
Boruto: Shinobi World-Real World

'Boruto: Rewriting the Trash Story' spinoff, where the Shinobi World will be interacting with ours. It is one of my versions of what a Naruto sequel could have been. Naruto and Sasuke without nerf, no ridiculous power scaling, And what a sequel of the most popular anime should have been. While still having Otsutsuki elements and OG Boruto villains, but better. Follow Boruto is Trash on YouTube for chapter by chapter videos.

BorutoIsTrash · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Uchiha Sarada

(Sarada's PoV)

"I am home."

As I entered home, I was greeted by the good old silence I have gotten accustomed to.

It seems that Mumma is busy in the Hospital in her research as usual. Well, now that I am a genin, I will be able to attend mom's classes on medical ninjutsu and spend more time with her. 

I have practiced chakra control a lot, and with my Sharingan, remembering medical books isn't a problem.

Though, Mumma was quite worried when I awakened the Sharingan. I don't really understand why. She said that it awakens due to trauma and all, but I just awakened it when she came home after two months last year.

Looking at the mirror, I couldn't help but marvel at my eyes. They look so cool! I wonder how Papa's looks in person.

I looked at our family photo. In it, I was a newborn, in Papa's arms as he was holding me awkwardly. His Rinnegan looks cool in photo, but I wonder how it will look when I finally meet him.

Will I even meet him? I don't know.

Will I even get such cool eyes like him? I imagined myself having a Rinnegan in my left eye like Papa..., no. Papa was left handed before loosing his arm, but I am right handed like Mumma. It will be much cooler if I get the Rinnegan in my right eye instead.

Ugh. Whatever. I am sure that I will also get it one day. Uncle Naruto does say that I am much better than Papa when he was a kid.

Papa always lost to Uncle Naruto afterall. Uncle Naruto did tell me that Papa declared that he will become the Hokage in the Fourth Great Shinobi War.

And no one even considered him a candidate.

Pfft! Hahaha! I would really like to see that scene when he declared that.

I wonder why Mumma married this loser, if he can't even come home despite having the Rinnegan.

Oh. Speaking of Mumma, I remember her saying that she will be away for about six months or more to try the medicine she developed for the New World with the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade-sama.

As for Papa, it seems like he doesn't care about us. I don't even remember seeing him. And Boruto calls him cool and Uncle Naruto lame. Hmph!

Well, ranting about him wouldn't do anything good to me. It has almost become a habit.

Just like Boruto rants about Uncle Naruto.

Eww. I don't want to be even a bit similar to that guy.

Sighing, I decided to freshen up first, and then go to the market to look for a present for that annoying guy. I am sure that Mumma will come home late, and then panic that she forgot to buy a present. I know she is busy and all, but it is annoying that I have to take care of her.

Sometimes, it feels like I am her mother instead of the other way round.


What should I gift him...?


Hmm... I gifted him that last year, and before that too.

Oh. I gifted him that even before that.

"Oh Sarada! Good thing that I found you here. I need your help."

I turned around to see the source of voice behind me, and Lord Sixth was waving at me!

"Lord Sixth! What help would you need from me?"

"Well, you see, I am looking for a present for Boruto. Since you are his teammate, maybe you can give me some advice?"

Advice...me? To the Sixth Hokage himself!? Yay! I would definitely brag to everyone that I advised him. No, wait a minute...

"Ne ne! You taught Papa the Chidori, right? Can you teach me that too!?"

Boruto is going to learn Rasengan. I will obviously learn that too as the next Hokage, but it wouldn't hurt to learn the previous Hokage's jutsu too.

He looked at me for a moment, then shrugged.

"Do you know your Chakra natures?"

"Yeah. Fire, Lightning and Water. I got water from Mumma, and Fire and Lightning from Papa."

Though I should have gotten every chakra nature affinity. Papa has every element due to Rinnegan.

Well, it's no big deal. I will just master the other two natures slowly. 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th Hokage has mastery over all elements, so it would be shameful for me to not being able to do that too.

"Alright. I will be handling the Hokage job for a while, so I will teach you."



"Come with me, Lord Sixth. I will help you choose the gift."

"Then I will rely on you."


"Thanks for your help, Sarada. Let's meet at the birthday party tomorrow."

"Take care, Lord Sixth."

As I waved goodbye to the leaving Lord Sixth, I pumped by fist in victory. I will finally learn Chidori, and become one step closer to become the Hokage.

A position Papa couldn't achieve despite declaring that he will become Hokage.