
Bounty & Freedom

A boy with a bounty on his head, a girl seeking freedom.

RolenOthronus · Fantasy
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6 Chs

~ Ryu ~

I run out of the tavern gripping the paper tightly in my hand as I run in the direction I saw the boy go.

" That money is mine!" I practically scream in my head as I dodge people walking by. " Where is he?" I mumble as I come to a stop looking around. He's nowhere to be seen when someone calls out my name. " Ryu, hey, Ryu what are you doing out here it's getting cold," I turn around to see Tora running towards me holding her dress up so she doesn't trip.

" What are you doing out here?" She says out of breath.

" I should be asking you the same thing, anyway let's go, it's getting late," I said leading her back the way we came looking over my shoulder one last time to see if the boy appeared magically when I wasn't looking. Tora's talking about something but I don't know what. It turns to background noise, all I can think about is the money.

" Finally get us out of debt to Drew," I mutter. Tora stops talking and looks at me.

" Oh, no you were going after someone weren't you," I snap out of my trance.

" What, no, you know I wouldn't do that without telling you first," I quickly said. She gave me the look that always makes me tell her the truth. I sigh with defeat. " Yes, I was, a new bounty was hung. The only reason why I took it was that I've seen the guy before and there's a lot of money if I track him down,"

" Wait, you've already seen him?" Tora asks.

" Yes, I may or may not have robbed him in the forest earlier today,"

" Oh, is that all? Wait, what?! We've talked about robbing people Ryu!"

" Hush, it's fine he somehow found me and he got his worthless bag back in the end," I say with a shrug.

" That bag may have been worthless to you but not to him,"

I gave her a look and she gave me a look back that said she was going to be stubborn. Before we walk back to the tavern I stuff the paper in the side of my boot.

" Look whos back," Said one of the guys I was drinking with before I left. He raised his glass high into the air. I give him a small wave as I walked to the stairs which led to the rooms. Tora following behind me. We were walking past the last table before the stairs when she gave a little yelp. I quickly turned around drawing one of my daggers from its sheath. In one smooth motion, my dagger pressed to the man's throat that dared to touch Tora.

" Have this be a warning to all of you, if one of you so much as dares to touch my sister I'll slit your throat and I will feed your remains to the pigs myself!" I stated loudly so my voice reached every corner of the tavern, the jewels in the eyes of the dragon that claimed my blade twinkled in the light as the frightened man looked at me not daring to move. Once I thought everyone understood not to cross me or my sister I removed my blade from the man's throat as I did a thin line of blood started to run down his neck staining his white shirt forever red. I quickly corralled Tora up the stairs glaring at everyone before I followed.