello aaron I saw your match tonight

Aaron: yeah

HM: well what should we do about Martin's team

Aaron: don't worry about them I'm fine so

HM: okay I just make a message up that you said

Aaron: uh just say no hard feelings from Aaron

HM: are you sure you can dig a little deeper if you want

Aaron: that's fine

HM: fine


Aaron: man I thought I'd have to go his office

Well I'm done for today good night

Skylar goes to her room to

Morning Tuesday 6:30

Aaron's wakes up takes a shower and leaves

7:20 Skylar wakes up and takes a shower

7:30 she's at the kitchen table

Then Aaron walks in

Aaron: hey

Skylar: you got up early

Aaron: yeah I had to go pick this stuff up

He puts a core holster and her com and the com holder on the table

Skylar: is that my com

Aaron: yep I already registered you to it so you don't have to and I registered my com to it

Skylar picks up her com and activates it

She takes the money card and scans it

It goes into her account

Aaron: you can put this around you arm and have with you

Skylar: can't it break if if gets hits by an ordnance

Aaron: not these models they have a core that is like SRCs so if an ordnance hits it, it doesn't have any effect on it

Skylar: so it's also like having shield

Aaron: yeah

Skylar: cool and I guess that is a core holster

Aaron: yeah cores just stick to it

So you can store your sniper there

Aaron: it's already 8:12

Skylar: what

Aaron: we should head out

They walk out

There at black point it's 8:30

Aaron: I just remembered I have to go see hm I'll be late but I doubt you guys will mind

Skylar: okay

The split up


Skylar walks in

Jack: your late again

Skylar: why are you back here

Jack: uh I may have been told I need my ordnance to actually do something

Skylar: then why did you leave early

Mark: don't try to reason with him

Then Aaron walks in

Aaron: jack why are you here

Jack: my ordnance doesn't do anything

Aaron: then why did you leave yesterday

Jack: I may have got a head of myself

Aaron:*sigh* well they can use the ordnance so ask them I already explained things

Jack: but your the teacher

Aaron: yes and I taught yesterday

Jack: but

Aaron: okay moving on so today there's nothing planned so do whatever

Jack: can you help me then

Aaron: hmm uh I'm on break now

Jack: but we just started

Aaron: if I help you you will never learn so you'll have to rely on other people your age

Skylar: your only 1 year older

Aaron: what uh it's important to talk to teammates I mean you'll have to form one eventually so you should get to know people

Jack: but your suppose to teach

Aaron: i'm still in pain from my match last night

Skylar: but I.....

Aaron: oh the pain!!

Skylar: oh I see

Mark: wait you had a match last night

Aaron: yeah

Mark: can we watch it

Aaron: sure

He activates his com and makes the holo screen bigger so they can see it's playing

Jack: this isn't regulation

Mark: jack your not student council president anymore

Jack: I I know that I'm going to try to get back there tho

Mark: how do you become part of the student council

Aaron: uh you can challenge for it or head master selects you or a high ranked member can select you

Jack: wait I could challenge someone to get on board

Aaron: yeah

Mark: oh no he started thinking

Jack: uh how many seats are there

Aaron: 6

If I remember correctly there's one open seat

Jack: please tell how I can join

Skylar: I doubt you'd make it if you can't use your ordnance

Jack: look who's talking

Skylar: I can use mine

Jack: tell me who's on the student council

Aaron: the president is Alice Lionheart

I'm the second seat....

Jack: I challenge you to a match

Aaron: if I could give it away it would be all yours

Jack: I guess I'll just have to take it then

Mark: aaron your part of the overachievers

Aaron: believe me I didn't choose it there's lots of work I never show up to meetings the only thing I like to participate in is planning tournaments

Jack: I love that part doing paperwork and organizing

Aaron:? You know I may be able to let you join as the 6 seat

Jack: really

Aaron: sure there'll be a lot of paperwork

Jack: that's fine I'll be able to make my way up right

Aaron: eventually

Jack: please

Aaron: deal when you leave go to the sc room and look for my desk

Jack: thank you

Mark whispers to Skylar: did aaron just get someone to do his work

Skylar: seems so

Aaron: well it's official welcome no going back

Jack: I won't

Aaron: great by the way you don't focus on your ordnance it's a sword

Jack: really

He tries it and he has a basic blue sword

Jack: thanks now I can go to normal classes right

Aaron: sure but don't forget

Jack: I won't

He leaves

Skylar: taking advantage of him huh

Aaron: you don't know how much work the sc is

Skylar: it doesn't sound like you know either

Aaron: your right if you'd stack all the papers on my desk it would easily be 6 feet tall

Mark: I don't really like jack that much

Aaron: I'll help him out

Mark: only after he said he'd do your work

Aaron:💦no I was planning on helping him from the start

Skylar: sure

Aaron: anyways now that I don't have to worry about that I can focus on what I need to do

Skylar: which is

Aaron: you know

Skylar: oh yeah you'll find him

Mark: when did you to get close

Aaron: oh she joined my Team yesterday

Mark: what

Skylar: yep sure did

Mark: lucky you

Skylar: thanks

Mark: oh well I have my friends waiting for me

Can we continue watching your match

Aaron: sure

They watch it again

Mark: damn that was awesome

I guess that's why your in pain huh

Skylar: no he was faking I healed him last night

Mark: wow really

Aaron: oh look at the time it's already lunch haha

He opens a Rift and ditches

Skylar: man he's actually really lazy

Her com rings its a message from Aaron

Aaron: I resent that I'm just tired

Skylar: wait your still in here

Aaron: uh no...

Skylar: uh huh

Aaron: well I'll be in the cafeteria


They leave to go to lunch

In HMs office

HM: so there good

Aaron: yep

HM: I see you also filled the 6 seat

Aaron: yeah

HM: did you actually find  someone to do your work

Aaron: yep

HM: haha your pretty devious aren't you

Aaron: what no I'm just your normal student

HM: ha funny anyways they'll be transferred to normal classes tomorrow but I still want you to take a break from Bounties

Aaron: yeah I will

HM: stay out of trouble okay

Aaron: don't i always

HM: nope

Aaron: hey

HM: okay lunch is over so hurry back

Aaron: okay see ya

Back in the classroom

Skylar and Mark are seated

Aaron: hey you 2 will be going to normal classes tomorrow

Mark: really but this is great

Aaron: yeah with what you know now you should be a week ahead of everyone else

Skylar: really even though all we learned was how to use our ordnance

Aaron: yeah I remember my first week it was so boring

Mark: what happened after that I mean you became the best here right how did classes go

Aaron: karma and me didn't do any classes after the first week

Skylar: really so you don't know much about the curriculum

Aaron: the first week

Mark: I don't think that really counts

Aaron: well you to will have to deal with test and boring training exercise

Skylar: man you didn't have to deal with that

Aaron: nope