
Bounty & Freedom

A boy with a bounty on his head, a girl seeking freedom.

RolenOthronus · Fantasy
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6 Chs

~The Vance family~

I keep running not looking back hoping no one recognizes me. All I can think about is finding a place to hide from that girl. Praying she hasn't changed her mind to use her weapon. At that thought, I started running even faster. When the sun completely disappeared and the night took over everything letting the glowing of the stars and moon shine did I stop running. By that time I was on the edge of the town, opposite where I started. I leaned against a tree catching my breath, I let my legs give out my body hitting the ground making my joints hurt slightly.

" I need to keep moving," I quietly said to myself with my eyes closed still breathing hard.

I must've fallen asleep because I awake to the sounds of a cart going by. I open my eyes to see a farmer coming from the way of the town I was in yesterday. He stops and looks at me.

" Hey, there, are you okay?" He asks. I stand up and pretending to be a people person replied.

" Oh, yeah thank you for your concern," I said with a smile. He looks at my clothes and bag before he speaks.

" You look to be a traveler, where are you going?"

" I'm going to the town next over," I replied with another smile.

" If that's the case my place is on the way, why don't you come with me," He said with a laugh.

" Thank you," I said as I climbed into the back of his empty cart. When he saw I was sitting he began moving again.

" So, what's your name?" He asked craning his neck. I thought about it for a second making sure to not take too long to answer.

" It's Sebastien Lee, but everyone calls me Lee," I answered, hoping it sounded believable.

" Okay, Mr. Lee I'm Flint Vance, a pleasure to meet you," He answered.

" Pleasures all mine," I replied.

Silence fell for a while until Mr. Vance spoke again. " I noticed your clothes are on their last leg, I'll see if my son has any that'll fit you, if not my wife can make you some. It'll take a few days though."

" Thank you, I appreciate it," I said with a smile even though I knew he couldn't see my face.

" It shouldn't be long now, we're almost there," Mr. Vance spoke. I didn't say anything, the landscape has changed. Where there used to be trees there are fields of growing crops and life stock now. A few cows lifted their heads as we passed. We start to turn towards a small house with little bunches of flowers growing on the sides and vines growing up the house, as Mr. Vance talked. " Here we are, home sweet home,"

I could hear a little girl yell from inside saying that her father was back. A minute later three people appeared through the now open door. We stop so fast I almost fall out the open back of the cart, Mr. Vance jumps down his daughter running into his open arms laughing. His wife now standing next to him waiting for her turn to greet her husband. His son tending to the happy horses that took us the whole way here. No ones seemed to notice me yet and just as I thought that Mr. Vance turned to me. His family looking at me.

" This is Mr. Lee, he'll be staying with us for a while," He spoke. " This is my wife, Lily Vance, my daughter Maria Vance and my son Owen Vance,"

" It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said trying to be polite.

" Flint, dear may I speak with you privately," Mrs. Vance spoke softly. They turned their backs to me as you spoke in a hushed voice.

" Dear, we know nothing about this boy, do you really want him to stay with us?" She asked.

" We may not know anything but you can tell he needs us, let him stay with us for a few days, he'll work while he's here, plus we need the extra help or we won't have enough food for the upcoming winter,"

Mrs. Vance let out a sigh. Mr. Vance turned around with a smile.

" Welcome to the family Mr. Lee, "

" Mr. Vance, you don't have to keep calling me that," I said sheepishly. He let out a laugh,

" Very well then, Lee it is,"

Little Maria came up to me and with a huge smile on her face and said " Welcome home big brother Lee," I smiled back at her and replied " Glad to be home,"

I quickly got comfortable with the Vance family working on the farm with Mr. Vance and Owen during the day and eating Mrs. Vance's marvelous cooking at night. During the day Mrs. Vance worked on making me new clothes to wear and little Maria trying to copy her mother but ends up playing with her doll. On the second day I was there Mrs. Vance cut my hair for me, short like her sons so it'll be easier to take care of. Owen didn't like how comfortable I was getting with his family so every chance he got he glared and made faces to let me know he doesn't want me here, I ignored him the best I could until the day came that I needed to leave.

Wearing the new soft clothes Mrs. Vance made for me and the food she gave me tucked away inside my bag I was saying my goodbyes making sure they know how thankful I was to them. Before I turned to leave little Maria stopped me and gave me a string with a pretty little rock hanging from it.

" Here," She said, " It'll keep you safe on your journey," I got down to her height and thanked her. She pulled me into a tight hug and started crying. " Don't forget us okay," Maria said between sobs. " Of course," I replied hugging her back. After a minute she let me go and I put the necklace around my neck before leaving.