
Boruto: Shinobi World-Real World

'Boruto: Rewriting the Trash Story' spinoff, where the Shinobi World will be interacting with ours. It is one of my versions of what a Naruto sequel could have been. Naruto and Sasuke without nerf, no ridiculous power scaling, And what a sequel of the most popular anime should have been. While still having Otsutsuki elements and OG Boruto villains, but better. Follow Boruto is Trash on YouTube for chapter by chapter videos.

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UN-Shinobi Alliance meeting

As the night was approaching, just a few hours till it was Boruto's birthday, Shikamaru connected Hokage's computer to the meeting between UN and Shinobi Alliance.

"Hey Gaara! It's good to see you!"

Naruto waved excitedly by Gaara after a long time.

"It's good to see you too, Naruto."

Gaara, the 5th Kazekage said calmly, but it was obvious that he was also happy by seeing Naruto.

"You sure are excited, Hokage."

Darui, the 5th Raikage said leisurely.

"You do realise we have to do heavy work after this, don't you?"

Kurotsuchi, the 4th Tsuchikage said with a frown.

Chojuro, the 6th Mizukage just nodded along.

"Well, it will be just a small meeting to discuss our strategy again."

Shikamaru started.

"I know that I have already said it, but do we really need to maintain the barrier? According to Orochimaru, it might take us six months or more to repair the barrier. And it will just crack again next year. If even Naruto can't repair the barrier in a day, I really wonder who created such a barrier in the first place."

Darui complained.

Naruto sighed.

"And I already said we don't know who did it. The Toad sage, Slug sage and Snake sage, who are older than the Sage of Six Paths didn't know about such a barrier existing. We can only assume that it is the work of a being much stronger and older than Kaguya."

Shikamaru sighed tiredly.

"And we have to maintain the barrier. Last year, one-eighth of their population died, mainly small children from newborns to 4-5 years of age. The medicine that Sakura, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Karin and Granny Tsunade worked on may not even work. But this is our only hope that more people won't die just because of us existing. And we are required to keep up the chakra leakage there to the minimum."

Naruto said with a frown, clearly frustrated about the situation.

"Alright. There isn't much time before we would be able to connect the Internet with the New World fast enough for a video conference. I will revisit the plan.

First, Orochimaru, Sakura, Karin, 5th Kazekage, 4th Raikage, Killer Bee, 5th Mizukage and 4th Tsuchikags, along with all other tailer beasts will try to keep the cracks to the minimum. And in that time, I will meet with the UN face to face along with 5th Hokage to check the effectiveness of the medicine.

Meanwhile, Naruto will make 2 billion clones to distribute the medicines as fastly as possible, within a minute of the barrier cracking.

Now, if the medicines work, we will slowly stop repairing the barrier over six months, and let it fall after another month of observation. If it doesn't work, we will have to keep repairing it.


Konoha's Team 7 and 8 will escort the awakeners from Japan and South Korea respectively.

Suna's Team 1 and 3 will escort the awakeners from India.

Kumo's Team 3 will escort the awakeners from the USA.

Kiri's Team 2 will escort the awakener from Russia.

And Iwa's Team 14 and 15 will escort the awakeners from China.

We are provided a list of total 20 awakeners from these countries. For the list we aren't given, Naruto will find them after a day and tell us the location, and our ANBUs will bring them with to us, if they are being used as tools of war.

We won't interfere in their war before we make sure that more children won't die with the medicine's help.

That's all for the plan. Nothing else."

Shikamaru revisited the plan, and every Kage agreed to it.

After a few minutes, the satellite signals' strength was finally able to reach the UN building, with frequency strong enough for calls.

Normally, it took about two months for one piece of information to reach to the other side of the barrier, and they were barely texts which had to be deciphered due to the damage in the messages.

After an hour, the signals were finally strong enough for video conferencing, and the UN got connected with the Shinobi Alliance.

"Good afternoon, the members of Shinobi Alliance. I am the Chairperson of the United Nations, George Hilston. I will be speaking on the behalf of the consensus reached in our organisation."

An old man, looking like he is in his 70s spoke.

'Ah. Different timezones.'

Shikamaru realized and spoke.

"Good afternoon. I am Shikamaru Nara, the head of the Shinobi Alliance. I will be speaking on the behalf of the Shinobi World. We have prepared the medicines that may be able to save the children of the New World. I suggest all countries to stop all wars and conflicts for atleast some days."


"The medicines were working on the people provided by the UN. But we tested the medicines on our side of barrier. So we can't be entirely sure. But there is a 80% chance that the medicines will work."

"And if they don't?"

The UN Chairperson asked, skeptical about these people with magical power.

"Then I will give Chakra to everyone so that nobody dies."

Naruto dropped a bomb.

And Shikamaru, along with every Kage wanted to beat him up so badly right now.